Help with Cycle Analysis settings for new motor


100 µW
Dec 10, 2017

I bought a CAB EAGLE not too long ago which has a 3000w motor but a controller that delivers 10kw of power so it turns the 3000w motor into a beast. Shortly after buying the Eagle got ahold of a C&N 8000w motor, of course I wanted to see what it could do on the Eagle so I swapped motors. However I am now experiencing problems with the motor oscillating I guess you would call it. Where it seems to accelerate over and over and over again and jump continuously while anything past 30mph. Attached is my Cycle Analysis .hex file in which came with the Eagle and is still what I am using even though these are the settings when it had a 3000w motor. So basically I am still using the same settings untouched except with an 8000w motor now. What I would like is the bike to act as it did (with all its torque and acceleration power) when I bought it but just more powerful now that I put this bigger motor on. If anyone could take a look at this .hex file and change it or tell me what it is I need to change for the bike to act as it should that would be fantastic! Thanks for all your help and time in advance!

Attached is my Cycle Analysis .hex file in which I am currently using that now has problems oscillating now that I switched to the 8000w motor.

Thanks so much for any of your help!


    601 bytes · Views: 24
Pole Cnt is set to 16 which seems unlikely (but then again, I'm unfamiliar with either of these motors...). Follow the procedure in section "6.14 Determining Pole Count" of the Guide to get this right.

The Speed PID controller has pretty high DSGain for such a powerful bike. Try the 'Speed Limiting Disable' trick in section "4.9.2 Speed Gain (PSGain, IntSGain, DSGain)" of the Guide. If this cures the surging, then you can either leave the speed limiting disabled or will need to tune the speed Gain parameters (since you have a 'legal Mode' with speed limiting, I'm guessing you need the speed limiting to work...).

If the trick doesn't work, then you will need to do as the Guide suggests and examine the Limit Flags to see which parameter is causing the limiting that is behind your 'surging' problem. Adjust the indicated Gain as suggested to eliminate the issue. Since you are using PassThru Throttle, the only likely culprits are AGain and WGain since you have specific limits for Amps and Watts set in all three presets.
Thanks so much for your help. Where do you think I should start from for the again and wgain values? Thanks again!