definative answer on battery care?!


100 µW
Sep 4, 2020
Hi all,

after browsing the web there seems to be different opinions on the best way to prolong the life of your battery.

The two main schools of thought are to either keep it between about 40% & 80% or ensure you always charge to full to 'top off' the batteries.

I commute about 16 miles per day on a TSDZ2 using levels 3 and 4, any thoughts on whether I should give a couple of hours charging each day or a full 8 hour charge every 4 or so days?

Many thanks

neil54 said:
two main schools of thought are to either keep it between about 40% & 80% or ensure you always charge to full to 'top off' the batteries.
The latter is only for Lead chemistries, never Lithium.

Forget percentages, just use voltage, isolated and at rest for at least an hour.

The absolute ideal for longevity needs to be balanced against owner convenience and gear available.

Only go to high SoC a short time before starting discharge, do not let the pack sit there.

Assuming you have a 3.6-3.7V nominal li-ion pack

Charge to 4.05 to 4.15Vpc rather than higher. Lower is better but you start to sacrifice capacity utilization.

The lower your average DoD% end of discharge cycle, the shorter the lifespan.

Best to stop before voltage (isolated and at rest for at least an hour) hits 3.5Vpc, but much higher impacts capacity utilization.

> I commute about 16 miles per day on a TSDZ2 using levels 3 and 4, any thoughts on whether I should give a couple of hours charging each day or a full 8 hour charge every 4 or so days?

The former, as detailed above. The greater part of life spent at the midpoint the better.
3rd school of thought (and what I do): just charge it fully (or to 90%) when convenient and don't worry about it until the capacity drops low enough to justify a replacement after several years.
> The absolute ideal for longevity needs to be balanced against owner convenience and gear available.

Each owner gets to make up their mind on where to draw the line.

For some chemistries, a few years hasn't barely started breaking in.

I have LFP banks I plan to pass on to grandkids not yet born.

But that's just me, I enjoy the challenge as a hobby.