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Galileo/Newton agree-- 9/11 was an inside job!

nutspecial said:
Hmmm, confusing posts mr megacycle. I'm siding with sbluto and etrike.
Do you need clarification on something?
What the other guys have stated I am in agreement with and just adding, what i see as mainly, sociopolitical info, in support.
Thanks eTrike for bringing up Henry Ford.
Being not from the USA, I am unfamiliar with his life.
But further reading about him and from his quotes, he had real insight and was an amazing innovator and leader.

nutspecial said:
in support
sorry I didn't get that
What the guys have stated I agree with, their information being their aspects of the topic and im bringing in a sociopolitical aspect which supplements their input.
Galileo's helio-centric model is not an example of a conspiracy theory proved correct. It was the opposite of a conspiracy theory since it was evidence-based.

Mass surveillance of communications data was more of an open secret than a conspiracy theory. Regardless, by the law of averages some conspiracy theories will inevitably turn out to be true (there is a bewildering range and number of them), but this in no way supports or validates any given conspiracy theory.

megacycle said:
Do you know what your saying, are they your thoughts or parroting of the MSM line, because i find interesting that you generalise and marginalise people and march to the beat.

I couldn't even guess what "MSM" is.
I can only conclude the body of your post and the quotes below it are intended to be a deliberate juxtaposition of two diametrically opposite positions?
So what are people's favorite or most recommended docus/info on the subject?

I'd have to say judy wood stood out to me, and felt like a good continuity/improvement with/from others.
Can't say I've ever heard or seen a good argument backing up the official story.

Personally, upon some minimal investigation, even the 911 truth controlled demolition etc don't quite fit. Building 7 maybe, but some crazy sh!t happened with one and two that doesn't appear to me plausible destruction within basic science or even conventional controlled demo.
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Punx0r said:
Mass surveillance of communications data was more of an open secret than a conspiracy theory.
Nice try with the nuance there, but it didnt get past me, so we can say 9/11 is an open secret too by that logic.
Thought about working for the Ministry of Truth (circa 1984)?
Punx0r said:
Regardless, by the law of averages some conspiracy theories will inevitably turn out to be true (there is a bewildering range and number of them), but this in no way supports or validates any given conspiracy theory.
True, but we're discussing a specific one here, which consequently now also debunks your silly theory, that lumps critical minds in with other minds that are dellusional.

Punx0r said:
I couldn't even guess what "MSM" is.
Try putting it this way instead of a silly rhetorical question.
What does MSM mean?
Answer- Main Stream Media.
Punx0r said:
I can only conclude the body of your post and the quotes below it are intended to be a deliberate juxtaposition of two diametrically opposite positions?
Can you put that in plain english for the rest of us?
So what are people's favorite or most recommended docus/info on the subject?

I recommend people learn about NORAD, their function and why they were stood down that day. It is easy enough research for you to do on your own and then you will realize that what ever happened, happened with the US's knowledge and permission. What people really need is a frame of reference to comprehend that a government will kill its own people. Rather than spend too much time studying 9/11, check out what led up to it by reading about CIA declassified programs. My friends grandfather was a fellow named Miles Copeland Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miles_Copeland_Jr. his Grandmother was Lorriane https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorraine_Copeland, oh and his dad was the drummer of The Police. Read about operation gladdio, Mk-ultra, bluebird, just to name a few. This shit goes so deep and most people cannot grasp it. Understanding that they could do this and would is the first step, after that its fricken science.
nutspecial said:
I'd have to say judy wood stood out to me, and felt like a good continuity/improvement with/from others.

She certainly stood out to me, too - as an example of why you should never trust someone's opinion just because they have fancy credentials.

I have a copy of a paper critiquing her theory saved on her machine. It's remarkably objective and patient, considering how batshit crazy her theory is.

