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  1. karma

    Amberwolf gratitude thread

    last time i posted here his house burned down. sad to see you go. thanks :wink:
  2. karma

    Yardworks 40 volt 10 ah lithium-ion lawnmower battery

    no but i am looking to convert to 39v with low amps. looks like something i could use. sold locally with a warranty :mrgreen: if anyone tests one post it here. i will pick one up this month look it over. cheers
  3. karma

    Water cooling controller and BMS

    any updates :)
  4. karma

    upgrade noname controller

    p75nf75 are the same type used in the gm controllers. add to much butter to the shunt and the fets go pop :mrgreen:
  5. karma

    upgrade noname controller

    i think what your trying to say is it has overvolt protection? if your runing sla in series all you really need to do is run the thin red wire to 38volts and the thick red wire to 60volts. the controller should work. i have two aftermarket controllers like this and thay work great. one is...
  6. karma

    I've been jacked !!!

    my first two stroke lasted about a week before i sold it. the smell and oil spiting out of the pipe did wonders for the pants :mrgreen: thats the problem with webpages the prices are so low i could spin off 5 new one for about $20. not very creative Whoever did it :roll: the minute my old...
  7. karma

    Schwinn I-Zip Electric Bike

    i have installed large panner bags on the rear. you hardly notice the motor. :mrgreen: my leg sticks out further.
  8. karma

    Schwinn I-Zip Electric Bike

    yup i added a nipple on the gearbox.
  9. karma

    Schwinn I-Zip Electric Bike

    not really i use it for long distance. its only a 31cc and it runs on a cup of gas. on your next ride when your bms cuts out and you need to turn around. look over your shoulder that will be me passing you. well that and i can get my fuel from any station. if you hate this setup your really...
  10. karma

    Schwinn I-Zip Electric Bike

    this is what happens when Schwinn I-Zip Electric Bikes go bad :mrgreen: DOTTWilp1wc
  11. karma

    Another LIPO FIRE ! Be careful !

    which ones the Ejection Seat :mrgreen:
  12. karma

    Battery ON / OFF switch mounted on the handlebars

    keycchain remote? :wink: rQR7sOzFyTI
  13. karma

    Battery ON / OFF switch mounted on the handlebars

    you could but a better setup would be with a relay. that way you dont need heavy gauge wire to the switch. even a switch that handles 20 amps or more is bulky :wink: i use a car relay at 12volts i step the voltage down from 80volts with a power resister:) cheers
  14. karma

    Can anyone provide information on this bike....

    nice bike but the hubmotor is junk :wink:
  15. karma

    Another LIPO FIRE ! Be careful !

    i am so glad i sold the cells i had. lipo always made me Nervous,
  16. karma

    Nasty LiPo fire

    could you test a few with a steel ammo box? i found a place that sells them in bulk for $14 each all sizes :wink:
  17. karma

    2011 Bike season is over.. pretty much..

    i finished the season with a nice crash :wink: but i like the winter gives me a chance to work on my projects.
  18. karma

    another lipo case idea

    heh ya retro controller with a plate voltage around 400volts :mrgreen:
  19. karma

    another lipo case idea

    ok its finished. i used fiberglass sheets foam and rubber on any sharp edges. cells are tight no movement :wink: it one way to recycle old cases :mrgreen: now just to mount it. cheers Eh7f7BfObn8
  20. karma

    Dual Controller, Single Stator ?

    also works with brushless. same motor split windings :wink:
  21. karma

    Question for the Lipo fans

    ok so all the people that use rc cars boats planes. where do they store there lipo? i would be more worried about the electronics or appliances in the home :wink: not sure of the laws where you are but in Canada its 3 years for murder out in one year. slap on the hand for gross negligence lol...
  22. karma

    another lipo case idea

    yup theirs going to be a lot of padding inside. rivets will be sanded down with felt glued down with rubber cement. sides and corner of the box will have a rubber covering on any cut metal :wink:
  23. karma

    another lipo case idea

    recycling is good. if anyone has one of these battery pack laying around they make a good case for lipo. :wink: Te0W3ThOR5k
  24. karma

    cast aluminum rim

    lol sorry i will take short cuts on spokes and lacing. but to use a inferior magic pie no thanks :twisted:
  25. karma

    cast aluminum rim

    no one ever noticed. it served its purpose had a lot of fun on that scooter:wink: