I am working on helping fix an issue with a friends e-bike. The original issue has been resolved (hall sensor failure, and it turns out the screen failed at the same time) and the bike should be ready to go. The problem is that powering on the bike, the controller is immediately blinking twice with a constant red light which according to documentation should be overvoltage (this shouldnt be the case, but I will take my meter round next time).
I suggested I take round my USB connector for sabvoton controllers, it works flawlessly on mine. On my friends I can connect to the Bluetooth controller, but no variables on any of the settings are returned. I am also unable to initiate a hall sensor test. No error codes are appearing on screen, in fact it says "fault free".
Now admittingly I am fairly inexperienced with these displays, the ones I have used before are nothing more than a hall sensor for speed and voltage, it seems they can do alot more, possibly even program the Sabvoton?
The next step is to power the controller without the screen. Annoyingly the screen is currently rigged to power on the bike from the ignition cable (which also appears to be pink and not orange) so I need to be 100% which cable is the ignition cable so I can power it correctly.
My question is, does the connection of the screen override the Sabvoton controller? And if so, could the overvoltage protection be a result of a voltage setting on the screen? furthermore, I see some sellers define this screen for up to 48v, some sellers say 72v. Is the different variants of the SW-900 controller?
I suggested I take round my USB connector for sabvoton controllers, it works flawlessly on mine. On my friends I can connect to the Bluetooth controller, but no variables on any of the settings are returned. I am also unable to initiate a hall sensor test. No error codes are appearing on screen, in fact it says "fault free".
Now admittingly I am fairly inexperienced with these displays, the ones I have used before are nothing more than a hall sensor for speed and voltage, it seems they can do alot more, possibly even program the Sabvoton?
The next step is to power the controller without the screen. Annoyingly the screen is currently rigged to power on the bike from the ignition cable (which also appears to be pink and not orange) so I need to be 100% which cable is the ignition cable so I can power it correctly.
My question is, does the connection of the screen override the Sabvoton controller? And if so, could the overvoltage protection be a result of a voltage setting on the screen? furthermore, I see some sellers define this screen for up to 48v, some sellers say 72v. Is the different variants of the SW-900 controller?