DC motors over 10 killowatt


100 MW
Jan 18, 2014
central Ohio
Here is a type of motor I recently found out about online. Next year when I get my SSI or SSD (social security) I may upgrade my curie to this motor. So I am posting it here in a new post which I did as I will not be posting or talking about any motors here that are not capable of going at least 60 mph and a minimum of 8 kilowatts.
I may also talk about high end controller options for these motors if that is ok.

which would be a better battery option 4 of these.


or 4 of these


either way its only 2 volts over what the motor is rated for. If I go a few volts under with these than the motor will go a little slower but will only require 3 batteries.


These are cheap enough to get 4 and wire them in parallel series. would that = 10 Ah ?


Also will the batteries put out enough amps for the motor? If not I could get more batteries for a parelell series configuration that could put out enough amps.
How many would I need.
Discharge: 25C Constant / 50C Burst. That is for each battery. Is that 25 amps = 25c or not? It still could be done as 4 in series would = 100 so 8 in parallel series would = the 200 amps the motor needs continuous and the 50C burst would be enough for the 400 amp peak spec. on the motor. Please let me know if 25c = amps or not. I need to know if my thinking is wrong.
My guess would be 8 or 12 of these in parallel series. 12 would be better for both maximum output in total amps to the motor and Ah total. I could actually do 65mph for a little longer. 20 would be perfect. How far would it go? and how would I charge them?


has everyone lost their imagination?
latecurtis said:
Please let me know if 25c = amps or not. I need to know if my thinking is wrong.

Yes, its wrong 1C=ah rating. So 10ah battery at 25c = 250amps. Hobby packs are often over rated from the manufacturers. Try to stay around the middle of the max c rating. Some would argue even more conservative than that. The lower the discharge rate the easier it is on the cells. RC lipo allows you big power without needing a massive pack like you would with another batter chemistry.

WP_20140908_003.mp4(10.67 MiB) Downloaded 26 times
WP_20140908_002.mp4(15.15 MiB) Downloaded 20 timeslatecurtis 100 W


It should mount just like this only this is a MY1020 motor and weighs about 20 pounds half the weight. this frame is heavy duty and solid and I would be willing to try it.


Could not get the videos from the other post but here is some photos. I would love to put that 39 pound motor on this bike.
Postby teslanv » Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:21 pm

Motor is 39 lbs. Not going on any bike I own...
Maybe a go kart? :twisted:

The bike goes abouy 20 mph fresh off the charge @36 volts. The motor is rated for 48 volts.

Note the motenergy 39 pound motor can operate as low as 24 volts and as high as 72 volts for full output so if the bike cant handle the full 72 volts it can be used lower and should still be very fast.
This is more or less a fantasy motor as it is definitely out of my price range. I am only speculating for now but someday may be crazy enough to try it.
If you only want 60mph on a bicycle, have you considered a simple cro-motor or something? Or if you want much more power, a hubzilla.

Thank you for that post. I would like to see a video of your bike doing the quarter mile. The planet earth needs more people who think like you when it comes to fossil fuel. If I had the power I would make all gas powered vehicles totally illegal to manufacture or buy. And within 10 years illegal to drive on the road. All the big rich oil company's could still make plenty of money building factories that replace internal combustion engines to DC electric motors.

