Anyone else having problems with Champion Electric Bicycles?

Get your money back. The retailer could go under during the wait period and you would loose out. I have been a retailer and manufactures rep in the past. I would feel relief if customers waiting 6 months just took a refund. You will probably not be happy with the bike after waiting so long even when it does finally arrive.
PLEASE!!! Tell me what is it you people see me doing here let me guess I work for prodeco or maybe I have stock in prodeco and want you all to buy prodeco bikes.
OR maybe you can see I've been traped in my house for 3 years with no way to leave but walking I love frogs and hate anything that kills frogs roads,cars,gas
So other then trying to share my love for frogs and the earth what am I doing. I bet your not even going to reply
This nitpicking needs to stop. The problem children here are prodeco and champion for not being truthful.
I ordered a Prodeco Storm through a dealer nearly three months ago and I'm still uncertain as to the status of my order. The dealer I bought the bike through is unable to tell me and attempts to email or contact Prodeco have gone unanswered.

Comments, posted online by owners, regarding the quality of the bicycles have been good and the bikes have been well received. Delivery performance leaves a lot to be desired, however.

This leaves me concerned about customer support for parts or warranty work when required.
From what I have read in various posts on the internet, it appears Prodeco is unlikely to respond to emails, or call back requests. However they seem more responsive if you are persistent enough to get a direct phone call through to a live person, or submit a post on their public facebook page.
Again you should know by now of the constant delays so it is totally irresponsible for you to take orders on a bike that is not even in production yet and you would avoid all these problems. Don't be a moron anymore and stop these practices you have been doing for months now so please use your head and wait till the model is ready and then list it, to do otherwise you will continue down the slippery path you so unethically embrace. You always blame prodeco for delays but it is your fault for misleading customers of delivery times when you know there will be delays. Shame on you for continuing this deception and stop blaming others for you own misdeeds. Simply make a comittement that you will not offer a bike for sale that is not ready to ship...simple enough.
eastotto said:
Again you should know by now of the constant delays so it is totally irresponsible for you to take orders on a bike that is not even in production yet and you would avoid all these problems. Don't be a moron anymore and stop these practices you have been doing for months now so please use your head and wait till the model is ready and then list it, to do otherwise you will continue down the slippery path you so unethically embrace. You always blame prodeco for delays but it is your fault for misleading customers of delivery times when you know there will be delays. Shame on you for continuing this deception and stop blaming others for you own misdeeds. Simply make a comittement that you will not offer a bike for sale that is not ready to ship...simple enough.


When Prodeco told us the Phantom X2 was coming out in November, we told our customers it was coming out in November. When Prodeco told us the Phantom X2 was coming out in December, we told our customers it was coming out in December. When Prodeco told us the Phantom X2 was coming out in January, we told our customers it was coming out in January. When Prodeco told us the Phantom X2 was coming out in April, we told our customers it was coming out in April. When Prodeco told us in April that the Phantom X2 was being delayed yet again, we ended our contract with them and have not taken a single order since.

While I do agree we should have known something was wrong back in January when the X2 was pushed back to April, we seriously gave them the benefit of the doubt and hoped that things would get better and that they would stick to that time frame. But they unfortunately did not. Delays on the other bikes got longer and longer between March and April, and 6-8 week ship times became the norm.

At this point you are beating a dead horse by saying that we are "totally irresponsible for taking orders on a bike that is not even in production yet" and to "stop these practices" and "continuing this deception". We do not accept anymore Prodeco orders and have not accepted any orders for their bikes since the end of April. I cannot be any more clear in my posts regarding the delays and the issues that have taken place in the past several months. All of our final Prodeco orders are shipping out this month and we apologize again to all of our customers that have had to wait so long for their bikes to be delivered.

Brian W.
Champion Bicycles
It appears posts on the Prodeco facebook page confirm the arrival of all parts required to complete the assembly of the bikes. As Champion already mentioned, Prodeco has indicated the bikes will begin shipping this week. They claim people who had placed their orders prior to May, should receive their bikes shortly provided the dealer had submitted all pertinent order information. Others may get their bike this month, but it could take a little longer.

There is a lengthy post by the Prodeco CEO, describing the new battery and addressing a number of issues including the communication problems, and the new drop shipping policies...

(you don't need a Facebook account to read this...)
If Champion has dropped Prodeco why in the world does their website still list only multiple Prodeco models?
Has anyone received delivery yet of Phantom X2 oredered from jazzygear?
I am still waiting for one ordered in March.

Has anyone received delivery yet of Prodeco Phantom X2 from JazzyGear?
I oredered it from them and paid in March, and am still waiting.

