Search results

  1. stan.distortion

    Why do EV's have high voltage low amps?

    There's components too, larger EVs tend to operate in the range of existing high current components. IGBT's for example, the industrial equivalent of the MOSFETs in most light EV controllers are usually rated for 600v or 1000v so it makes sense to work in that range and sourcing high capacity...
  2. stan.distortion

    Milan SL velomobile conversion

    Hydraulic couplings certainly would, the smaller sizes would usually be more than 1cm2 cross section area behind the seals and rated for 300bar or more, ie. 300kg/cm2 and the hose braids are very strong and swagged pretty much the same as wire rope ends. Compressed air couplings obviously...
  3. stan.distortion

    Heavy Hub Motors: Unsprung weight issue solved: Hub motor = in wheel active suspension system!?

    Did you see any power consumption figures for that? Unless they're doing something so high tec it's near magical that figure is going to be a high one, energy can be recovered from suspension movement but not without losses and on poorly maintained roads it could be running at hundreds of...
  4. stan.distortion

    Idea for custom buggy

    Have you built or converted anything before? You're probably a bit far into this build to reconsider at this stage but it would probably have been worth trying things out on something smaller first, one of those motors and controllers on a cart for example. My first build was a chainsaw and it...
  5. stan.distortion

    Heavy Hub Motors: Unsprung weight issue solved: Hub motor = in wheel active suspension system!?

    Would maglev rims work? Half an inch of gap might be enough but would field windings be efficient with that and would it be possible to recirculate power to 'jack' the rim, pull down one side with load and power up the other?
  6. stan.distortion

    Rear Differential Axle Kits on ali/ebay

    13mph, it's enough? Bigger wheels an option? Edit: Sry, didn't see the 2 models, 20mph
  7. stan.distortion

    Heavy Hub Motors: Unsprung weight issue solved: Hub motor = in wheel active suspension system!?

    As we should be. Idk about there but politicians here... I saw the word "sustainability" blathered out 17 times in a single article recently, it was probably only half a dozen paragraphs long! Almost every time it's used these days it's nothing but a buzzword, the only thing any elected official...
  8. stan.distortion

    Heavy Hub Motors: Unsprung weight issue solved: Hub motor = in wheel active suspension system!?

    Good point, there's no major price gain from DD hubs anyway so no margin for anything to make headway unless it's super cheap and effective. Can't see that happening, there are some elegant designs using composites but even at their simplest they wouldn't come anywhere near the cost of...
  9. stan.distortion

    Heavy Hub Motors: Unsprung weight issue solved: Hub motor = in wheel active suspension system!?

    It defines comfort, it's the main thing that makes a luxury car "luxury", that plush ride quality. They're invariably heavy and that gives a very high ratio between sprung and unsprung mass. It's also an essential part of good ground contact but that's pretty much the same thing, the ratio...
  10. stan.distortion

    Hydrogen Drive - We Made the Battery Obsolete

    As far as availability goes, hydrogen from electrolysis is cheap and simple, easily within the scope of domestic wind and solar and quite likely significantly cheaper that battery storage. The main issue is acceptance, something goes wrong with a charge controller and a fuse or component blows...
  11. stan.distortion

    Heavy Hub Motors: Unsprung weight issue solved: Hub motor = in wheel active suspension system!?

    They've been around since the 1800s but hardly ever had any kind of popularity. Not that they don't work, most of the early designs weren't ideal but several major auto manufacturers have shown concepts using them that are totally viable other than additional cost for minor benefit over...
  12. stan.distortion

    Hydrogen Drive - We Made the Battery Obsolete

    Just checked that, 1m3 of hydrogen at atmospheric pressure contains 3kw/hr so at 30 bar 1m3 contains 90kw/hr. So I was wrong there, tanks would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the equivalent battery storage. Getting at that energy... infernal combustion only gets 30% efficiency at best, surely...
  13. stan.distortion