Also I would build huge domes big enough to put in a quarter mile race track. one in each state which would be totally enclosed for any gas powered sport event. You would be allowed to drag race run monster trucks or anything gas powered because the air would be filtered thru machines as to not pollute the environment. The deserts would have windmills 1000 feet high or more and solar panels would be spaced out thru the entire desert but not too many in one area to avoid streamers ( birds which catch on fire flying over large areas filled with solar panels). The windmills could have many solar panels on the sides of them.
All skyscrapers and large buildings would be self sufficient and not rely on outside power. Factories which pollute the environment would also employ large air filtration machines for 0 or close to 0 emissions of carbon and other pollutions. The manufacturing of all of this should be enough to stimulate world economy for the next half a century.
I love physics also but had to drop out of physics 1 as my wife got hit by a car and I was working full time and had to pass material science technology and algebra 2 with trig. I had too much on my plate and as I loved the class it was not an easy subject. However I plan on returning to college to finish my associated degree once my disability checks kick in and I am able to straighten out my student loans. I look forward to taking physics again.
My interests include particle physics, quantum physics including the development of the quantum computer, bio computer, nanotechnology, advanced robotics, radical life extension including The Total body transplant. I support stem cell research obviously and have an utter distain for any and all religious groups who dare oppose any scientific research and development. I trolley believe that the human race can conquer its own mortality as well as curing all disease and end world hunger, poverty and suffering.
I even believe that animal suffering can be eliminated also. Instead of slaughter houses to process meat there will be factories which grow meat. They will be able to grow an entire animal such as a cow or pig minus the brain and neural systems. The total body transplant would work the same way. An identical clone of you would be grown to an age of 16 or 17 when the cranium reaches adult size. There would be no brain therefore no conciseness but all the arteries and spinal cord nerve hook ups would be intact in the case of a human and the 50 or 60 year old brain would be transplanted somehow by a very complex laser surgery. All brain disease's and disorders would be eliminated and damaged tissue in the human body could be repaired on a molecular level by tiny nanobots.
Immortality would then be achieved thru science and technology. The world would then be a better place to live but far from paradise. As long as there are religious groups out there there will be terrorism. The radical Islamic groups and 911 are a prime example. Other non radical groups such as some Christian groups oppose Science and technology as well as life extension and refuse to embrace human evolution. They could eventually rise up and become radical and then would become a threat to human immortality. I have never talked to anyone who has died and actually went to heaven or hell and came back. Nor have I ever seen a ghost and don't believe in metaphysical things such as ghosts and spirits I think its utter nonsense like cryogenics. There is no way you can freeze someone and bring them back. Its a big fairy tale just like religion. I have an 160 IQ. My mother told me so and she don't lie.

Thanks Latecurtis out.
latecurtis said:

Thank you for that post. I would like to see a video of your bike doing the quarter mile.
LINK [youtube]K9XCKP9KN7A[/youtube] The planet earth needs more people who think like you when it comes to fossil fuel. I think Tesla put it best when he said it was a "barbaric use of resources". If I had the power I would make all gas powered vehicles totally illegal to manufacture or buy. You would just make a black market for them increasing demand. Banning gasoline would create a black market in smuggling it in drums and storing it in garages and things. Laws are not some magical instant change in peoples interests, they are droplets of ink on a page in a book somewhere representing someone's delusion. And within 10 years illegal to drive on the road. Laws are just someones delusion. If you wish to change peoples actions, change their thoughts by giving them improved awareness. All the big rich oil company's could still make plenty of money building factories that replace internal combustion engines to DC electric motors.

