Recent content by isiorg

  1. I

    Bafang SW102 Bluetooth LCD - OpenSource firmware and mobile app

    Nrf toolbox not nrf connect!!!
  2. I

    TSDZ2 mid drive with 860C, 850C or SW102 displays only -- Flexible OpenSource firmware (Casainho code only)

    Is it electrical possible to conect a DS18B20 Temperatursensor to the Brake Input so we can use the trottle to the same Time with only some Firmware changes?
  3. I

    Bafang SW102 Bluetooth LCD - OpenSource firmware and mobile app

    Please use M Key!!! You use M also for edit Parameters, please use it also for leaving edit mode. Thanks!
  4. I

    Bafang SW102 Bluetooth LCD - OpenSource firmware and mobile app

    I have yesterday the same problems, but i found water inside the SW102. After open and drying the Display it works normaly. Firmware downgrade is also not possible by me.
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    Bafang SW102 Bluetooth LCD - OpenSource firmware and mobile app

    Max weel speed can set only to 24 km/h. 2 Times the display is frozen during switch to the menus (no watchdog timer?) only pull the Battery was working (no Key by me :evil: ).