E-bike injuries


1 W
Jul 19, 2015
Sacramento, CA, US
Whats the worst thing you all have done to yourself?

Last Tuesday... took a corner on the bike trail too fast. I felt like I would slip and fall if I leaned more (in hindsight I could braked a lot more and skid my feet on the ground to stay steady) But the area in front of me looked mostly clear so I just kept going mostly straight out into the grass. I'm not sure exactly what happened, it all happened too fast, but I think either the left side of my handle bar hit a tree or my wheel hit one of those big clumps of bluegrass. Next thing I knew I couldn't move my right arm, it didn't hurt at all though (yet) lol. Luckily after like 3 people went by ignoring me, 1 stopped and helped me get to the end of the bike trail where I was picked up and taken to the hospital.
Turns out my elbow was broken and dislocated. Other than that I just have a few tiny scratches on my left arm/hand, it's crazy how my entire crash all affected only my right elbow.
My bike is fine too. My handlebars were just turned a little bit. Front wheel might need some truing too, I haven't fully checked it yet, but it looks straight.

Sooo I guess I wont be riding for a while. Share your stories to make me feel better :twisted:
Sorry for your pain bro..... :(

Let's see...My first week e-biking I lost control of my bike and it took me down whipping my left side across the curb and I fractured a rib. Could barely move or breath for a couple of weeks. Took 6 weeks for the pan to subside. Got cut off in K-town (Laliens know where that is) by a cager ....Flying W, over the bars....I had the full right of way.... Took a year for my shoulder to mend and months for my swollen hands and wrist to mend as well. Many months of pain to be sure. The easiest thing I was lucky enough to get through was when I got hit by a car some weeks back. Some dumb-ass cager didn't stop in time and went through the crosswalk and into the intersection hitting me square on the bottom bracket. I had the green light and full right of way (famous last words) and was fortunate enough to have pulled my foot away and was kicked sideways momentarily by her bumper before keeping balance. I pulled over and let her what I thought of her stupid human trick.....that one could have been worse. At least she saw the red light, albeit a little late. :evil:

How are you feeling?
I probably posted mine in one of the other threads about this, maybe one of these:


If not, it's in the Death Race thread from 2011 or 2012, when I wiped out on the track and fractured my leg just above the ankle.
My worst injuries were long before my ebike era. I've had so many crashes with horses and motorcycles and bikes in 55 years riding, that I got used to it and also got better at it. Crashing relax and cold blooded does help a lot. Not knowing what you hit or how you got injured is not a good sign. When I crash, I see everything before it happens and make decisions for the best, and that is how to limit damages.

I crash my ebikes a few times a year in the mountain trails, but no major injuries with them yet. Broken finger, dislocated shoulder, twisted ankle, cuts and bruises... All minor things that don't even keep me off the bike for the day. I know chances are that I will hit bad some day, been there done that, you can get killed as well waiting for the bus.
see here .... http://www.keywild.com/ebikeplanb/index.html
I hit a pothole on the way to work one morning. The bike stopped but I did not. Walked the final few hundred yard to tell my boss I wanted the day off. He told me that I was bleeding all over his office.
I have stupid high bone density so I've never broken anything despite some awesome whipeouts. Even ripped a steel binding off a snowboard once in a fall. Of course my MRI's seem to be coming back showing no cartilage in some joints now lol.

On ebikes, A couple of dislocated shoulders and bumps and bruises up until three months when I ate it on a rough gravel road where the grader had missed a newly dumped section of soft gravel. In years of skateboards, bikes and motorcycles I've never had such bad road rash. I wasn't wearing any protection cause I was less than a kilometer from home. Right side had about a square foot of solid hamburger above my belt and my right arm is covered in scars that look like raindrops.

My poor wife has seen a lot of blood and bruises since we started dating but this was a new record.
For once I should have gone to the hospital. Nasty concussion too. Had dizzy spells for 8 weeks. Despite prodigious use of my home surgical kit I must have missed some gravel. It just stopped growing out of the scars.
LOL I love a good crash in fact I crashed Tuesday and am using a cane to walk with to day I am so sore for me its just the way it is , I tend to push things I get bored easily and I like to have fun in a big way . I just posted creek fail were I fell into a creek getting muddy,bloddy ,wet knocked my battery out of my bike that was fun .I have crashed everything I have ever owed cars motorcross bikes I once crashed my Hangglider so hard it knocked me cold I was out for 45min and it broke both of my wings off my Glider , the more then once come up short on a set of triples in 4th gear now that's a crash and a yardsale with me endie up in a fetal position gasping and trying to breath . Who wants to go riding??? with me ?? LOL you just gotta love a good crash .
My good one, fumbled a water bottle into the forks stopping the wheel. Wheee! Two broken collarbones, crushed a helmet into the curb, but head ok. A definite accident.

Accidents result in really awkward and unexpected falls. Unready for it, you break things, often not knowing really what or how it happened.

Crashes are totally different, often you know it's another crash coming, sometimes even pick the spot to just bail out before it becomes an accident. But even if just warned a millisecond, you tuck, or slide it out, whatever, and come up laughing.

The line between the two very fine indeed, but always try to make it a crash rather than an accident by backing down a bit when you get that feeling you are getting late into the turns. Even stop if you can, but if not just ease back on it, and get ahead of your turns again.
I've suffered a few broken bones and bruised egos over the years, But the worst ebike related injury had to be a series of sprains.

My front wheel washed out on a turn and I went town with the bike. I managed to break a wrist and skin the palms of my hands, but those healed fast enough. I also sprained the other wrist, both elbows, both shoulders, a knee, both ankles, and had a double groin pull. Six years later and I still don't have 100% mobility yet. It was a year before I could walk up stairs again, and 3 years before I could run up them 2 at a time. I still have trouble tossing my leg over a bicycle from the right hand side. The Doctor said I would probably be "showing improvements" for the rest of my life.
Hope you heal quickly, im still recovering slowly and my crash was easter saturday.
My accident /recovery is documented here. https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=68791

I was having too much fun showing my young nephews my ebike popping wheelies and came off breaking my leg into the bottom half of my knee. Tibial platau fracture.

My origional notes said 25kph ish but i am kind of convinced it happened at more like 30kph especially after talking to the doctors etc. Apparently i made quite a mess of my bone.
Here's a minor one but took a decent layer of skin out of hand. Hand and knee is pretty sore also.
