Video: Top Gear compares electric AMG Mercedes w/gas version


10 MW
Jun 2, 2008
Marin County California
Published on Mar 23, 2014

Jeremy drives the Mercedes SLS AMG Black Series and the Mercedes SLS AMG Electric Drive. The SLS ED is possibly the most brilliantly revolutionary thing that the already-bonkers lot at AMG have ever created: a fully electric AWD supercar. For the full review click here:
Top Gear has run afoul of electric car fans before, but host Jeremy Clarkson positively charged about the performance of the Mercedes SLS AMG Electric Drive. In a competition of one Mercedes supercar vs. another, the all-electric one comes out on top, albeit with an expensive asterisk.
we have to consider that when we'r comparing a gas powered car to an eletric car, the potency on the gas powered car rarely reaches 40% of useful power, since the most is wasted. An eletric car probably reaches 80% of useful power. So the same power in an eletric car is alot more power, because the waste is very small. Correct me if i'm wrong =)
but waste is the proof that you have made it. they sell cars into this market based on an american concept of preeminence that followed on from the second world war that meant we had all the money and all the oil and so we as a culture would adopt the ideal of driving bigger, faster, more exclusive pricing where luxury meant you are part of the ruling class.

this is more of the same.

that is why ebikes are actually so cool, because less is more now. mores and values have been upended by modern culture of iphone integrated bliss.

we look at the iMiev as a tiny car. like the chevy spark, tiny cars, so they don't sell because they are not big and wasteful which people want even in an EV. but of course EVs have to be designed to be just the opposite.

i am into the small car feeling now that i realize i can get around in a 500 kilo vehicle. i once did think of 1,000 kg as a small car. then 850 kg in the CRX hf, now 500 kg. plus 200 kg of batteries.