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Ridehax Podcast (was :Endless Sphere Podcast / Ebike Nerdcast)

Looking to record another episode, possibly Friday. If any ebike gangsters are interested in joining me all you need is some free time, Skype and a microphone.

drop me a PM.
LiveForPhysics (Luke) joined us this episode. Fantastic episode. Check it out! : http://troyrank.com/2011/02/16/episode-5/

also new show link, but I havn't got the audio worked out yet...http://www.nerdcast.com
I just listened to it. First podcast I had ever listened to. I liked it. :)
Another good one, keep it up!
liveforphysics said:
I just listened to it. First podcast I had ever listened to. I liked it. :)

Now you're hooked... That was the best episode yet. Every episode gets a little better. This episode what I always hoped it would be though. Awesome.
just listened and was excellent.lfp funny as testees set in jello :lol: ....
Hey Guys

That was so much fun!! just finished listening to your ep-5 podcast, it was funny, informative and right on the mark, great to hear Luke as well, simply loved watching those videos he posted from CR they were amazing and if anyone hasn't seen them you have to go watch them.

I second all the praise lorded on to Justin as well, not forgetting of course the guy even e-biked across Canada! I followed that with so much interest at the time even getting Justin to stop and look at take photos of different things i spotted on google earth along the way, was great to be a small part of that story as many others were.

On a technical note I would be interested to know how you recorded the pod-casts, did you all get in to a Skype conference but at the same time record your audio at higher quality on your machines then mixed them up for the edit as I am pretty sure you cant get that kind of audio quality through VOIP tech just yet?

Really great job guys I could have listened to that all day, Luke you are a legend! and great fun to listen to and nice to hear Greg and Grindz as well, Greg's videos are simply amazing, the speed and usability he gets from his bike is quite something, I even caught a box selling company using his videos as promotional material on Ebay so that says something.

Looking forward to hearing a lot more, what a great idea!!

knoxie said:
Hey Guys

That was so much fun!! just finished listening to your ep-5 podcast, it was funny, informative and right on the mark, great to hear Luke as well, simply loved watching those videos he posted from CR they were amazing and if anyone hasn't seen them you have to go watch them.

I second all the praise lorded on to Justin as well, not forgetting of course the guy even e-biked across Canada! I followed that with so much interest at the time even getting Justin to stop and look at take photos of different things i spotted on google earth along the way, was great to be a small part of that story as many others were.

On a technical note I would be interested to know how you recorded the pod-casts, did you all get in to a Skype conference but at the same time record your audio at higher quality on your machines then mixed them up for the edit as I am pretty sure you cant get that kind of audio quality through VOIP tech just yet?

Really great job guys I could have listened to that all day, Luke you are a legend! and great fun to listen to and nice to hear Greg and Grindz as well, Greg's videos are simply amazing, the speed and usability he gets from his bike is quite something, I even caught a box selling company using his videos as promotional material on Ebay so that says something.

Looking forward to hearing a lot more, what a great idea!!


Knoxie, the audio is a directly recorded 3 way conference call through skype. The audio quality with bandwidth is pretty decent and LFP and GCinDC were just using laptop mics:)
spinningmagnets said:
Here's a tip: start the podcast, and then check ES posts and your Email in a separate window...
Hi spinningmagnets, I'm not exactly sure what you mean... Are you referring to the noise? If so, LFP was having issues with his mic... Or did you mean something else?
knoxie said:
...looking forward to hearing a lot more, what a great idea!!
Hey Knoxie, What time works for you considering the time difference? Saturday/Sunday noon, east coast time. We'll coordinate skype handles via PM... :mrgreen:
That was awesome ! Does that mean I am officially a nerd? :D Love Lukes Super Civic stories. Nothing better than a sleeper on the street.
Hey Guys

Thats pretty impressive quality! last time I played with Skype to any extent it wasn't that great :? I can use it on my cell phone as well but not really tried it, I have listened to episodes 1,2,4 and 5, very cool, just sat here at work with 1 x earbud in so as not to annoy everyone! ha ha.

Great podcasts so interesting!! and yes Greg I will PM you my Skype Handle for sure and would be happy to appear on a podcast some time also. be good fun, the time difference between here and DC is 5 hours and I stay up late too so would happily join in, I have a headset mike somewhere which is ideal for this type of thing.

