Apologies - first post and head fried while I fear controller maybe....


1 mW
Jul 9, 2024

New to all this but managed to put together a 500watt 48 volt bafang BBSO2 kit for my wife to use. Turned out it was way to fast for her in stock mode, so spent ages with Speeed app and cables trying to reprogram it. I tried two cables but neither would work, so bought an Eggrider unit in the belief that connecting that with bluetooth to a phone app would be easy. If only: sadly it turned out I'd managed to bend one of the male pins in the little green connector, so I went to straighten this with a small screwdriver, and heard the nasty sound of something shorting out either on the motor or the battery. Now, having put the stock bits of kit back together again, I find the entire system is dead. I cannot find a fuse. Been all over the internet without luck, but have learned there's a good chance I'm going to have to replace a controller.

I'd really appreciate if someone who's familar with these bits of kit could confirm if that is the case or not.

Many thanks.
Hi all. I've thought on and will wait for the new controller to be fitted and hopefully reprogrammed before doing anything more drastic/expensive.

Thank you for all the advice - I've learned a lot!
"New to all this" Do you ride an eBike, because this read like you did not offer your wife any advice about how to ride at any time.
"....kit for my wife to use. Turned out it was way to fast for her..." during intermittent pedaling too?
" What she struggles with is the instant power the moment she starts pedalling" Well isn't that the ultimate NON starter ?
I will stop, I don't get it, good luck this summer Floaty.