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  1. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    all the code here: Slide 4: void setup() { //the setup routine runs once when you press reset Serial.begin(9600); //initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second } void loop() { //the loop routine runs over and over again forever int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); //read...
  2. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    Here is the completed tutorial
  3. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    The arduino generates a square wave. having an electromagnet would be unecessary if it can send the signal directly to the esc. In the first slide I said that the signal wire from the esc also outputs 5v but when i connect the ground of the arduino to the ground pin (from the esc) and take a...
  4. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    There isn't that much soldering, at most 4-5 wires. and connecting a button just requires long wires. The bike came from an OEM and includes a 9 pin shengyi dgw07 250w hub motor which may be compatible with the CAv3 but keeping the costs low was one of my objectives I recon a cleaned up version...
  5. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    yeah this can be setup with an arduino nano sending a signal from Digital pin 12 to the esc and Digital pin 4 going to the button. With regards to schematics and how to wire it up with julet connectors, bear with me, i'll post some diagrams over a few days. For those wondering: the pas on-time...
  6. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    It works bros :D My reasons for wanting to bypass the PAS is because: 1) the PAS is on/off on my bike so the power is inconsistent and makes the pedaling too light or too hard (it cuts out while pedalling because it expects a signal at a constant rate despite road elevation changes) 2) The...
  7. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    Hey, Thanks for replying. It turns out that I connected the Analog input to the arduino without grounding it. So it seems that whatever noise and signals were comming from the arduino itself. It also looks like I was probing the wrong pin from the 3 pin hall. I recorded the signals again, this...
  8. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    How does the ESC use the messy pedaling signal to turn the motor on?
  9. N

    Replacing PAS with a push button

    Hi all, as the title states, I am trying to replace the pas (hall sensor and magnets) with an arduino signal output at the push of a button. Is it possible to mimic the signal as shown in "full pedal graph.png" using pwm on the arduino or am I out of luck? also the ESC supplies the hall sensor...