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What is the public's mood on ebikes?


10 kW
Jan 29, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
I just read about how schwinn bicycles dominated most of the 20th century with their American made bikes. I am just wondering why has no one tried to do what schwinn did on a massive scale with electric bikes?

What is the general mood of the public regarding electric bikes in your opinion?
Most people in the U.S. haven't even heard of an electric bike nor remember seeing one. If my family might be considered a sample of the population, it seems no one wanted to ride it. Maybe it had something to do with the scariness of electrocution. After persuading my sister after much reluctance to ride it, she quickly grasped the awesomeness of it. If it doesn't make noise, it's like most people don't even perceive that it actually is doing something significant.

My extended family, though, thinks my electric scooter is pretty awesome. It makes some low end grunt type of noise (fairly quiet but audible within 10-20 feet), and they seem to quickly grasp it's doing something cool.

So, in effect, I think most people need to actually ride an electric bike "to get it" or otherwise hear some noise. Otherwise, they don't seem to quite understand what it's doing and how much it actually helps.
Here's what I've heard from others about my recent e-bike purchase:

"So, you're too lazy to pedal now?"

I got the same comment from two different people that don't bike. Ever. :roll:
This country is all about Size and Power. 4 person families on mid income levels buying 3000 squarefoot homes. Oversized tubs, Super capacity appliances, Always ordering the large size of whatever is on the menu, Moms driving there 2 kids to school in v8 powered Suburbans, Excursions, Landrovers, ect. Men who want Motorbikes go out and get 1500 pound Harleys with the biggest, loudest pipes they can. Its not just about Size, but about the appearance of doing well.

No one rides a bicycle. its too damn small. and slow. and the status symbol of a bike rider is either a health nut, or poverty.

Then you take take that poor status symbol, an add some word to the beginning of it that conjures up images in people's minds of mad scientists and science fairs in grade school, and you get a phrase that almost immediately scares people off. Electric Bicycle.

As a friend of mine likes to point out, Often, Half the people in the world are below Average intelligence. An Electric Bicycle is something that takes above average understanding to use right now. the technology isn't evolved enough to put one in everyone's hands. The bikes will have to get better, and people's opinions will slowly change.
it's weird i don't really understand it. some people like the idea of electric bikes and some really seem to hate the idea. in the UK there are loads of bicycles. there is often deep hatered between some bicycle riders and some car drivers. people are ok with that. electric bicycles come between that some how and it sparks emotions in people.
I would have to agree with you drunkskunk. There are basicly 5 types of bike riders.

1. Kids who have no other form of personal transportation, or people who can't afford any other form of personal transportation.
2. The Spandex crowd (both road and Mountain bike) who ride for exersize and the ego boost their $$$ bikes and gear gives them.
3. The relativly new fad of Fixie riders, who the vast majority of are complete clueless idiots who don't know how to ride a bike, let alone a fixed gear bike with NO BRAKES :shock: on public roads.
4. All of the rest of us who own a bike, have one or two in the garage and ride on occasion, like down at the beach, on the 4th of July, or on a Sunday afternoon ride to the park with family and or friends.
5. And then there is the odd duck.....electric assist bike riders who ride for exersize, some say for the GREEN factor, AND for the challange of......the build.

There is a new Electric Bike shop that opened up down the street about a month ago, and all they sell is 6-7 different models of electric assist bikes with a few sit down type electric scooters but that have pedals to qualify as....electric bikes. As much as I might like to hope he is successfull and that the comunity will embrace electric bikes as perssonal trnsportation, I realy doubt that they will still be in business come next year. Sadly as a society, IMO we are just not ready to give up our precious cars and haul ourselves around on a bike, electricly assisted or not..
Ask us again next time gasoline is selling for four bucks a gallon in the US. Everybody I know thinks I'm looooony tuuuuunes. Gas hits 5 bucks, and another summer of every US vendor is sold out till the next container arrives. Till then, its " lets buy a F350 4x4 pickup"

To me, when I get on that e-bike its a time machine to my twenties, when I could pedal a bike 25 mph for hours. Now I still can. Previously, I got bored pedaling along at 50 yr old pace, 10 mph. Others didn't do the kind of riding I did when young, and have no idea how fun dragging your knee around corners can be.
I have a wilderness energy 36 volt kit on my vintage schwinn cruiser. I take the bike to work 10 miles a day. Never do i take the train or bus in Chicago anymore. My ebike has saved me tons of money. My dad was big time skeptical of my bike until i showed it to him and let him ride it. He couldnt believe it.

