Recent content by monkeybutt

  1. M

    Electric Kayak

    @ Kurt' I don't know if this is something you are still considering,if it is don't discount wind. Although you will not be travelling fast enough to encounter similar resistance to that of a bicycle,even relatively light winds reek havoc on light weight,low displacement watercraft. I have spent...
  2. M

    Ebike vs human rider = 4 time more energy efficient

    Cycling @ 10mph. for 10mi. will burn ~370kcal., subtract from that the ~68kcal. burned if you were watching T.V. for that hour and you get a caloric surplus of 302kcal. or: 4.3 heads of lettuce,1.3 cups of rice,or slightly more than half a Big Mac. So obviously ,if you want to lower your...
  3. M

    eZee Powered T W Bents Recumbent Trike

    Beautiful bike and a very clean install.
  4. M

    Good cheap multimeter?

    I am about to begin my first build and figure I should get a multimeter. Problem is I don't know what features I'm likely to need. I would like to spend 20$ or less but would gladly pay more for increased utility. thanks in advance for any suggestions. M.B.
  5. M

    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Most noble persuits are not easy.
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    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Hello winboyrider and john. To john-I have not ordered the battery yet,mainly because of capacity to weight ratio concerns. I'm pretty sold on LiFePO4 for my first build though(one less thing for me to mess up). Budget and skill constraints preclude mounting batts. in triangle(at least in any...
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    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Thank you all for for your advise,it really does help to hear real world experiences. After reading your responses and many an Email back and forth with Ilia of (A very patient guy and really knows these motors) I have decided to go with 48V. system and limit the Amps with a cycle...
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    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Thanks gensem, but as previously stated I plan on limiting amps to 20. Edit-^^what he said.
  9. M

    Heavy Man's E bike

    If you go to forums there is a section called 'clydesdales' where they would be happy to help you find a proper bike to electrify.
  10. M

    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Yes,it is a steep hill,but as you can see in my original post it is only one half mile long and averages 7.75% grade. Perhaps I am just naive to the degree of efficiency loss inherent to hub motors,but its hard for me to imagine that a hill I can manage(albeit slowly)without assistance would be...
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    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Richmpdx- Good to hear your bike is working well for you! EZEE seems to make a very nice product. And no I had forgotten to mention my weight which is 180lbs. @ the moment,but usually fluctuates between 175 and 195 due to another hobby. Rob.
  12. M

    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Thank for all the input,the real world experience is invaluable as I am new to all this and can only learn so much from numbers on a page. Gensem-Amps will be limited to 20 so I think(hope) that the bms on a 48v/15ah or 36v/20ah ping would not cut out. I realize that 720wh. is cutting it close...
  13. M

    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    Thanks nick and joe, The idea would be to go with the faster wound motor @ 36 volts or the slower wound motor @ 48 volts, theoretically(if I'm interpreting grins' simulator properly)will give me ~24-25mph. either way. Thanks.
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    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    I just realized that I had not mentioned that the vast majority of the time my speed would have to be limited to 20-22mph in order to avoid legal complications. I don't know if this will make any difference in which setup would be more efficient but thought I should mention it. Thanks.
  15. M

    BMC:V2S @ 36v or V2T @ 48v. ?

    This is a hill I have pedaled up many times,I have never enjoyed it but I can do it. The bike is one I built on a surly frame,not the complete single speed you see on line,hence the confusion.Sorry I didn't make that clear.I built the bike with the EZ kit (or similar 350amp) in mind. The...