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  1. Z

    Oscillating F&P Motor

    I and my friends tested our Fisher and Paykel motor with the following specifications: 60S stator wired in parallel (60P) 42 slots, 28 pole pairs Star connection Current Rating is 20A Hall Sensors are from F&P Smart Drive Magnets with steel liner fitted in an Aluminum enclosure instead of...
  2. Z

    Troubleshooting F&P Motor

    I and my friends tested our Fisher&Paykel hub motor with Lyen's 12 FET controller (5k pot used as throttle control) last weekend. Unfortunately, all 36 combinations exhibited a single movement/step (as I rotate the pot halfway) and then came to a stop. Just a little bit of info, we rewired the...
  3. Z

    F&P Motor Controller

    Is there any possibility that the Fisher and Paykel Motor Controller for Smart Drive Washing Machine be modified in such a way that the speed at 'Spin' mode could be controlled via potentiometer (instead of using switches to vary the speed)? I'm currently looking for a decent controller that...