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10 MW
Mar 3, 2015
Yeah, we all get em, but I bet they're not the same, and wouldn't it be cool to expand the scope of your viewing experience?

Enter- youtube recommendation thread ! Post when you find that really out there or cool video and lets make one helluva thread for everybody to enjoy.

I know well the random telegraphy the recommendation generator ends up with, and I think we'll end up with a great compilation when combining many users' experiences.

Although I've been thinking about this for a bit now, I just came across something I couldn't pass up- maybe it's old news to my northern buddies, but dam, it's news to me! How cool is this, (and double points for ev!)
MTT electric track.

Also, here's an example of a little contrast we might end up finding between the vids lol
[youtube]ABtSMIURKoE[/youtube] You Mad Bro ?
Yeah. But there can be weird/"kinky" stuff there like that guy that sleeps in bed with his ebike. :?
Funny you mention that . . . . :oops:

Anyway, if it's not age restricted on youtube, it should prob be ok here. But you'll have to use your own discretion in posting. If not we can add some other guidelines. But there is so much cool random crap, I want to see what other people see, and every click can reshape your own autorecommendations.

Ok, for instance, here's some awesome talent (on bikes) and I think they're driving an electric car. Just popped up after an es users vid. Never seen it before.

Serious talent. Jealous-yes, happy to live vicariously through- also yes. Definitely trying to avoid the learning curve (emergency room?) that I'm sure would be required for me.

Non ebike parkour, but they got an ecar?
Ok, this might be what LockH was referring to?

I was shocked, SHOCKED!
But at closer glimpse it appears all above board? Sheesh, I was just trying to figure out what 'Baddabing baddaboom' meant lol.

Random and surprising on another level that Utube never seems to fail with.

Lol, OOPS, maybe I stand corrected, the video isn't allowed to be embedded. I'll try the link, but this could be an offshoot of 'Youtube Recommends' in toxic-

Hehe... First YT vid title "Widow Maker" wood splitter. :lol:
Second vid? 8) 8) 8)
Youtube bases it's recommendations off your search history. Even if you clear that history from view, it still uses the data for recommending future videos.
So if you happen to search for Swedish poodle strudel porn some night, don't pull up youtube the next day in your boss's office. :mrgreen:

Here's what Youtube recommends for me:
Yes, the recommendations will change based on what you watch, thus adding more diversity with collection into this independent thread.

I was thinking of calling it 'Youtube WTF', but didn't think that targeted the purpose as well, although you seem to have gotten the secondary gist with that wtf video lol.
An interesting political stance/statement, certainly interesting to consider vs simply towing and fines, which would seem slightly more normal/rational? :lol:

"tanks!' (thanks)
Hehe... Maybe file this under "Know Thy Enemy"... "Gasoline - 100 years of SCIENCE and SWEAT":
Another in the Know Thy Enemy series "The Automobile: Its First 100 Years" (where the Bettery-Electric Traction Action is just about completely ignored in the early daze):

Perfect example, I have no idea where this came from. In my mind I see no parallels to search/view history. Kinda cool though- at least refreshing after the other content.

I really wonder the depth of programming used for 'recommends'. I bet theres alot of criteria, and it's fairly complex.
Weird stuff ya get to watch when ya don't use a "TV" (television):

(See ES thread "Gods of the Ebike" re Isaac Newton.)
Well that's bbc, so it's on normal tv too yes?
Less and less are using cable I think, I like the antenna, but there's not much I can stand to watch. It's either commercials, or those damn stupid authoritative newscasters voices. Just like the movie announcer and some narrators. So mostly all net for me. Everything's on it, and you don't have bs commercials, so why not?

Anyway, good flic on ol' Newton. Him and his so called gravity are very interesting.