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    Phaserunner / Baserunner Tuning tips and tricks ?

    Good idea.. i found a bunch of cool vids explaining FOC on youtube, a lot were RC related. Just figured out a thing about PAS sensors.... .. 1 wire sense PAS will not allow back pedal regen .. you need a 2 wire sense PAS for this,. ( The Erider T9 has 4 pins going to the CA.. 5v, Gnd, S1...
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    Severe Motor Chattering Problem?

    i'd be checking all connections.. throttle pins. motor/controller etc... .time and corrosion make old bikes chatter !!!..
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    Phaserunner / Baserunner Tuning tips and tricks ?

    Hey everyone !! Been a while, i still check in from time to time but have been super busy with life and all that jazz.... you know. .. ( Being self employed and a one-man-band gets complicated.. ) So, after years and generations of motors and controllers.... seems we are now in the age of...
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    Baserunner regen via PAS down to 0 rpm

    update.. got a reply from Justin on this, it's built into the firmware to work this way... I asked about an option in the future to have a way to continue with regen while the cranks continue to be back-pedaled .. fingers crossed this can be done some day. fyi.
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    Baserunner regen via PAS down to 0 rpm

    still trying to figure this one out.. I tried setting the " Throttle Out " on the to " Throttle Min " from 1.00v to 0.00v and this effectively caused the bike to come to a stop and hold it's position because the regen voltage range kicks in and holds..... so the controller is doing it's part...
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    Help needed checking drive wheel

    what's the problem with it ?.. running rough .. locked up... weird sounds... not powering up...
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    Baserunner regen via PAS down to 0 rpm

    Help !!! Been unable to figure this one out and it's driving me bonkers...... Got a Hand-Cycle built with GMAC motor, 36v, 24 pole PAS .. Baserunner controller. I got the regen to work well but it cuts out at 6 to 8 kph ... i want regen to go right down to 0 kph.. I have it set to 0 in the...
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    grin baserunner / CA locked up

    also.. if you messed with the baserunner throttle map, it's easy to screw things up and have regen enabled by accident..
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    grin baserunner / CA locked up

    when you say locked up.... are you able to physically move the wheel in reverse ? ( because it's a geared motor and will freewheel in forward direction )
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    Stutter and now failure with Baserunner on a Bafang G062

    ok... quick update on this After trying everything i could conceive of... including wiring up a Phaserunner ( because i needed the L10 hookup .. ) a new CA V3.. throttle etc.. go out for a test ride and pretty much the same shit going on ..... so has to be on the motor side.. right ? Well, the...
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    Stutter and now failure with Baserunner on a Bafang G062

    Hey Guys !!!.. been a while, i drop in here on occasion to check on things but my main account is messed up, can't see all forum sections since moderator access was removed... so had to make 2nd account.. anywhoooo..... Am battling a similar issue with the Baserunner controller... rough...