thanks, a lot of good info on a part of a hub conversion item that is included in the kit, with youtube video as your guide. i like wesnewell infi on the extra protection if the nut came off, "Inside would be the safest place since if the axle nut comes loose, the tabbed torque washer can't come off. Other than that, it really doesn't matter as long as the tab sticks into the dropout and doesn't face away from it."
i am redoing mine , since i have time due to snow fall, i got a threaded rod and nuts/washer to spread the rear dropouts with a little more finesse , originally it was the screwdriver method, that failed due to the spacer washer outside diameter cocking into the freewheel, which i need to take a photo of to further explain.
i am new at ebikes, but am some what familiar with working on bikes, not great but ,question items like this , especially when i saw on , thin it was ypedals video placing the tab washer on the inside, but that was a front wheel,where lawyer lips can cause other problems.
i am going to have to use a couple washers to clear the freewheel and enable the chain to run smoothly.