Oh, now WHAT could this New Tesla Product be?


100 TW
May 28, 2010
Coordinates: 33°52′48″N 117°55′43″W

It's possible that Musk gave a hint during a recent StarTalk Radio interview with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

During the podcast, Musk said that when he was in college, he surmised that there were five things that "are most going to affect the future of humanity: the Internet, production and consumption of sustainable energy, space exploration and exploring life beyond earth, artificial intelligence and rewriting human genetics.

Musk has already done three of those things. As a co-founder of PayPal, he was an early Internet pioneer. With Tesla (TSLA), he has developed a sustainable energy solution with a lineup of electric cars. And his SpaceX company is launching rockets into space.

Could AI and rewriting human genetics be next? Or is it a lineup of batteries or chargers?

We'll find out on April 30.

Oh, DO read this as you ponder. http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/Tesla-CTO-on-Energy-Storage-We-Should-All-Be-Thinking-Bigger
There was an article recently about a guy who had taken the battery pack from a low-miles Tesla that had been wrecked. He picked it up at an auction for a fairly low price, and converted it into a home power storage for solar PV panels.

I seem to remember that in the article the reporter said Tesla had hinted at working on a system that would allow your Tesla car to easily hook up to your home as back-up power (and possibly also to the grid, as grid storage?). The cost-per-watt of solar panels has had a very great improvement in the last few years, and there are battery and solar panel improvements in the labs right now that will significantly improve their cost and effectiveness over the next few years. Some very credible people has stated that battery density (miles per standard-size pack) will double in less than a decade.

Of course, with Elon Musk, the "new thing" could be anything.
I'm hoping it's battery home power storage.

All the big energy companies are crying the blues about how solar is screwing with their business plan. They are doing their best to stop and eliminate "net metering" so they can take our excess solar production (for nothing) and sell it back to us when the sun isn't shining.

I have a net metering agreement on my solar setup but it's only guaranteed for the next 5 years.
I am also hoping for home storage battery...
Looks like it's going to be a home storage battery. Could that mean easy access to 12v sections of cells? 3-4 guys could go in on a 4kw 12v or 24v pack and chop it up into strips of paralleled cells?
dogman dan said:
Looks like it's going to be a home storage battery. Could that mean easy access to 12v sections of cells? 3-4 guys could go in on a 4kw 12v or 24v pack and chop it up into strips of paralleled cells?
...and you think Tesla's price on those packs might be more attractive than bulk buying cells from any other reputable source ?
There are already people (on this forum even) selling Tesla modules.
You miss my point. Cells that are already connected in parallel is nice. So is getting that by buying pack from a wrecked Tesla.

Never thought the price would be low.
Watch it be an electric bike. The article says it won't be an electric car but it doesn't say it won't be another form of electric transportation.
Well anything in the continuing saga. WRT the home battery, maybe a home battery, solar charging grid connected inverter, reverse metering set-up, plug & play. Or, in line with his buddies at Google and Apple, a self-driving car. That is the next technology frontier that those with the capital reserves are already into as first wrung players. We're talking about an Internet connected, GPS located, voice activated, get-in and speak where you want to go, sit back, have a cocktail and watch a movie kind of experience.