PCM / Phase Change Material, for battery packs


Staff member
Dec 21, 2007
Ft Riley, NE Kansas
Allcell is the most well-known ebike battery company that is known for this. I recently started using an EGO-brand weed wacker, their 18650 pack cells are spread out, they are back-to-back twoo cells deep, and them spread out wide, they have each cell covered with a PCM shell, and whenever the tool is running, the battery pack has an air-fan pulling air through it.

When the material gets warm (typical temps mentioned are 50C / 140F), I am told it gets soft enough that pressing on it can leave a fingerprint (not liquid, but like the inside of a banana), and when it cools off, its feel like the outside of a banana.

I just thought I'd start a thread to collect info that anyone finds about this all in one place.

Google this (Its a German company, but here is their North American headquarters):

LHS_Battery_Sleeve_White_Paper_NEW (1)

Outlast Technologies LLC. 831 Pine Ridge Road. Golden Colorado 80403. P: 303.581.0801. F: 303.581.9029 thermalsystems@outlast.com outlast.com/

Outer diameter of these 18650 sleeves is 22.15mm


Pic shown below is EGO yard-tool battery pack