Im just wondering whats going to happen when gas goes over 4 dollars a gallon again? Maybee that would be the perfect storm to get people to look harder at this technology.

Mass Marketing campaign. what ya think?
Drunkskunk said:
This country is all about Size and Power. 4 person families on mid income levels buying 3000 squarefoot homes. Oversized tubs, Super capacity appliances, Always ordering the large size of whatever is on the menu, Moms driving there 2 kids to school in v8 powered Suburbans, Excursions, Landrovers, ect. Men who want Motorbikes go out and get 1500 pound Harleys with the biggest, loudest pipes they can. Its not just about Size, but about the appearance of doing well.

No one rides a bicycle. its too damn small. and slow. and the status symbol of a bike rider is either a health nut, or poverty.

Then you take take that poor status symbol, an add some word to the beginning of it that conjures up images in people's minds of mad scientists and science fairs in grade school, and you get a phrase that almost immediately scares people off. Electric Bicycle.

As a friend of mine likes to point out, Often, Half the people in the world are below Average intelligence. An Electric Bicycle is something that takes above average understanding to use right now. the technology isn't evolved enough to put one in everyone's hands. The bikes will have to get better, and people's opinions will slowly change.

I agree with you 100% :-(

Most people I show who are also in college are interested but that's it... nothing beyond that curiosity.

A few of the engineering people I know are genuinely interested in getting a kit (after they get the money together), however, they are the minority and the most of "us" are more concerned about where we are going to get wasted next weekend or how to pass a class than about how to get to class/ around town easier :-(

Kinda sad when a 19yr old sees where society is heading... time to get back to calc :p
I hang it on the train every day. People often ask me what it is...why the big front hub...? I explain that it is a "motor" and it is like I'm speaking Greek..."A motor....but...where is the actual MOTOR part??" No guys...the windings...magnets...it's all IN THERE....Christ....didn't they make you do the "D" Cell / Paperclip motor in 4th grade science????!!...motors can be really small....doesn't your girlfriend have anything in her bedroom drawer that runs on "C" cells?...laughs...okay....maybe motors can be small....did you know you can do this thing...bike & all and some starter SLA batteries...for like $500
...holy shit....REALLY?

Then peel away from the train stop as fast as I can....better yet....chase & pass the train and stare at the riders...while GOING UPHILL!

Oh...the revolution is coming...I can see it....they secretly WISH they were having this much fun too!
AND.....What I like MOST is that I stopped completely at a red light and then rolled it...a cop was right behind me...he gave me two bursts of the horn...the little electronic glaxon-like sound...and left me alone to go on my way....he KNEW I was just risking ME...and not harming anyone else....he also knew I was electric....and he was totally cool with it...the best experience I've had so far....I believe the culture IS READY....less people will be hurt and killed on these things...by far...and everyone knows it.....
MattDog said:
....doesn't your girfriend have anything in her bedroom drawer that runs on "C" cells?

LOL... I must be tired... best line I've heard all night :p

But yea, sometimes the best way to advertise is to fly off from a start at WOT... people tend to like things that are sleek, fast, and large in this society...

While an ebike has tough competing in the last of those three, the fun factor is a huge selling point along with the practicality of it. I live on the 4th floor of a dorm with no elevator... a motorcycle wouldn't be able to lock up in a bike rack/ ride on the sidewalk (If I really have to), carry up to my room, etc.

