Is DC more lethal than AC.....why

Subways 600V

Pretty sure streetcars are same. A recent offering for a new design of streetcar by Bombardier was 600V. Guessing that would be compatable rather than upgrading whole system from 400 to 600... There's talk at the TTC now about re-introducing trolley-busses too btw. Anywhooo, huge amounts of DC power strung all over the city designed to handle peak loads, so just idling most of the time... Power to spare for charging a heck of a lot of EV batteries 8)

*Maybe* electrical codes in India(?) are more relaxed about stringing 40,000V around train stations? Had to poke around with google... train volts are all over the map (Netherlands' 1.5 kV, Italy and Belgian 3 kV DC while Euro high speed trains run on 25 kV AC.)
Thanks Lock - I ended up on a great tangent googling the TTC - (Toronto Transit Commission) not that I ride it anymore - but fun stuff to know. Wish I'd been alive in the good old days of the first streetcars and trains, they had such character. Oh well. I could not for the life of me find a schematic of the 'traction power' system, but a few internal .pdfs suggest it is transformed at various substations.

My favourite oddity - there's a 129VDC supply in the system (I get the impression that it's at all stations) for RADIO COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT, not in use but maintained and operational - from the 1930s!!

As for lethal voltages - the way things are going in this city, one could likely set up a coil beside any handwell and pull induction enough to top up! :shock: $3-4 million a year for the rest of time to 'inspect' these things... :roll:

I'm just glad my Dalmatian is naturally adverse to stepping on any kind of metal plate. He's always avoided them like the plague.
northernmike said:
I'm just glad my Dalmatian is naturally adverse to stepping on any kind of metal plate. He's always avoided them like the plague.
Smart puppy! Good dog!

Ermmmm... the early daze of Toronto electric streetcars weren't THAT great...

(coal power plant in the background...So this DC system put out lots of hazardous smoke :( )
wow i would never imagine that the human body could vapourize with a flash of red smoke like that! was that smoke? why red?

kind of looks like its been photoshoped. maybe the red flash of light was brighter in real life but the camera filtered it out like it does with arc welding.
monster said:
wow i would never imagine that the human body could vapourize with a flash of red smoke like that! was that smoke? why red?

kind of looks like its been photoshoped. maybe the red flash of light was brighter in real life but the camera filtered it out like it does with arc welding.

I'm 99% sure that this video is REAL!
JinbaIttai said:
This seems like a good time to share this picture:

Ah ha!!.. :mrgreen:

I love that!.. it seem it'S more convincing!

It's the amount of amps that actually make electricity "more" or "less" dangerous.