Also I would build huge domes big enough to put in a quarter mile race track. one in each state which would be totally enclosed for any gas powered sport event. You would be allowed to drag race run monster trucks or anything gas powered because the air would be filtered thru machines as to not pollute the environment. The deserts would have windmills 1000 feet high or more and solar panels would be spaced out thru the entire desert but not too many in one area to avoid streamers ( birds which catch on fire flying over large areas filled with solar panels). The windmills could have many solar panels on the sides of them. Sounds like a much wiser use of resources than the status quo of sending our children and the wealth of there country to go bleed out in sand in the name of corporate greed.
All skyscrapers and large buildings would be self sufficient and not rely on outside power. That would be quite the trick considering the power consumption of many skyscrapers, but I agree it would be possible if they were designed right from the ground up to be as efficient as possible. Factories which pollute the environment would also employ large air filtration machines for 0 or close to 0 emissions of carbon and other pollutions. The manufacturing of all of this should be enough to stimulate world economy for the next half a century.
I love physics also but had to drop out of physics 1 as my wife got hit by a car and I was working full time and had to pass material science technology and algebra 2 with trig. I had too much on my plate and as I loved the class it was not an easy subject. However I plan on returning to college to finish my associated degree once my disability checks kick in and I am able to straighten out my student loans. I look forward to taking physics again. There is nothing magical about a classroom and teacher to help you learn, you have an internet connection, you can go through hundreds of college physics lectures on youtube if the lecture format is your preference for learning. The most important part to learning anything is simply wanting to learn it, and it seems you already have that.
My interests include particle physics, quantum physics including the development of the quantum computer, bio computer, nanotechnology, advanced robotics, radical life extension including The Total body transplant. I support stem cell research obviously and have an utter distain for any and all religious groups who dare oppose any scientific research and development. I trolley believe that the human race can conquer its own mortality as well as curing all disease and end world hunger, poverty and suffering. It would certainly be possible to end disease, world hunger and poverty. It would only take something like 1 year of the current US military budget. No need for a body transplant for me, I embrace death as life, because they are inseparable.
I even believe that animal suffering can be eliminated also. At minimum a great reduction can occur. Instead of slaughter houses to process meat there will be factories which grow meat. They will be able to grow an entire animal such as a cow or pig minus the brain and neural systems. Why waste the resources growing meat? [youtube]es6U00LMmC4[/youtube]The total body transplant would work the same way. An identical clone of you would be grown to an age of 16 or 17 when the cranium reaches adult size. There would be no brain therefore no conciseness A brain is not the same as a consciousness. Consciousness = mystery. but all the arteries and spinal cord nerve hook ups would be intact in the case of a human and the 50 or 60 year old brain would be transplanted somehow by a very complex laser surgery. All brain disease's and disorders would be eliminated and damaged tissue in the human body could be repaired on a molecular level by tiny nanobots.
Immortality would then be achieved thru science and technology. Everything will still all crumble to dust. This I can assure you. The world would then be a better place to live but far from paradise. As long as there are religious groups out there there will be terrorism. As long as there are laws and someone feeling like they have authority to enforce them there will be terrorism. The radical Islamic groups and 911 are a prime example. If you sum the harms caused by all the rest of the worlds "bad-guys" you don't match the US military's harms caused to the world in the toned down version of perpetual warmongering they call peacetime. Other non radical groups such as some Christian groups oppose Science and technology as well as life extension and refuse to embrace human evolution. They could eventually rise up and become radical and then would become a threat to human immortality. I have never talked to anyone who has died and actually went to heaven or hell and came back. Nor have I ever seen a ghost and don't believe in metaphysical things Metaphysics a tool for exploring the nature of reality. such as ghosts and spirits I think its utter nonsense like cryogenics. There is no way you can freeze someone and bring them back. Its a big fairy tale just like religion. I have an 160 IQ. My mother told me so and she don't lie. This is a forum of nerds, many of whom share many similar beliefs. I personally have a religion, it's a one word religion, and it's only real while you're practicing it. The word is "kindness".

Thanks Latecurtis out.
Luke, you a humble guy. And that is a great philosophy you shared, which I agree with whole-heartedly:

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

- Dalai Lama

Here are a couple videos of "Deathbike's" conquests at Pacific Raceways last month.
I like the videos and hope that ebike racing can become a real sport. I am trying to get some ES members interested in building race bikes in the future.
Keep the videos coming. Is there any motors out there like the one I posted on this thread which are faster but not heavier. I am hoping for something with a little more horsepower but not more weight. Thanks Latecurtis.
latecurtis said:
........ If I had the power I would make all gas powered vehicles totally illegal to manufacture or buy. And within 10 years illegal to drive on the road.
Thanks Latecurtis out.
:shock: We should all be thankful that you, nor anyone else, has that power, as you certainly do not realise the chaos and social destruction that would follow.
Major world wars for certain, and most likely civil wars in many countries as a whole new social and financial structure is established ! :(
latecurtis said:
I like the videos and hope that ebike racing can become a real sport. I am trying to get some ES members interested in building race bikes in the future.
Keep the videos coming. Is there any motors out there like the one I posted on this thread which are faster but not heavier. I am hoping for something with a little more horsepower but not more weight. Thanks Latecurtis.

Ebike racing is and has been real my friend. I stopped because the previous promoter was successful in making it not worth even the 2mins of interaction with him at various events.