These conspiracy theories are cult-thinking. Is it comforting to be able to attribute all past, present and future events to some all-powerful overloads? Is that better than accepting that some hate-filled or gullible people hatched a simple plot to perpetrate a massive indiscriminate attack on people they perceived to be their mortal enemies? I wonder if they were as incapable of rational thought as the average Truther. Maybe they were also paranoid about a global Jewish-led conspiracy? What really is the difference between believing your every action is watched over and manipulated by a deity and an omnipotent Earthly ruler(s)/one-world government?

I will ask again, is there any conspiracy theory you don't believe?

Megacycle, the Main-stream Media contains many accurate and truthful reports. There are inevitably some errors, lies and manipulations but to suggest that any thing in the media is automatically untrue is bogus. Next time a newsworthy event happens near where you live you will be able to compare the news reports to your own experiences. Weather is a good one.

No, 9/11 conspiracies are not an open secret. I grant the distinction is subjective, but there has never been a shred of credible evidence (or motive, means or opportunity) for Truther theories.

Seriously people, open your eyes. Stop being so naïve and swallowing these bullshit "theories" conjured from thin air by charlatans, morons and the deranged.
megacycle said:
Punx0r said:
I can only conclude the body of your post and the quotes below it are intended to be a deliberate juxtaposition of two diametrically opposite positions?
Can you put that in plain english for the rest of us?


eTrike said:
Distinctly anti-science opinions:

How is it that we know Galileo was correct?
Pun says: " It was the opposite of a conspiracy theory since it was evidence-based. "
Thus conspiracy theories are based on something other than evidence, such as imagination. This makes perfect sense as the official conspiracy theory surrounding the events of September 11th, 2001, is based on an imagined hypothesis which was first reported live on national news by a seemingly innocent bystander and has been repeatedly modeled by the MSM et. al. to create the result based upon this hypothesis. Operation Mockingbird++
Contrary to that is the vast amount of science-based evidence such as the laws of physics, chemical analysis and eyewitness testimony which in any normal investigation would lead to the true cause of the events. So again, how is it that we know Galileo was correct, especially regarding his study of gravity? I suppose we could easily take the position of the political powers at that time and refer to him as a heretic and blasphemer, which is essentially the position some have staunchly taken in this thread by ignoring basic irrefutable science.

Quotes from scientists advocating the universal truth of science

"The good thing about science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not." -Neil deGrasse Tyson
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - Philip K. Dick.
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan

It takes some balls to be so brazen, but as the saying goes "if you're going to tell a lie, might as well make it a big one".
Punx0r said:
What was the point? Semantics?

Punx0r said:
It takes some balls to be so brazen
No it doesn't.

Punx0r said:
to suggest that any thing in the media is automatically untrue is bogus.
Did I state to the contrary? But be aware of bias and MSMganda.

Punx0r said:
No, 9/11 conspiracies are not an open secret. I grant the distinction is subjective, but there has never been a shred of credible evidence (or motive, means or opportunity) for Truther theories. 
Yes it's become subjective now hasn't it, rhetoric hiding the shifting goal posts.

Punx0r said:
Seriously people, open your eyes. Stop being so naïve and swallowing these bullshit "theories" conjured from thin air by charlatans, morons and the deranged.
Glad to hear you're waking up and spreading the word.
megacycle said:
Punx0r said:
No, 9/11 conspiracies are not an open secret. I grant the distinction is subjective, but there has never been a shred of credible evidence (or motive, means or opportunity) for Truther theories. 
Yes it's become subjective now hasn't it, rhetoric hiding the shifting goal posts.


Deciding whether something is a secret, an open-secret or a myth is partly subjective due to the absence of complete information. That's an honest admission of why my opinion on whether mass-surveillance was an open secret might differ from someone else. It was not a display of weakness. I refuse to bang the table and with absolute certainly shout ad nauseam that my beliefs are the absolute truth. That's the hallmark of those open-minded folk, the Truthers.

Anyway, since we have some new advocates of conspiracy theories in this thread, let's see if we can nail down those moving goal posts. I posted the following back in August:

Detail ONE claim that you believe is "irrefutable evidence supporting controlled demolition". Explain it in terms of "because X (fact), Y (result). Any one you like, but it must be a cogent argument and you must understand it.

let's see if we can keep you on a single subject with static goalposts.