(moderator edit: merged your duplicate post from today with your original one from only two days ago. Patience, grasshopper.)
Your probably going to wait a while. Prodeco has been very slow with getting their bikes to customers.

yes I am also wondering why champion is still selling prodeco models?
What did they say when you asked them? ;)
The 27th of June will be three months since I placed the order with a Prodeco dealer for a Storm 300. I'm posting this to ease my frustration. Not only for not receiving the bike in a timely manner, but because I've not heard anything regarding status. I have been shopping for an alternative and will cancel the order for the Prodeco when I find an ebike I like. The Wisper 905se City looks like a good one, and is available.
I cancelled the order today. After three unresponsive months from the dealer and Prodeco it was time to move on. Might cost me the deposit, but a lesson learned!
Hi everyone. I for one never wanted to write on endless-sphere. First I am not sure how long this post will be up, since we just found out the moderator of this page is our competitor and it is not being fair. All the good posts and great customer feedback is being erased, the moderator argues that those doing so are employees of Prodeco. That is FALSE!!. It also came to my attention that someone out there is maliciously spreading the rumor that we are going bankrupt, and when I try to post and tell the truth about it, the post is blocked and I cannot write anything on it. Prodeco is not going BANKRUPT!!!, to the contrary we just secure our new facility which allows us to go from an 18k square foot to 60k square foot facility.

Now, for those who dont know us, we have been doing electric bikes for 5 years, where in the last 2 1/2 years we have been building the bikes in Pompano Beach, FL. For those who dont believe us, here is a link., our local TV station stopped by and ran a piece on our company, on a dealer and on an end user.

Yes, there are problems we encounter with forecasting, although we expected our bikes to be a great success, we never anticipated right away to be able to sell over 150 bikes a day, we are turning orders away! Our expected delivery time is between 4-6 weeks. We would love to service everyone but we are getting there slowly but surely. Our expansion will allow us to pump more bikes daily. If you feel that you are not getting anywhere with your dealer, please let us know so we can service you better and we will find the perfect dealer for you.

As far as our dealers, we are trying to police them better, but we cannot control their business practices. We do not encourage anyone to take payment before they have the bikes, with that being said we had to close a few accounts that were promising and charging customers months in advanced, creating a royal mess, and adding fuel to a fire created only by the competition.

We at Prodeco are strong advocates of freedom of speech, and actually enjoy everyone's comments even when some are not as nice, it actually helps us better our company and our product; what I will not allow to happen and will do whatever I can to stop those making stories up, that affect us negatively, we are currently employing 45 people, that depend on their income to live, and I will take exception to those that try to harm this awesome business. We are here to change the way this industry runs and work extremely hard to bring the best electric bike someone can buy at a REAL price.

Thank you and hope this helps!
Hi everyone. I for one never wanted to write on endless-sphere. First I am not sure how long this post will be up, since we just found out the moderator of this page is our competitor and it is not being fair. All the good posts and great customer feedback is being erased, the moderator argues that those doing so are employees of Prodeco. That is FALSE!!. It also came to my attention that someone out there is maliciously spreading the rumor that we are going bankrupt, and when I try to post and tell the truth about it, the post is blocked and I cannot write anything on it. Prodeco is not going BANKRUPT!!!, to the contrary we just secure our new facility which allows us to go from an 18k square foot to 60k square foot facility.

Now, for those who dont know us, we have been doing electric bikes for 5 years, where in the last 2 1/2 years we have been building the bikes in Pompano Beach, FL. For those who dont believe us, here is a link., our local TV station stopped by and ran a piece on our company, on a customer and an end user.

Yes, there are problems we encounter with forecasting, although we expected our bikes to be a great success, we never anticipated right away to be able to sell over 150 bikes a day, we are turning orders away! Our expected delivery time is between 4-6 weeks. We would love to service everyone but we are getting there slowly but surely. Our expansion will allow us to pump more bikes daily. If you feel that you are not getting anywhere with your dealer, please let us know so we can service you better and we will find the perfect dealer for you.

As far as our dealers, we are trying to police them better, but we cannot control their business practices. We do not encourage anyone to take payment before they have the bike, with that being said we had to close a few accounts that were promising and charging customers months in advanced, creating a royal mess, and adding fuel to a fire created only by the competition.

We at Prodeco are strong advocates of freedom of speech, and actually enjoy everyone's comments even when some are not as nice, it actually helps us better our company and our product; what I will not allow to happen and will do whatever I can to stop those making stories up, that affect us negatively, we are currently employing 45 people, that depend on their income to live, and I will take exception to those that try to harm this awesome business. We are here to change the way this industry runs and work extremely hard to bring the best electric bike someone can buy at a REAL price.

