Torque is cheap


1 µW
Jan 12, 2014
As an old chap, I wanted to convert my Dawes Horizon so that it was comfortable and helped me up hills. Stage 1 of the conversion was to add RST Capa sprung forks and a comfy saddle. Because I was going to add a fairly powerful motor, I also wanted disc brakes on the front - the frame does not have disc lugs so I settled for a "mullet" configuration. Stage 2 was to replace the drop handlebars and move the gearshift levers up from the down tube.


Rather than have a throttle and all the wires associated with it, I opted for a torque sensor in the Bottom Bracket - the Thun X-Cell RT Digital. I used an Arduino microprocessor to read the sensor output, calculate the throttle setting and look after motor braking. Here is the circuit:


I bought a pannier to sit on the rear carrier and ran the wires to it. I brought the Thun wire out halfway up the seat tube and ran the motor wire up the seat stay into the pannier.


The resulting bike has quite a HEAVY rear end (29kg at the wheel) but no worse than a fully loaded child seat. The range is good because it only kicks in when I need help and then it beats all the Lycra-clad "professionals" up hill...


For anyone interested in building a torque-controlled bike, I have attached the Arduino code below:

 * Capture the Thun X-Cell RT (digital) output and drive a controller through the throttle input.
 * Program designed to run on Arduino Uno R3 but any Arduino will be OK - just reassign pins.
 * Uses same 9V supply as the Thun torque sensor.  I used a cheap DC-DC converter from eBay.
 * Chris Bower 22 February 2014
 * The concept is an enhanced cycling experience with minimum modifications to the bike.
 * Thun sensor detects need for assistance and motor controller is commanded to provide it.
 * Motor braking is achieved by backpedalling.
 * Key variables are:
 * aveTorque which is created in the interrupt subroutine and is the value obtained from
 *   the last revolution of the Thun X-Cell RT digital; and
 * torqueValue which is calculated in the loop routine and used to obtain the throttle value.
// define constants
const int sinePin = 2; //Int 0 - Brown sine lead + 4.7k pull up to Arduino 5V
const int throttlePin = 3; // PWM output to controller - 4.7k pull-up + 2.2k into 2.2uF 
const int brakePin = 5; // Brake signal to controller (Open Collector output)
const int cosinePin =6; //Blue cosine lead + 4.7k pullup
const int ledPin = 13; //Built in LED pin (could be used to work a brake light)
const int torquePin = A0; // grey torque lead - 10nf to ground to reduce stray transients
// define empirically discovered values (yours may be different)
const int zeroNm = 506; // Zero Nm 
const int startSlope = zeroNm+15; //lowest value at which motor will assist 
const int endSlope = zeroNm+45; //value at which motor will work flat out 
const int lowThrottle = 87; //= 1.40V at the throttle output (motor not quite starting)
const int highThrottle = 225; //= 3.62V at the throttle output (max output of redundant Hall-effect throttle)
const int offThrottle =66; //= 0.87V at the throttle output (min output of Hall-effect throttle)
const int startTurns =80; // 5 turns of start ramp-up
// define variables
volatile int pedalIndex; // array pointer
volatile int pulseCount; // if 8 forward pulses, start motor
volatile int backPedal; // if 3 backpedal pulses, stop motor
volatile int stopLight; // stores the "stopped" state
volatile int pedalTorque; // torquePin reading
volatile int pedalArray[16]; // torque readings for 360 degree crank turn
volatile int throttle; // value that gets written to the throttle pin
volatile float torqueValue; // Historic torque value
volatile float aveTorque; // average torque for last crank revolution
void setup()
  // first stop motor
  throttle = offThrottle;
  analogWrite(throttlePin, throttle); //stop motor
  // turn on brake light
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
  // set motor brake on
  pinMode(brakePin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(brakePin, LOW);
  // set to read torque pin 
  pinMode(torquePin, INPUT); 
  // set up cosine to sense backpedal pulse count
  pinMode(cosinePin, INPUT);
  backPedal = 0; 
  // set up the sine pulse 
  pinMode(sinePin, INPUT);
  pulseCount = 0;
  attachInterrupt(0, intSvc, CHANGE); //when sine pulse switches, execute interrupt service routine
void loop() 
  // Average torque for the previous revolution is in aveTorque
  // Here we decide what to do and what throttle setting to output.
  // case 1: stopped - wait for pedals to move 
  if (stopLight == 1) 
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //turn on brake light
    digitalWrite(brakePin, LOW); //brake motor
    throttle = offThrottle; //turn off motor
  // case 2: backpedal detected - turn on the stop light and brake the motor
  else if (backPedal > 3) 
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //turn on brake light
    digitalWrite(brakePin, LOW); //brake motor
    throttle = offThrottle; //turn off motor
    stopLight = 1; //await forward pedal movement
    pulseCount =0;
  // case 3: set value for throttle based upon average torque from last revolution and past history
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); //turn off brake light
    digitalWrite(brakePin, HIGH); //turn off motor brake
    // damp response a lot when starting and then reduce damping over the first 5 turns
    torqueValue = ((209.0-float(pulseCount*2))*torqueValue + aveTorque)/(210.0 - float(pulseCount*2)); 
    if(torqueValue <= float(startSlope)) throttle = lowThrottle;
    else if (torqueValue >= float(endSlope)) throttle = highThrottle;
    // linear power curve
    else throttle = int(float(highThrottle-lowThrottle) * ((torqueValue-float(startSlope))/float(endSlope-startSlope))) + lowThrottle;
    aveTorque = (aveTorque*49.0 + float(zeroNm))/50.0; //reduce aveTorque if not refreshed
  // write throttle value to motor controller
  // and return to top of loop
// Interrupt service routine 
void intSvc() 
  // if rider backpedals 1/4 turn, turn off motor
  if(digitalRead(cosinePin) != digitalRead(sinePin))
    backPedal = backPedal + 1;
  // if rider starts to forward pedal, count pulses
  else if(pulseCount < 8)
    pulseCount = pulseCount + 1;
  // if rider has forward pedalled 1/2 turn, start motor
  else if (pulseCount == 8) 
    stopLight = 0;  //turn off the brake light
    backPedal = 0;  //we are forward pedalling - reset backpedal count
    pedalIndex = 0;  //start collecting torque readings
    aveTorque = float(zeroNm);  //reset average torque to zero
    pulseCount = pulseCount +1;
    for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
      pedalArray[i] = zeroNm;//and clear the pedal array
  // now start collecting average torque readings.  They vary either
  // side of 0Nm depending on whether the left or right pedal is being pushed
  // so normalise them to +ve torque readings
    backPedal=0; //we are forward pedalling - reset backpedal count
    pedalTorque = analogRead(torquePin); //read torque value
    if (pedalTorque < zeroNm) pedalTorque = 2*zeroNm - pedalTorque; // normalise
    pedalArray[pedalIndex] = pedalTorque;// and put it in the array
    pedalIndex = pedalIndex + 1;
    if (pedalIndex  > 15) pedalIndex = 0;//array is circular
    if (pulseCount < startTurns) pulseCount=pulseCount+1;
    //calculate the average torque for 1 revolution
    aveTorque = 0.0; 
    for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
      aveTorque = aveTorque + float(pedalArray[i]);
    aveTorque = aveTorque/16.0; 
// end
Code updated to give a smooth reduction in damping 22 Feb
That is interesting. I never used my PAS, just the throttle control. I thought all you had to do with a PAS was plug it into the controller, not install the throttle control, and the controller would use the signal from the PAS to apply throttle. Does that not work too? You've peaked my curiosity, I have new conversion kits on the way and was intending to do just what I outlined here with a PAS only, for throttle control...
Nice work with the arduino Chris. I wanted to try out the SEMPU bottom bracket torque sensor but they could only supply a 36V matching controller. With your code I might revisit that and hook it to my 48V bike.
Cyclebutt said:
I thought all you had to do with a PAS was plug it into the controller...

