0 to 15k controller throttle input to hall effect conversion


1 kW
Feb 27, 2009
I have a PWM motor controller that uses a 0 to 15k potentiometer wiper to change from 0% to 100% throttle, i want to make this work with my scooter twist throttle ?.I have measured the voltage also and it seems to go from 0v at 0% to 5v at 100% throttle

My twist throttle is a 4 wire hall effect scooter throttle, and i think the voltage varies from 1 to 4volts ? How can i make this work with my controller ?

i have seen some scooter throttles are resistive types not hall effect and they are 0 to 5k, is it easier to convert one of these ? But then again they are only 5k my existing one is 15k will this how can i fix that difference?