My Ultimate Retro Arcade Collection!

Mar 16, 2022
I've been hacking video game consoles since the PS1 modchip days. My first effort at soldering a modchip was in fifth grade, and I failed badly. My dad gave me my first ass whoopin' because he had to buy a new one. After successfully modifying two of my friends' systems, I tried it again and it was successful. Before my dad arrived home to surprise him, I burned 20 of his favorite games and still got my ass whooped again.

I'm a huge fan of retro-arcade styles: Beat 'em up, Shmups, Fighting, MetroidVania, and much more. My Ultimate PS3 is still the greatest, but I've moved on to PS Vita, PS4 and Switch.

Ultimate Retro-Arcade PS3 2TB (I ported over 1700 retro games for PS3)

PS3 Arcade Cabinet.PNGPS3 Arcade Cabinet Light Gun.PNG
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I've been an emulator afficianado since the mid 90's.. recently discovered an emulator called Mesen which has CRT filters where the RF distortion amount is adjustable. I'm finding that with a very bright screen with a super high refresh rate, and -1 frame of runahead, you really get the responsiveness and a lot of the look of a CRT.. it really completes the experience.

Final burn also has some scanline options that are pretty nice for arcades..

Here's me playing ganbare goemon 2 (NES) in Mesen


And sonic the hedgehog in retroarch ( click the picture for full effect )

Nice. While I like everything to look full screen and in 1080P (easy on the eyes), I have a lot of clients (70-80s baby) that are die-hard nostalgia fans who insist on playing games in its original resolution with the scan lines. It causes my eyes bleed, therefore I'll never understand why, lol. But I do have the crt/scan line option.
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Wow! That's quite a collection. I've been gaming for over 30 years. My guilty pleasure that I can lose hours in. It started with my dad coming home with an Atari 2600. We played Dragster so many times, then Keystone Kapers. Ka-Boom was also really fun. I just recently sold my PS2. I've had it for over 20 years. It was special because it had a DMS3+. One of the best chips at the time. I bought it, pre-modded, from a canadian online store. I've taken it apart to clean the fan and the install was very clean. About 20 30awg wires from that chip to the motherboard. Quite impressive. Sold it to help pay for an Apollo Pro scooter (2019). That and I got a PS3, free, from a co-worker clearing out his attic. I got the PS3 to the state that it replaces the PS2. The same happened when I got a Vita1000. I was able to get rid of my PSP2001. Currently, my favorite games are Streets of Rage 4 and Tears of The Kingdom. Loving the PS3 cabinet. Game on!