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Anyone have Windows 10 yet?


100 TW
May 28, 2010
Coordinates: 33°52′48″N 117°55′43″W
My Windows 7 computer, the one I'm using now, has the offer popping up. The new Windows 8 laptop, not supposed to go online, I'd have to take it to the library for the WiFi.

With the problems some of the upgrades have caused in the past, I let this one skip 8. What little software I have on the laptop, meant for video editing and therefore meant to be isolated, is working with the operating system it was written for. Hopefully it would run with 10. But if I want additional software it'll be 10 compatible, right?

So has anyone already done the deed? How did it go?
Is anything ever free? Why would windows even do this? Out of the goodness of their corporate heart right?
The upgrade from 8.1 to 10 went smoothly for me. Not a massive difference in the UI that I noticed, but does seem a bit easier to use than 8.1, menus are better.

Runs fine for me, I don't have any obscure software that I rely on for work though.
Specifically, video editing and effects run best on a gamers PC, so I got an MSI laptop with the latest GeForce graphics, etc. I do have a Microsoft Surface, with the 8.1 Windows CE, wonder what will happen there. I guess I have two to take to the library.

Interesting question about why they're giving it away. The comment has been made "To regain relevance." I hardly see where they lack relevance. I'm supposing that if Linux is free, if the Google OS is whatever, you want to keep yourself on as many systems as possible to retain customers for MS Office, etc. Except this one came with Office 2010. I just don't know. I realize there's a point where upgrading to another OS will outstrip the capabilities of the machine, so I'm wondering if I really need it on the dedicated system laptop. The obscure software in this case is from http://www.hitfilm.com . Decisions, decisions, eh?
I played with a few technical previews.. i hate the way it looks.. and the privacy stuff is creepy as hell.

Win 7 for me.. :p
It seems like m$ put a lot of effort into issue identification for the upgrade.
I went from 8.1 to 10 with no issues and compared to win 8 it's great once you turn off the privacy stuff.
Didn't you and I talk about this in another thread D? I'm thinking it's more for the touchscreen interfaces, as 8 was a let down in that area. And android, even rooted, still can't come close to the cabability of a lap/pc, so win is set to perform marginally better for the 'user'

I'd rather go back to xp for win, and most likely will. My guidelines are to continue using the net on MY terms, and don't like the general dependence on connectivity that everything is pointing at. But I'm a nut :D

Why couldn't goog and win and ?? all be in bed with each other? And/or it's all a little game taking you/rest further downstream.

If I don't need it, I don't want it. And watch out for big brother.
If I remember you'd received an EMail, always questionable, I think the issue was that it was a scam of some sort.

XP was great replacing what had been out there, but it'll do you no good today. I'm sure my problems online with my XP in 2010 was that the internet didn't run well on XP anymore. Not being one to add software all the time once it runs I'll stay with the old operating system to know it works.

Hollywood will set up computers to post a TV show and if the show is on 10 years later they're still running these systems in a time warp of the day they first started. You upgrade, suddenly a decades worth of data won't run anymore, then what? Plus a computer that doesn't go online has a hard time getting a virus.

This is the touch screen computer I wanted so bad and I don't do any touch screen. I'd rather the Surface had a keyboard, which I need to buy someday.

All the damn data and tracking. Obsessive. A comedy in itself. And a clear and present danger.
I have one computer with 8 and hated it. I use that cheap laptop exclusively for streaming to my TV. I hoped windows 10 might work better, but I can't say it does. One thing I find a bit annoying.

Has an new quirk of always returning you to the website you were just on, instead of doing what you told it to do, go to another show. You have to tell it twice, Yes, I want to see some other web page.

Gonna be funny, when the kid fires up the computer, and internet explorer goes straight to dad's favorite porn site. 8) Or funnier still, when mom fires it up after the kid used it.
Unfortunately anyone running Windows XP is setting themselves up as a target.

Dealing with someone's computer I seen it firsthand. The OS is EOL and there are no more updates for it.

So what this means is some new vulnerability comes along which is patched in non EOL OS's , but they never are applied to XP.

This is a bad situation IMO especially with all the vulnerabilities going on lately.

To each his own just giving you my own opinion.

The friend who has XP I got tired of dealing with their security issues so added some spare HW I had around the house and got them a valid Win 7 license.

In the long run it saved me much time which is more valuable.