Thank you and hope this helps!
Daniel said:
Hi everyone. I for one never wanted to write on endless-sphere. First I am not sure how long this post will be up, since we just found out the moderator of this page is our competitor and it is not being fair. All the good posts and great customer feedback is being erased, the moderator argues that those doing so are employees of Prodeco. That is FALSE!!. It also came to my attention that someone out there is maliciously spreading the rumor that we are going bankrupt, and when I try to post and tell the truth about it, the post is blocked and I cannot write anything on it. Prodeco is not going BANKRUPT!!!, to the contrary we just secure our new facility which allows us to go from an 18k square foot to 60k square foot facility.

Now, for those who dont know us, we have been doing electric bikes for 5 years, where in the last 2 1/2 years we have been building the bikes in Pompano Beach, FL. For those who dont believe us, here is a link., our local TV station stopped by and ran a piece on our company, on a dealer and on an end user.

Yes, there are problems we encounter with forecasting, although we expected our bikes to be a great success, we never anticipated right away to be able to sell over 150 bikes a day, we are turning orders away! Our expected delivery time is between 4-6 weeks. We would love to service everyone but we are getting there slowly but surely. Our expansion will allow us to pump more bikes daily. If you feel that you are not getting anywhere with your dealer, please let us know so we can service you better and we will find the perfect dealer for you.

As far as our dealers, we are trying to police them better, but we cannot control their business practices. We do not encourage anyone to take payment before they have the bikes, with that being said we had to close a few accounts that were promising and charging customers months in advanced, creating a royal mess, and adding fuel to a fire created only by the competition.

We at Prodeco are strong advocates of freedom of speech, and actually enjoy everyone's comments even when some are not as nice, it actually helps us better our company and our product; what I will not allow to happen and will do whatever I can to stop those making stories up, that affect us negatively, we are currently employing 45 people, that depend on their income to live, and I will take exception to those that try to harm this awesome business. We are here to change the way this industry runs and work extremely hard to bring the best electric bike someone can buy at a REAL price.

Thank you and hope this helps!

That first paragraph.....WoW
Well, I just called Prodeco today and they told me that they are ready to ship my bike (number 5 or 6 on the list) BUT cannot till Champion pays them first. I called Champion, and they told me there is nothing they can do.....and they would "relay" the message to management.

WHERE IS MY $1300!?!??!??!? (they took this money months ago)

WHERE IS MY BIKE???!?!?!??

If I don't hear something soon, my attorneys will definitely get some answers!
I was behind Prodeco for a year if you look all my posts on this form they were in Prodeco threads it was hard being a fan of yours on this forum. Then I made my way to the Prodeco facebook page I was Ban!!! for saying Prodeco seems to have a hard time returning calls and that they need to reply to all calls.
Your facebook mod who I think is also your ceo said I only came to start trouble. With that and all the editing of negative feedback I tend to wonder what you
think freedom of speech means I'm trying to talk myself into over looking this along with the fact specs. are being removed from the bike I was going to buy.
Also I'm not sure but many of your dealers are now giving the option to add stuff like the kick stand and pedales to your bikes it leads me to believe that it's going to cost me even more for something that was stock I was 100% sure I wanted a Prodeco bike now more like 50/50. It's funny to ban me for saying you are having a hard time and need to return all calls and also say you sent out a memo saying all calls need to be returned before anyone goes home that day.
It seems I went down for the the greater good.
All our bikes do come with pedals and kickstands, if you could direct me to who is doing that I will be more than happy to check it out, unless those dealers are selling upgraded versions of those items, I am not sure. Now as far as someone being banned from our facebook page, we have only done that only to people that we checked out and dont own our bikes but yet write a review on our bikes, therefore there are fake reviews. If phone calls were not answered or emails were not as well, it is part of our growing pains, and we have dealt with that, resulting in one person being fired and another one being disciplined.

If you have anymore comments or suggestions I am here to respond to them.

Do you currently own one of our bikes?
Whose management? theirs or ours?, they are no longer at authorized dealer, however we allowed Champion to give us a list of customers that were accepted orders through April 30, 2012. We have not received payment from the dealer yet on your order. How did you pay them? why dont you send me a private message so I can work on it tomorrow. I will try to get to the bottom of it. Keep in mind Prodeco never took payment on your order yet. I am sorry you are in this mess, I will shoot to get this resolved promptly.