Really enjoyed listening to all these podcasts and can see them becoming really popular, I think the 3 way podcasts are great the extra person makes for a really nice balance and there are so many characters on here that it would be great to hear from, the nice thing with podcasts is that you can listen in pretty much anywhere you like.

Thanks for taking the time out to do them!! I look forward to the next instalment :)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

How cool....just finished the podcast with Greg and Troy...was great fun!! chatted so much think Troy will have to split it in to 2 x shows! anyway it was a lot of fun making the show, thanks guys for inviting me on had a real blast and I encourage others ES members with a Skype account to get in touch and have a chat with these guys!!! cant wait to hear the edit back it was so much fun doing it!!

Hi spinningmagnets, I'm not exactly sure what you mean

I just meant that its nice to listen to the podcast, and also read my email at the same time. Goes faster for those who may not have the time to sit and just listen for 10 minutes. Kill two birds with one stone?
spinningmagnets said:
Hi spinningmagnets, I'm not exactly sure what you mean

I just meant that its nice to listen to the podcast, and also read my email at the same time. Goes faster for those who may not have the time to sit and just listen for 10 minutes. Kill two birds with one stone?

Thats really why I like the audio format. Whenever I'm shoveling snow, driving, cutting the grass, pretty much anything thats a bit boring and doesn't take 100% brain power, I will have my headphones on listening to podcasts.
Nice work guys, I haven't been online much lately but just checked out the latest ep and it sounds good. I'll have to go back through the earlier ones now :)
I'm happy do join in on the fun - if you wanna hear from someone from the opposite end of the planet :p
Assuming the stars align with the time zone differences and skype works OK (I've never used it before but I have 20meg/sec cable so it should)
20 meg :evil:

2 meg here buddy :cry: but it still worked great :D quality of Skype is way better than the last time I tried it, it sounds like we are all recording it in the same room to be honest, isnt technology great!! get yourself on there, I reckon this will start to take off soon and they will be lining up to go on the show! its really great fun, if you can stay up late and the guys get up early go for it.

Hyena said:
Nice work guys, I haven't been online much lately but just checked out the latest ep and it sounds good. I'll have to go back through the earlier ones now :)
I'm happy do join in on the fun - if you wanna hear from someone from the opposite end of the planet :p
Assuming the stars align with the time zone differences and skype works OK (I've never used it before but I have 20meg/sec cable so it should)

I hope we can set something up. 20mb will definately work just fine :) I'm at about 8mb/s here on the highest teir, and its more than enough. Shoot me when you're free via e-mail and we can set something up. I'm editing the episode from the weekend right now and Ill hopefully have that up by tomorrow.
Hey Troy

Thats great news! look forward to having a listen to it :D all 5 shows have been great so far, there are so many great characters on this forum that I am sure folks would love to hear from many more..must get Ypedal on there, he is a legend :) and has tried and owned pretty much every kit out there!!
Have a good week Troy.


grindz145 said:
Hyena said:
Nice work guys, I haven't been online much lately but just checked out the latest ep and it sounds good. I'll have to go back through the earlier ones now :)
I'm happy do join in on the fun - if you wanna hear from someone from the opposite end of the planet :p
Assuming the stars align with the time zone differences and skype works OK (I've never used it before but I have 20meg/sec cable so it should)

I hope we can set something up. 20mb will definately work just fine :) I'm at about 8mb/s here on the highest teir, and its more than enough. Shoot me when you're free via e-mail and we can set something up. I'm editing the episode from the weekend right now and Ill hopefully have that up by tomorrow.
New Edition of the ebike Nerdcast: Episode 6 with Knoxie and GCinDC!


also at www.ebikenerd.com
Hi Troy

Just finished listening to the podcast! great job :) we did have some fun making that..I didn't realise just how much I can go on! ha ha (I did have a couple glasses of wine) he he.

I think Skype's auto mic gain adjust was too much for me and Greg, will need to have a play with that this end as the audio from us was clipping a bit, still it was a lot of fun, thanks for taking the time to get it on the site.

Looking forward to the next show and looking forward to hearing more of the ES members on the show as well, its a great thing! have a good weekend!
