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Trumpistas will die from Covid at **much** higher rates

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Is there a state with a governor that supports Drumpf that is taking anything like proper precautions?

At least there are those states where most citizens have the common sense to do the opposite of what he says
ANOTHER 4-6 week lockdown. Biden has such fond memories of his basement. Probably doesn't remember much from before that.

California is about the same size as the entirety of Canada
Total Cases 991,609/285k
6,927 today/5.5k

Total Deaths 18,108/10.8k
38 today

Total Tests 20,342,072/10.1M
119,979 today/170k
To date I remain in relative good health. It seems that most of us posting regularly here are likewise. How many of us have been tested? I have not. If getting tested was necessary to not get this thing I'd be in trouble. Wearing a MASK, preferably an N95 or KN95 mask in high risk areas is of MUCH more benefit that being tested. Testing is nearly useless without follow-up Contact Tracing. How many of you would obey an order to quarantine if told to by a Contact Tracer?

Apparently Biden is planning a full scale lockdown that would include money for salaries and mortgage and rent payments for the duration. Good luck getting that past Republicans. It is, however, what is needed. You cannot tell people to not work for two weeks and expect that to go down well. Tell them not to work for two weeks and we will pay 60% of your salary goes down only a little bit better. Stay home for two weeks and we'll pay 100% of your salary and you might actually get somewhere.

Masks are the single most effective defense against Covid and will remain so for a good long time. When I first got the heads up about masks you couldn't find any. Now they are everywhere and for every mask I have bought I've gotten 3 free ones. I wore a mask even when they said it didn't do much to keep YOU from getting it but protected others. I would say to my wife at dinner "why don't they just tell people it protects YOU, even if it doesn't? Had they done that people would be putting masks on their dogs and cats. And themselves. 100% adoption. But they didn't want a run on the warehouses. And you had a cult of personality national leader who for personal reasons that defy logic or understanding, chose to denigrate mask wearing.

So don't tell me about testing. When someone is in the hospital with symptoms that may be a good time to find out what, exactly might be up with them. Antigen testing to find out if you have been exposed and therefore have some immunity would be a VERY useful thing to know but the companies that make such tests have chosen to go the way of unethical behavior and bring subpar products to market and the whole science of determining immunity is downplayed. Don't even get me started on the stock manipulation schemes of Big Pharma and their repeated releases of information on their projects that are still months, if not years, away from wide availability.
Get tested only if you have symptoms or are required to get tested.

The airport here is giving out tests so you dont have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Get off airplane, get tested, quarantine for a week and get tested again and you are free to go. However if you are rich, you dont have to quarantine at all!



leisesturm said:
getting tested
by markz » Nov 12 2020 7:23pm

ZeroEm wrote: ↑Nov 12 2020 7:05pm
We have had 20k people die here in Texas, 125 over night.
What on earth is the Texas governor doing to help protect the citizens of Texas?

The Texas Governor is suing the City of El Paso to stop them from issuing any mandates to slow the spread down. In other words Greg Abbot is throwing gasoline on the fire.

Remember the movie Independence Day (1996), they ask the alien what do you want? Reply; Die, Die, Die.
I'm very glad i moved to a red state.

Utah has a big partisan split in the Salt Lake Valley. The young people in the blue part ( SLC proper + surrounding burbs ) are terrified of the infection and there's obscene amounts of rules in the area. Downtown has lost a majority of it's small businesses and it's frankly depressing to drive through.

Where in live, in the very outer suburbs, which is DARK RED, people are older and a much higher % could die from covid, but nobody seems to give a frock and they like it that way. Business is doing well and even growing. I have been in plenty of stores where less than half of people are wearing masks.

I got covid in December before anyone knew what it was and have maintained my immunity by being in public as often as possible since. I like not being isolated and still being able to go out and do things.

The blue people want their rules forced on everyone around them, no matter what. Luckily here in Utah, there is a lot of resistance. In fact, a group of 75 people from the red team recently decided to petition outside of the governor's house for recently instituting a statewide mask order.

I don't like the blues or the reds but i am glad i live in a place where there are enough reds to give the blues resistance. I'm thankful that going outside the house is not viewed as a criminal act here - yet.
You moved to the right place. I just hope the at-risk people around you know to avoid you and all the other me-first spreaders.
LeftieBiker said:
You moved to the right place. I just hope the at-risk people around you know to avoid you and all the other me-first spreaders.

At risk people are doing the same thing they're doing in blue zones - staying home.

The difference between your blue zone and my red zone is that those who are not high risk have an option to go out and live.

I hope you get the enjoyment of experiencing the policies you advocate for.
we have masks being pushed again here but its mainly the kids that have really bought the BS and alot of the immigrants, its winter and i wear a balaclava so i dont take off the helmet or glasses or balaclava when i go in a store

its a pile of crap, the globalists are flexing right now and it will be their downfall, PM Trudeau said covid was an opportunity for the reset, to push through the globalist agenda and climate change while talking to the UN the other day.

its one thing to take an unknown seriously when it first appears but now its really showing how gullible/naive the majority of the people are and i think there should be a mental disability monthly cheque issued for those who are really that freaked out over this and they can quarantine themselves in their homes til they get a grip and let the rest of us carry on as usual.
The difference between your blue zone and my red zone is that those who are not high risk have an option to go out and live.