Thinking about it some if you want the internet on your terms ditch m$ and use one of the friendlier linux distros.
They have about nailed it for ease of use and free. They can be set to update on their own as well so quite secure
especially considered to older versions of windows.
This technical editor at Fudzilla Nick Farrell who is for the most part a bit of a Microsoft lover had a lot of problems upgrading his PCs to Windows 10.. He got there in the end but its pretty ordinary a spec-tech-head failing to upgrade his PC to Windows 10.
I also responded to him about it.
Basically saying the reason why Windows 10 is a free upgrade is because its quite incredibly problem prone so why not escape liability by not making people pay for the upgrade...And if they do manage to upgrade then take their money later.
XP is a liability, there are already and will be many more unpatched critical vulnerabilities that you will not be able to prevent being used against you. You should immediately upgrade to at least windows 7. Aside from the obvious security advantages (in your favor!) it's just straight up nicer to use and will perform substantially better. If you have privacy concerns, there is lots of analysis of all of these issues for each OS and clear instructions for eliminating identifiable information being sent out. Your machine will inevitably be one of an enormous botnet used by all sorts of unscrupulous people if left alone.

As for Windows 10, I've installed it on a couple of laptops I was giving away and found it pretty straightforward and intuitive to use, dead easy to install. Haven't done any in place upgrades yet, but in general would never recommend anybody do so anyway. I'm stuck on Windows 7 in the corporate world for quite some time and don't use my PC at home very much at all any more, so will probably be a while before I rebuild it.
Yeah, windows is hilariously bloated these days.. I tried some flavors of desktop linux recently and have not found them to be too much better.. :(

I'd really love to go back to using Windows XP!!
Yeah.. I installed the free update last week..

NOW I REALLY HATE IT!! :lol: :roll:

Why the hell i did that!!! :lol:

A guy from Dell came to replace my video card at work this week, as it had dropped its guts.

I asked him if he was busy. He looked at me weird and said he is run off his feet, trying to roll back as many computers as possible from Windows 10...

I think I'll stick with what I have for now.

Definitely moving to subscription base - free windows ok, OFFICE 365 pay me forever....?
:? :? :?
OFFICE 365 pay me forever....?
Microsoft is paying you? forever?

What do you mean Lurkin?
"Roll Back" as in Uninstall Windows 10 and reinstall 8.1, or 8?

What is the go-to for Microsoft O/S?
Is it Windows 7? can still buy it at the stores!
No, I switched to Microsoft's perspective. As in, lets give away windows, knowing ongoing revenue from other software which makes it useful - office 365.

Yes you can still buy Microsoft non-subscrption software now, but will it be that way over the next five years? Will they continue to offer security updates and support for it? It makes perfect sense from Microsoft's perspective to switch to subscription based pricing.

By rollback - reformat and reinstall whatever the Dell client was using previously. i.e. prior version of windows.

What is the go-to for Microsoft O/S? No idea what the best go-to is. I'm planning to stick with what I have now for as long as possible. I have a spare computer at work which I have installed Ubuntu on and the plan is to learn how to use Linux for home use in the long term and work can have whatever they are will to pay for.
I been using Google Docs for office type work and I think its just fantastic. I think Google held out against making Google Docs practically free until it became very clear that the market is hopelessly addicted to MS Office software and its going to take a decade until the true business masses adapt to better technologies like google docs.

Just little spread sheets like this below I did a few years ago where I wondered if there was any kind of feasibility to ultracaps on my ebike I could work. and I can share it.. and its free and it loads up faster the MS office and works far more reliably and I can view it in and instant on my tablet or phone in its full form...
What do you guys think was the best, and worst of all the MS O/S's?

1 Windows 1.0x
2 Windows 2.x
3 Success with Windows 3.0
4 A step sideways: OS/2
5 Windows 3.1x
6 Windows NT 3.x
7 Windows 95
8 Windows NT 4.0
9 Windows 98
10 Windows 2000
11 Windows ME
12 Windows XP
13 Windows Server 2003
14 Windows XP x64 and Server 2003 x64 Editions
15 Windows Server 2003 R2
16 Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
17 Windows Home Server
18 Windows Vista
19 Windows Server 2008
20 Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
21 Windows Home Server 2011
22 Windows Thin PC
23 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
24 Windows 10
Could there have been anything worse than the ME downgrade?

The one that simply came through at the time was XP. 3, 3.1 was good enough when they were out, (Before my time, didn't use them except in old computers) NT 4 after the instability of 95 and 98 was such a relief IF you're running software that worked on NT. And while I didn't mind using Vista it didn't mean anything to me as a step from XP, but moving to 7 was nice.

I haven't thought much of any of the CE versions.