We once had many folks on ES who would make racing oriented ebikes and go head to head with each other and whatever stink-vibrators wanted to attempt to compete as well.
liveforphysics said:
We once had many folks on ES who would make racing oriented ebikes and go head to head with each other and whatever stink-vibrators wanted to attempt to compete as well.
Yeah, if we still had races I could get to, I'd be up for it...as long as I don't break any more ankles. :lol:

Maybe you'd even be willing to ride the present version of CrazyBike2 (though it wouldn't win a race, it'd be a lot safer to try!). ;)
amberwolf said:
liveforphysics said:
We once had many folks on ES who would make racing oriented ebikes and go head to head with each other and whatever stink-vibrators wanted to attempt to compete as well.
Yeah, if we still had races I could get to, I'd be up for it...as long as I don't break any more ankles. :lol:

Maybe you'd even be willing to ride the present version of CrazyBike2 (though it wouldn't win a race, it'd be a lot safer to try!). ;)

I will definitely swap bikes with you for a heat my friend. :) Deathbike is a satisfying riding experience, but not as scary as crazybike to ride. I look forward to it. :)
Post a video on that bro. I want to see it. What motor do you have and how many volts is your set up. How much did you invest into that project.
Please let me know. Thanks Latecurtis.
latecurtis said:
Post a video on that bro. I want to see it. What motor do you have and how many volts is your set up. How much did you invest into that project..

Liveforphysics will have a lot more info than I do, but a quick search finds these threads (some of the technical details are in the threads, dunno about costs) and videos:

This is the thread about deathbike vs a Tesla:

and another discussion thread about deathbike in a previous version:

And the infamous "...and you know this bike is dangerous" video:

And an even earlier version, with a video at the beginning:

EDIT: added link to DeathRace 2011 thread:

How fast will this motor go and how does it compare to the motors in Death bike and Crazy bike. Also what about this motor? will it work on a bike.


I would like to see the link and specs on the motor that goes 110 in the quarter mile. Also Crazy bike. Is Crazybike faster than Deathbike. I really enjoyed the video. I am thinking about racing my Currie ezip trailz next year. It currently has a 1 kilowatt MY1020 motor but I am thinking about upgrading to the Motenergy motor I posted above. What would it do in the quarter mile? Probably not even close to Deathbike or Crazybike. I would like to know though so I don't waste my money. I have been looking for faster motors that will work for e bikes but cant seem to find anything faster. I would like to know where these motors come from the output specs and weight. Please. Latecurtis.
The out-of-production Briggs & Stratton Etek brushed DC motor was capable of the power levels you are discussing, and clones of that design are still being produced by other manufacturers. It weighs about 22 pounds if I recall correctly. 7/8" diameter keyed shaft.

While I agree with Luke that prohibiting things that people really want only makes them break the rules, I don't think that cars and internal combustion engines are something people intrinsically want. I think they are more like a spell our world has been placed under, and if the spell is broken-- whether by legal prohibition, resource crisis, or whatever-- then people will snap out of their trance and realize what outrageous assholes they've been. What people really want is mobility, and ICE engines are just one way to get it (with horrible side effects).
latecurtis said:
I would like to see the link and specs on the motor that goes 110 in the quarter mile. Also Crazy bike. Is Crazybike faster than Deathbike. I really enjoyed the video. I am thinking about racing my Currie ezip trailz next year. It currently has a 1 kilowatt MY1020 motor but I am thinking about upgrading to the Motenergy motor I posted above. What would it do in the quarter mile? Probably not even close to Deathbike or Crazybike. I would like to know though so I don't waste my money. I have been looking for faster motors that will work for e bikes but cant seem to find anything faster. I would like to know where these motors come from the output specs and weight. Please. Latecurtis.

It tales a LOT more than just a bigger motor to make a "fast" bike.
Battery, controller, drive system, gearing, wiring, frame geometry, etc etc....and not least skills needed to both choose and build those components into a safe bike .
Its a little like asking which guitar you need to make records like the Beatles !
dont expect to have all the answers given to you, there are many ways to do it and many ways to get it wrong.
Read and teach yourself as much as possible, because you wont always have someone to tell you the answers.