You should share your knowledge of who is and isn't going to get very sick and/or die from COVID 19 with the CDC and the WHO. I'm sure that they will be grateful for the assistance.
The situation is already turning dire in Manitoba, where community transmission is so rampant through care homes, hospitals and family gatherings that health officials are unable to identify the main sources.

In Manitoba’s capital Winnipeg, with a population of 750,000, Kumar sees a trend similar to the outbreaks that overwhelmed New York City in the spring and currently El Paso, Texas, requiring freezer trucks to store bodies as they piled up.

Manitoba’s single-day record of 508 cases on Nov. 10 is triple the total from two weeks earlier, with intensive care units (ICU) nearly full.


Apparently some parts of Canada are getting hit pretty hard with Covid despite some pretty strict restrictions. They're now approaching or exceeding the infection rates ( per capita ) of the "worst" parts of the United States. And this has overwhelemed their health care system's capacity.

Meanwhile in Utah, we have been living 1-2x the infection rate per capita as Manitoba, but we still have hospital capacity to spare. Many schools are voluntarily closing their doors and going back to online learning. Our spike began when the schools re-opened.

The state and federal government repeatedly have stated that schools are not where transmission is happening and refused to acknowledge the connection. But of course, we're seeing that thinking rolled back pretty quickly..
neptronix said:
LeftieBiker said:
You moved to the right place. I just hope the at-risk people around you know to avoid you and all the other me-first spreaders.

At risk people are doing the same thing they're doing in blue zones - staying home.

The difference between your blue zone and my red zone is that those who are not high risk have an option to go out and live.

I hope you get the enjoyment of experiencing the policies you advocate for.
The **proper** application of those policies would have (had) the whole thing become a non-issue within a month or two.

Not just shelter in place, masks, and social distancing

but widespread testing keeping the positive rate under 1%

freely available on demand to anyone thinks they might have any symptoms

also testing of waste outflows to help identify community spread

effective and rapid contact tracing, quarantining those exposed to those infected

and social supports to assist those effected.

Very very effective!

Economy (and personal convenience lifestyles) can then open back up, with all the other measures continuing to handle the inevitable minor flare-ups

so a few **hundred** new cases per day, maybe 1/100000 active at a time ongoing per jurisdiction.
LTC Homes were hit hard because they have 2 or 3 and sometimes 4 to a room.
The workers of those LTC Homes are working multiple jobs.
leisesturm said:
Masks are the single most effective defense against Covid and will remain so for a good long time.

Masks merely help reduce the spread. The single most effective defense is to avoid doing high risk activities...staying away from groups and especially indoor gatherings of all types. Anyone who trusts the crappy filtration typical masks afford is foolish.

With the varying rates I've seen quoted (some as high as over 50%) for asymptomatic carriers of the virus this thing won't get licked for at least another year even if an effective vaccine is available soon. To get it done any sooner would require at least a month of mandatory lockdown combined with mandatory testing in order to identify all potential carriers and get the active case numbers down to a level where contact tracing is possible. That's how the only countries that have effectively contained the virus achieved their results, and had the world done so back in March and April we'd be in a totally different position now.

This partially/mostly open approach even with compulsory mask usage simply hasn't worked, and at this point there's a valid argument for simply letting the virus run its course and get some light at the end of the tunnel via herd immunity combined with getting the population vaccinated.
Wuhan spent 76-days under lockdown, which was finally lifted as the daily caseload slowed to a trickle.

A new strain, in Australia
markz said:
Wuhan spent 76-days under lockdown, which was finally lifted as the daily caseload slowed to a trickle.

A new strain, in Australia

They may have needed such a long lockdown to prevent spread into the surrounding areas of China. It's a different situation now in the rest of the world. The virus is already widespread, so the lockdown is needed to allow the virus to burn out enough to get the active number low enough for contact tracing to be achievable. Contact tracing with enforced quarantine of those infected is the only solution other than vaccination combined with herd immunity of those not vaccinated.
Don't you think it reasonable to at least do our very best to kill as few people (no matter what age) as possible until the vaccine becomes available?

What kind of asshole won't even wear a mask that is given out free? Being masked doesn't limit my freedom.

What the frock is wrong with people ?

The city of 5 million people on Wednesday emerged from one of the world’s strictest and longest lockdowns that shuttered businesses and confined residents to their homes for more than three months.

Australia’s government estimates 1,200 jobs have been lost on average a day across Victoria state, while demand for mental health services has surged by more than 30%.

Despite key factors working in Melbourne’s favor, including closed borders, an infection count that was tiny by international standards, and a state government with strong public backing, it still took twice as long as anticipated to crush the curve.
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