Actually, not pedaling while flying up a hill was one of the best ways I found to advertise so far... then I let whoever asks try it... everyone who has tried has smiled so far :p
I don't think drivers recognise the difference between an ebike or anything else that's pedal powered.
Their response runs the spectrum from oblivious to overtly aggressive. It's the semi-stunned and passive-aggressives that are dangerous.

If it's a scooter shaped thing with its vestigial cranks idle or removed, they expect it to be an ICE scooter. So do pedestrians.
Bicyclists usually know the difference because of the noise and stench.

CLUE: You look stupid not pedalling a bicycle up hill. (you're also attracting heat if the bike is illegal)
Even I still have a hard time accepting people who don't pedal while using bicycle specific infrastructure.
Admittedly, those un licensed plastic blobs mix better with bicycles than cars, buses and trucks but they're generally resented and stinkers detested.

Much of it may have to do with scooter and ebike operators coming from a car-driving background, being a recent green nazi convert or DWI itinerant.
Their bike etiquette reflects this.
During a bus strike there's more lamers than usual on the bike routes but at least they're pedalling and easily dropped.

I've silenced a few hard-core bicyclists ready to hate ebikes when I explained to them that I'm usually pedalling a 120# mag-trainer on the street at bicycling speeds. But that I also enjoy pushing poseurs, or roadies and that I'll welcome somebody drafting if they ask first.
I'm trying to gain street cred for ebikers that live a bicycling lifestyle.

le Béte generates a lot of interest wherever it's parked. Most people are attracted by the wood deck and puzzled by the mixte frame/Xtracycle attachment. It's only after they grasp that do maybe five percent ask if it's electric. It's pretty stealth and invisible to casual observers.
I don't mention that it's electric unless they ask. Those who do, get really stoked until they ask what it costs.

Today I met a woman on her OTH ebike with a geared rear hub motor. She'd had it about six weeks. Sold her car to get it. She probably got a generous cheque from the government for dumping an insured clunker in our "Scrap-It" program. She was not a bicyclist yet but seemed to have the spirit and was enjoying her ebike. We'll see if she's still riding when the weather gets nasty or the ebike succumbs to its electo/mechanical failures after the warranty runs out. I'll be watching for it on craigslist next May if I don't see her on the road.
I WANT to fly up a hill with an MGD in one hand.....and a Marlboro in the other (even though I don't smoke) and a kitten in a basket with some flowers and muffins....all the while ringing a little bell on the handlebars...while giving serious chase to Greg Freaking Lemond...just because it would be hysterical!
The biggest problem in the U.S. is that the better complete bikes are sold at a stiff premiums. We should not be able to build comparative quality as DIY. That we can shows there is competition with the kits and parts but not at the bike and retail levels.
Actually it just shows that product liablility insurance rates are lower on a kit, than on a finished bike. With a kit, the lawyers can blame the owner. On a pedal bike, the numbers of them sold makes the insurance cost per unit cheap.
I'll bet most of you are too young to remember the advertising campaign for Honda introducing the 750 to the United States in 1969. Up until then, the motorcycle culture was either for large Harleys (which were associated in the publics mind with gangs, plus they broke down a lot) or small motorcycles, which were associated with poor people who couldn't afford a car.

Honda was taking a big and expensive risk, as the buying public has not always responded to new products. The ad campaign was "You meet the nicest people on a Honda".

At another time when many people who were reluctant to buy a computer, many did so after the movie "You've got mail". A charming romance with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.

If a Vectrix does not have a national advertising campaign, the general public thinks that they are not successful enough to afford advertising. They don't want a steam engine that requires technical expertise and constant fiddling. They want a refrigerator...you plug it in and it just works (for years). E-bikes are not on the national radar screen yet. They need someone to advertise them, and for several celebrities to embrace them...

Thats a good point. How much would product liability insurance be for an ebike store?

What if the ebike store had a lawyer draft a liability waiver for customers to sign would that help?