No one has yet come forward with a claim. Anyone care to advance one? It doesn't even have to be controlled-demolition, space-ray theories or similar would also work. We just need a testable, falsifiable claim rather than a deluge of youtube "documentaries" full of speculation and confused rants.
Yes, it looks odd at first sight. So do the wings of a passenger jet in flight as they bend about. If you had the slightest grasp of the sciences you claim proves your conspiracy theories you would understand that intuition is not a reliable indicator of reality.

What you claim as "evidence" is utter shite and no sane person would waste their life on it. If I linked you to 100 hours of scat videos claiming they supported my points, would you diligently watch them?

The point you earnestly latch onto about free-fall was because I thought we were talking about the entire collapse, which did not average free-fall. The NIST analysis I quoted to describe the entire collapse included one period of approximate free-fall somewhere in the middle. You claimed this as a victory even though you claim NIST are shills and liars and shouldn't be trusted.

Anyway, since you've piped up again to do the usual Truther tactic of endless repeating the samegodamn point over and over and over again, I'll take the opportunity to prompt you AGAIN to state the claim that would prove your case. Go on, it can be anything: insurance money, absent people/agencies, explosions, physics. Anything you like.
Punx0r said:
I refuse to bang the table  and with absolute certainly shout ad nauseam that my beliefs are the absolute truth. That's the hallmark of those open-minded folk, the Truthers.
That's what you appear to be doing, venting fustration by creating again a sweeping generalisation, putting all so called 'Truthers in one mind set.
The fustration is understandable as arguments here have become circular, no one's fault, just no formal format, for a complex matter.
Punx0r said:
Anyway, since we have some new advocates of conspiracy theories in this thread, let's see if we can nail down those moving goal posts

let's see if we can keep you on a single subject with static goalposts.

We just need a testable, falsifiable claim rather than a deluge of youtube "documentaries" full of speculation and confused rants.

endless repeating the samegodamn point over and over and over again, 
An idea might be, with New Year happing, give up the mess, fustration and resulting anamosity going on here and go back to the start and create a fresh, proper and formal argument format, eg present thesis v antithesis to aid in coming to a synthesis, with summary argument from one side and summary counter from other, so the commonalities are agreed and then wittle down what's left, bearing in mind arguments can also consist of misinformation put out by vested interests on opposing sides and those also creating both sides of misinformation to create more confusion.
Hillhater said:
Ha Ha ! :D
I recently bought some "oranges" because they looked so good.
It turned out they were actually lemons !
...be careful what you think you are seeing with your own eyes .
:lol: yes could be a Tangelo hybrid, we maybe debating.

Why did Bush, when all planes in the USA were grounded, have the Saudi's flee by plane.
Another one added to the conspiracy!
megacycle said:
eTrike said:
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

Henry Ford"
and;-'International financiers are behind all war. They are what is called the international Jew: German—Jews, French— Jews, English—Jews, American—Jews... the Jew is the threat'.
Henry Ford, quoted in New York World.
Personally I'm not so, so called 'antisemetic' inclined, I believe, from what I gather it's more an age old imperialist agenda, Anglo/Zionist in nature, fitting with the current state of affairs, predominantly in the ME.

