Recent content by eatkabab

  1. eatkabab

    Kollmorgen 24v 400w brushless for skateboard?

    Alright, so 24v 400w or 36v 600w? They should both be about the same speed but would the 600w climb hills easier? I prefer the 400w for the one less battery weight, but would rather have something that can climb if the 400w won't be able to climb properly.
  2. eatkabab

    Kollmorgen 24v 400w brushless for skateboard?

    The site is down, here's a pic: I definitely like the snowboard like feel of a long board and the boosted project is great for that. When I rode a powerboard, I was shocked at the actual power and range of the thing. Unfortunately the nice...
  3. eatkabab

    Kollmorgen 24v 400w brushless for skateboard?

    So I've tried the Z-board and felt like 400w is good for me. That being said, it seems like the 600w and 800w boards don't go faster, but are just more powerful. If that's the case, I'd be all for an easier hill climb...? So a lower Kv for the same wattage means more torque right? How would...
  4. eatkabab

    Kollmorgen 24v 400w brushless for skateboard?

    Thanks for that site. Very good source of various examples. I have tired searching Kollmorgen and haven't really found much other than the general 'it's used for bikes and it's pretty good' deal. I've personally had products and electronics made in china for a few products and I know how...
  5. eatkabab

    Kollmorgen 24v 400w brushless for skateboard?

    Short version: Kollmorgen 400w motor for a skateboard: - I want brushless for it's increased efficiency. - Seems to be the most widespread brushless motor for bikes/scooters. Which means reliable? - 5" diameter....should work depending on my wheels. - 24v, 30A max, 400w -...