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  1. D

    Need opinions on custom build project

    After a year or so of various design and detail considerations, I'm about to begin a custom build and am now in need some input regarding some remaining questionable details. Strictly a street cruiser, the large heavy frame will be of a simple open design in a themed classic "chopper" style...
  2. D

    Show Quality Custom Build about to begin! And I Need YOU!!

    After a year of planning, preps, research, and all,… I'm jus about to begin construction on a unique project bike and still have some need for opinions, considerations, and overlooked thoughts. Hope you're patient with the following overview,… otherwise, skip down to my current matter of...
  3. D

    Still Dreamin',...

    ....ever since I first saw this a few years back. And not jus because I luv Ice Cream!!! Somehow, I jus can't help but to consider a tiny houseboat in a similar or even classic style,... outfitted with modern technology!