I believe Henry Ford was remarking on the Fractional Reserve Banking system. While I also think it's imperialistic in nature (It inevitably causes a concentration of wealth into the hands of bankers over time.), that's not really the particular issue with the American money supply and it has weaknesses. One way to avoid to defeat the model is to simply default (The money never returns to the bankers in the form of interest), and then the money is beyond the grasp of the bankers (Of course, as soon as you put it back into the banking system, they can lend money on it...). Of course, the system is setup so that /typically/ the banks get to take valuable property in that event, so it's not really a cure-all unless you have pretty damn good financial defenses. Such as shifting wealth offshore outside of the American financial system, or hiding wealth/assets inside the financial system beyond reclaim using various instruments. Of course, that's not without countermeasure - As witnessed during the widespread defaults in 2008/2009 with the mortgage crisis, the banks retaliated over the loss of their control of the money supply stemming from the massive mortgage losses that they then simply started printing money at large (Via the 4 QEs) and gorged in it, first by buying up the stock market (It's the major cause of the Stock Market's climb since 2009) and then real estate in prime rental markets (San Fran, Seattle, etc.). When the Banks control the money supply, as the biggest ones do in America, the Banks apparently always win (Until a French revolution unfoils, then they can no longer wrest control of the economy through their control of the money supply when the heads of the American aristocracy start to roll, but I'd say America is a long way from that kind of outcome as long as people aren't starving, like they were during the French revolution. It also doesn't help that the 'true aristrocacy' aren't as visible as the French aristocracy was. For example, I'm guessing very few people have a good idea of which family(families) control Morgan Stanley.).

What's especially evil in the American money supply, is that the largest banks reap half the interest income that comes from the Prime Rate, so they're effectively siphoning wealth off the entire economy through the Prime Rate alone. Is this true of Australian banks? Do the biggest Aussie banks essentially charge interest on the entire money supply through the "Prime rate"(Or whatever it's called there), effectively siphoning wealth from the entire economy without needing to lend a single cent? I have a strong feeling this is pretty unique to the American money supply, and it's not common in the money supplies of European countries or Australia (For example, in Germany, I can imagine the interest would be used to build the Nation's gold reserves, and not flowing into the hands of private banks. Or, better yet, Germany might use the money to fund social programs or support the economy.). But I could be wrong...

Btw, I'm not going to speculate on Jewish involvement in the financial system, but I do know over 40% of Brooklyn is Jewish (It's on Wikipedia) and the last three Federal Reserve chairmen have been Jews (I can't honestly recall a single chairmen that /wasn't/ jewish), so it's not hard to imagine there's a good chance a small number of Jewish families own/control a majority of the US banking system. How relevant that fact is just depends on how anti-semitic you are...

(Btw, if anyone wants to know my vested interest in the inequalities built into the American economy; the majority of my customers are middle class folks. When the middle class is faring badly, my business feels the pain. American-style Income/Wealth inequality verging on Brazil's doesn't help businesses like mine. Granted, don't get me wrong, some of my customers are the /extremely/ well-heeled, but they represent less than 5% of all my orders so their wellbeing is relatively inconsequential to my business. So, essentially, what's good for the American middle class is good for me. :))
markz said:
What year were they built, and by what construction was it built?

Anybody suggesting that your average chinese steel building is so much stronger than a small 1980's American Steel Building[1] in the heart of NYC (Not just any metropolitan; they have building codes, you know.) has got to be joshing...

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Construction_of_the_World_Trade_Center

Four other low-level buildings were constructed as part of the World Trade Center in the 1970s, and a seventh building was constructed in the mid-1980s.
(That'd be WTC Building #7)
nutspecial said:
Personally, upon some minimal investigation, even the 911 truth controlled demolition etc don't quite fit. Building 7 maybe, but some crazy sh!t happened with one and two that doesn't appear to me plausible destruction within basic science or even conventional controlled demo.
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I don't understand the implausibility of 1,2 from naturally falling the way it did. I'd imagine that, unlike towers like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, steel buildings like the WTC are extremely rigid so it's hard to imagine that it'd just 'topple' over during descent; a floor-by-floor collapse from too much stress above from the momentum of 10+ floors collapsing on each floor below, causing a buckling of the girders and immediate failing (Because, hey, I don't think any floor was designed to catch the weight of 10 floors falling 15 feet), causing each floor to collapse one by one straight down seems plausible enough to cause an overall straight downward descent. I wouldn't expect free fall speeds, but I could definitely expect near-freefall speeds as soon as the first floor fell, as I'm sure the failing of the immediate floor below's structure was almost instantaneous.

Building 7's collapse, however, seems rather implausible UNLESS the debris from the first or second collapse weakened the bottom structure significantly enough. However, wikipedia gives very little evidence to this hypothesis.

