achieve defined voltage from full to empty? LiPo cap BMS?


10 W
Feb 19, 2011

black line: typical discharge curve.
[*]How can I make use of the red box.

I'm finally working on my first electrify project and I want it to have the same driving
characteristics from full to empty.
Or is the only way to achieve behaviour by having some clever software in the ESC?

I acquired 20 of these SLPB 55205130H babies
and I need to step up my game regarding electrics ... a lot.

[*]Do you have suggestions for a capacity BMS in a 12S or 2x6S Setup? Interested in your thoughts on BMS
(I wouldn't really need one - but for ease of use/reliability I wan't to have the right BMS)

I'm interested in all your thoughts on the topics as well as other thing to consider/look into.
If you just want to limit the voltage used, do it at the controller by using a common programmable controller, so it's LVC cuts out the controller at the right end of the box, and so that it has a "speed limit" which really just limits the voltage maximum that the controller can output. How that is implemented is different for different ones; some do it in their software, and others you can do ti by limiting the throttle's maximum output voltage.