Recent content by Uttermayn

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    Sabvoton controller for 1000w dd hub "safe" hot rod

    Hi, ok so i have had great succes with the help i got on my last topic. Thanks alot :D Now i am in a new situation. I have just bought a cargo trike. Called a christiania bike. Very happy with it but it needs a motor indeed. Thougt of a geared motor kit from em3ev, but i have my heart set on a...
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    what fits what? Putting together my own kit bit by bit

    Hi Im trying to put a bike kit together. But i am struggeling to se what fits with what. I would like to end up with af dd motor drive and triangle battery in the frame. I am thinking of buying a 1000w hub and the fitting it with a 48v 60amp controller. Giving me burts of up to 2880 watt simple...
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    Dischargecurrent needet from 1500w motor?

    @Arkmundi - I understand your reply, but i allso said that range was not so important. I have seen several bikes with lots of power but short range and "small batterypacks, so i do not believe your claim to be completely true. ". I wrote that im building this bike to have fun, not to commute...
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    Dischargecurrent needet from 1500w motor?

    Thanks.. originally i was looking for at gearless hubmotor hens theaimplicity of it.. I am worries that the mac motor will break down, but ofcourse there is allways the possibility of spare parts. I am from Denmark so it needs to be shipped to europe. i was looking on hes website but i am...
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    Dischargecurrent needet from 1500w motor?

    Dogman Dan you singlehandwt answered all my questions i had i one single post.. I now feel that i am able to make som reasonable discisions about what to choose.. I am very thankfull to you and all others trying to help.. Thanks a lot :D
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    Dischargecurrent needet from 1500w motor?

    Ok i am lookin further for kits with all the info i need, i came across a kit with 1500 watts power but in wattage it say >400 what does wattage mean in this context? If the motor is 1500 watts then what does wattage mean?
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    Dischargecurrent needet from 1500w motor?

    Thanks for reply. Can you perhaps link me to complete setup like yours? Isnt the mac hub a geared hub? Will i be getting the same top speed? Thanks so much..
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    Dischargecurrent needet from 1500w motor?

    Hey there I have been searching my fingers thin for the right ebike kit for me. I dont really need it to commute, even though i would like to say so. But nothing wrong with having af little fun on the way to work. I will be riding under 10 miles and really just want the bike to be kind of...