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  1. J

    Anyone got a Schlumpf drive?

    I'm coming to the conclusion that I need a Schlumpf high speed drive for my Raptor 140 as I can currently only pedal up to low 20s mph with a 48t front sprocket. It's used as a commuter mainly and I really need to be able to add some pedal effort up to around 30mph. ATS make a slightly cheaper...
  2. J

    Multistar 16Ah 6s packs

    Does any one have experience of these? I'm thinking of using them for my Raptor build, I can fit 24s 2p into the frame giving me 32Ah, with 100v HOC is that correct? They are rated for 10c continuous 20c burst which gives me more than enough current. Having only 8 batteries to charge makes...
  3. J

    Where can I get a Cromotor V3 in the UK?

    I want to buy a Cromotor V3 for my Raptor build. I've contacted Jozztek (UK distributors) who are in the process of moving premises and say they will not be re-stocking Cromotor's in the immediate future. I've also PM'd ES member 'Accountant' but have had no response. Is there anywhere else I...
  4. J


    Hi. I've built a couple of mid-drive bikes for off road use but I want a high power hub bike that I can commute on. My route will be on fairly flat hardback trails, it's about 12 miles each way. I'm thinking about either a Qulbix Raptor frame or maybe a Vector. I want to use a Cromotor with a...
  5. J

    Project Big Hit complete...

    I've finally finished my second ebike build. 8) The frame is from an '03 Big Hit, GNG 1.1 kit with LightningRods upper & lower sheets, Cyclone 148mm freewheeling crankset with White Industries freewheel, 24" rims, Rohloff Speeedhub, Shimano Saint brakes & front hub, Lyen 12 fet Extreme Modder...
  6. J

    Ebike XC race event?

    Hi. I put a post up in the general discussion forum but I think it might be better off here. I was wondering if anyone was interested in taking part in a XC ebike race/fun ride? I was thinking about a course of around 10 miles with the emphasis on having fun and not taking it too seriously...
  7. J

    Any interest in an off road race event?

    I was thinking that an off road race event over say a ten mile course would be great fun. No need for it to be too serious, it would allow us to see each others bikes and a bit of friendly competition always helps development. What do you think?