Recent content by wgaca

  1. W

    TSDZ2 free spinning not enganging

    Thanks, I opened it up and cleaned the bearings with wd40 and then added some bearing oil inside, regreased the gears and it appears to work just fine. I guess i won't be ordering a replacement
  2. W

    TSDZ2 free spinning not enganging

    Okay guys, i need help. My motor is tsdz2b, not tsdz2 and the clutch is different as seen in this video Where can i get a replacement?
  3. W

    TSDZ2 free spinning not enganging

    Thank you, I will look into these and probably try to fix it in the next 2 weeks It started once every now and again and a few months down the line it's doing it almost every few minutes. The problem persists with the motor being completely disconnected from electricity as well. I do have it...
  4. W

    TSDZ2 free spinning not enganging

    Did you manage to fix it? I have the same issue
  5. W

    Tsdz2 firmware open source adapted to vlcd5, vlcd6 and xh18

    Is there a way to display current power usage in amps/watts on vlcd6?
  6. W

    TSDZ2 OSF for all displays, VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18, LCD3, 860C-850C-SW102.

    What kind of range do people get on 36v vlcd5,6 version and what settings do you guys use
  7. W

    TSDZ2 OSF for all displays, VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18, LCD3, 860C-850C-SW102.

    I tried swapping rx/tx as last resort but same issue. I flash the same version to tsdz2 of course. The issue persists with all firmwares both from you and casainho except the original version of 0.19.5 that has full hex file actually fully boots but I can't find the 0.19 for the motor to test if...
  8. W

    TSDZ2 OSF for all displays, VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18, LCD3, 860C-850C-SW102.

    I spent the last 2 days trying to flash my sw102 and tsdz2 with no success Can someone provide a link to the full hex file for sw102 that actually works? The only one that detects the motor and reads the sensors is 0.19.15 found here (Releases · OpenSourceEBike/Color_LCD) but won't actually...