Nice thought - but wait until you see what comes out of the Thun sensor. It varies either side of a nominal 2.5V by approx 10mV per Nm; so you get a sort of lop-sided sine curve peaking/troughing at maximum pedal pressure. Also - when you start off, the pedal pressure is huge and you would set off with a wheely... So that definitely needs a lot of damping. The Arduino code does all the voltage management, averages out the torque across a revolution and applies take-off and normal running power damping (and all for £25) so very good value. Plus, as you get fitter you can adjust the torque slope settings and take on more of the effort yourself :)

I think some of the cheaper PAS sensors are simply on/off switches. They sense rotation but not torque.
chrisbower said:
Cyclebutt said:
I thought all you had to do with a PAS was plug it into the controller...

when you start off, the pedal pressure is huge and you would set off with a wheely..

That explains some early, yet forgotten issues.

chrisbower said:
The Arduino code does all the voltage management, averages out the torque across a revolution and applies take-off and normal running power damping (and all for £25) so very good value.

That really is good value. Thanks!
Gregory said:
I wanted to try out the SEMPU bottom bracket torque sensor...

I just took a look at the SEMPU sensor - very good value - (I paid €120 for the Thun) but I see it needs a dual supply. You will also need to tweak the backpedal part of the code. The SEMPU has a "direction" lead rather than a cosine lead. Just modify the interrupt service routine to look for "backwards" signal when the sine pulses come in rather than comparing the sine and cosine pin signals.

Alternatively you could discover what goes in/out of the SEMPU adapter - maybe you could take the two wires from the sensor direct to the Arduino and remove the need for the adapter and the dual supply.