Well, time to bite my tongue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center#cite_note-hayden-44

Here's the eyewitness reports:

At approximately 2:00 pm, firefighters noticed a bulge in the southwest corner of 7 World Trade Center between the 10th and 13th floors, a sign that the building was unstable and might collapse.[44] During the afternoon, firefighters also heard creaking sounds coming from the building.[45] Around 3:30 pm, FDNY Chief Daniel A. Nigro decided to halt rescue operations, surface removal, and searches along the surface of the debris near 7 World Trade Center and evacuate the area due to concerns for the safety of personnel.[46]

There's some plausbility, but where's the explanation behind it?

In its investigation, NIST utilized ANSYS to model events leading up to collapse initiation and LS-DYNA models to simulate the global response to the initiating events.[52] NIST determined that diesel fuel did not play an important role, nor did the structural damage from the collapse of the Twin Towers or the transfer elements (trusses, girders, and cantilever overhangs). The lack of water to fight the fire was an important factor. The fires burned out of control during the afternoon, causing floor beams near column 79 to expand and push a key girder off its seat, triggering the floors to fail around column 79 on Floors 8 to 14. With a loss of lateral support across nine floors, column 79 buckled – pulling the east penthouse and nearby columns down with it. With the buckling of these critical columns, the collapse then progressed east-to-west across the core, ultimately overloading the perimeter support, which buckled between Floors 7 and 17, causing the remaining portion of the building above to fall downward as a single unit. The fires, fueled by office contents, along with the lack of water, were the key reasons for the collapse.[7]

Assuming NIST isn't involved in some massive coverup, that seems like a pretty thorough explanation that seems to agree with the eyewitness reports. However, if you're distrusting enough, carefully placed explosives could've also caused that sequence of events, I'd assume. And I'd assume some specialist in the FBI/Special Service/CIA whom were residents of the building were skilled enough in the way of explosives to pull it off. Were there any eyewitness reports of explosive sounds between 3:30 and 5:20p.m.?
eTrike said:
Oh no! A building in Dubai is on fire! It must be in danger of collapsing!
Or not...
Mmm probably doesn't have massive amounts of asbestos in it like the WTC did, an economic convenience that it came down the way it did, for some and all that lethal asbestos was carted away.
What happened to the dust from that collapse? There should have had dust monitors around the area testing for lethal airborne particle after the event for a while.
swbluto said:
What's especially evil in the American money supply, is that the largest banks reap half the interest income that comes from the Prime Rate, so they're effectively siphoning wealth off the entire economy through the Prime Rate alone. Is this true of Australian banks? Do the biggest Aussie banks essentially charge interest on the entire money supply through the "Prime rate"
What languge do most of us communicate with?
My view of the global financial system is that it is a construct, to mask the clandestine methods of gathering and concentrating power, the City of London being its base and linked to the establishment, looking at who has the wealth there and who also has control over the means of production of bills, is a statement of who runs us, most power spreads out from there.
The concentration of all global money/power is nearly complete, there are only a few nations without the central banking system installed, these have been under attack, by different methods, to bring them into line.

swbluto said:
so it's not hard to imagine there's a good chance a small number of Jewish families own/control a majority of the US banking system.
The most powerful financial family on the planet are the same people that are based in the City of London, don't miss the links to the establishment though, to me its been crucial in understanding what's going on.
They have Lords in the UK, they have become accepted as part of the establishment there over a few centuries.
They were instrumental in the creation of Israel but don't get them confused with ordinary Jewery, this separates them out from ordinary Jews that despise what Zionists do in their name, though using the term 'anti-semite' does help their plans.

It doesn't take much researching on the net lately to piece together a puzzle.

Personally I view them as somewhat pathetic, as they attempt to hide themselves and their actions they are obviously extreme conservatives, see themselves as global elite management, if the way the world is today and many of the past crises can be attributed to this network then they have failed miserably in global management in aidinh in creating an over populated and polluted planet with much of its population living in poverty and fear.

But what ti do? as the Buddhists say, 'chop wood, carry water'.