    Hydrogen Drive - We Made the Battery Obsolete

    Less than 30 bar operating pressure, the cost of low pressure tanks and the amount of energy they can store at those pressures doesn't compare well with batteries. It's been about about 15-20 years since I was looking at it but iirc the cost of tanks was higher than the same amount of energy...
  14. stan.distortion

    Hydrogen Drive - We Made the Battery Obsolete

    It's a viable storage method for things like wind power, erratic output needing masses of storage and lots of space available, electrolysis can handle huge loads and compresses efficiently. Always wanted to have a play around with it but wasn't willing to do any trial and error with gas...
  15. stan.distortion

    tired of messing with bosch activeline. possible to bypass bosch controller and run motor directly with generic via phase wires?

    How is the battery disconnected, a regular plug or hard wired? Came across something in laptop batteries years ago that might find its way into EV parts at some stage, the ROM in the built-in BMS depending on power from the battery, break that connection and the ROM is wiped, put power back to...
  16. stan.distortion

    Hydrogen Drive - We Made the Battery Obsolete

    Not sure about the hydrogen-electric cycle, electrolosys and fuel cells sound like a near perfect cycle but I'm guessing there are major efficiency losses somewhere. As far as combustion goes it's too obviously perfect to be mere chance, it gives off all the energy and recombines to water. Often...
  17. stan.distortion

    Hydrogen Drive - We Made the Battery Obsolete

    Hadn't seen this thread... still reading but I really hope there's some sort of gas separation going on because so far it seems to be browns gas all the way through, ie. fxing terrifying. Brief note on crypto, the OPs comment on them was pretty much the same thing Henry Ford suggested as an...
  18. stan.distortion

    Hoist motor suggestions?

    I'd be wary of using a drill, I've used the motors and gearboxes a few times for other jobs and they're not quiet! They're also not great when it comes to heat dissipation, they've got a lot shorter duty cycle than you'd expect when they're reving and the fan is drawing air through them but I...
  19. stan.distortion

    Hoist motor suggestions?

    Would worm drive give the wrong kind of lift, torque control might work ok going up but immovable at rest and probably just fixed speed going down, no springyness? Sounds interesting, I doubt anything like that is commercially available because safety, it's not a path manufacturers would think...
  20. stan.distortion

    heltec SW01H spot welding tesla 21700 aluminum positive pole

    Sandwiching with some other material to generate the heat would probably be your best bet. Aluminium is very tricky to spot weld with a very fine line between ineffective and vaporizing, it needs both huge power and very fine control. Iirc, spot welding 2 sheets of 1.6mm aluminium needs...
  21. stan.distortion

    Boost converter recommendations, 120VDC

    Can you just wire them up in parallel and let your home charging system manage things as though it's just extra powerwall capacity? Not sure how inrush would be managed (an empty pack connected to a full powerwall), I'd thought of doing something similar and just using resistors but that's...
  22. stan.distortion

    Tons of dead, 1-2 year old prebuilt EVs out there

    No doubt it'll be an invaluable resource :) Just a thought. There are a lot of really good vendors on here, folks sourcing all kinds of useful things but forums are always clunky for that kind of thing. I don't think I've ever come across any plugins or addons that did much to improve it but if...
  23. stan.distortion

    Tons of dead, 1-2 year old prebuilt EVs out there

    Sorry for going off topic again, nice discussion going. The guerilla marketers are already here, not in much force and it's hard to tell it apart from fanboyism but they're active and it's impossible to avoid even if prebuilt discussion is avoided entirely, component manufacturers hire companies...
  24. stan.distortion

    Tons of dead, 1-2 year old prebuilt EVs out there

    I'll bite. If it was just a case of commercial and hacker interests being discussed side by side then ES is probably the best place on the internet for that to happen, unbiased reviews are invaluable to the consumer and the combined experience and differing points of view here are unrivaled...
  25. stan.distortion

    Tons of dead, 1-2 year old prebuilt EVs out there

    Hadn't thought of that. Didn't seem to make a whole lot of difference in a search for "diy bldc controller", ES came up about half way down the second page for both "web" and "all" but will bare it in mind for future searches (y)