If you look on the EIG site, indeed, they are crowing loudly about the Zero deal. However, which EIG cell did they choose? I talked to Zero a couple months back and they said they have raised the 2012 pack voltage so I would need to replace just about everything in order to use their new batteries (if they are even selling them). Personally, I think there will be a reasonable demand for replacement 2009-2011 Zero packs now and in the next couple years as the Molicel packs bite the dust. Otherwise there will be a lot of Zero-X and MX that will be gathering dust. A drop-in A123 or EIG pack (or other cell type) would be very cool (and fast!). Any takers? I'm willing to be a guinea pig... Or, if not, I'll try to build my own. At one time I was a EE... Some preliminary questions:
1) Best place to buy A123 or EIG cells or modules?
2) Can I use the existing Zero charger (probably yes, if I use the "fake 14S" method)
4) If I use the fake 14S method, then how should I keep the real 16s cells balanced?