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Turnigy HXT Powered Custom Cruiser Worklog

Spoke with Matt.P this morning 100% off for ride ~ noon today, temp is a lil higher than i would have liked
its 30C there is a cooling breeze hopefully the HOBO and hv160 will be upto the task, Matt is bring a length of rope
in case something goes wrong with the bike, or his...might have some more ammo to fling at me later this arvo HiGHSiDE Hyena
haha least i won't be stranded for hours Matt's frock can tow me home :: sigh :: i will seriously contemplate crawling first though LOL :lol:

Camera is charged and all mounted up ready to roll


Back with some footage later this arvo...

When I look at that pic, I have to remind myself "Oh yea, the camera". The bling just keeps stealing the show.

Serious craftsmanship there AJ, have a great ride.
yes looking forward to watching the ride video later! good luck and hope it runs well for you mate, that camera is super stealthy! looks just like a bike computer.
Absolutely speeeewin, sat here editing the footage for 4 hours only to get it uploaded 94% to Youtube (which took another hour and a half) to get a frocking error message video faild to upload AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH...im so beat i have it uplading again now dunno if i can stay awake that long though, if you don't see a link in the next 2 hours you wont see one for 8 as i will be in bed...Sorry guys i tried YouTube let us all down...

Been there Kim!! normally when I upload straight from my editing program, so frustrating!! :evil: you could try Vimeo? looking forward to seeing the video and glad the bike didnt break!! dont stay up too late, no beer to make you sleepy :)

OK...i waited the 90 minutes to uplad and it failed again least i got a reason this time..."video rejected because its too long"

WTF...the video is like 15minutes AAAAAAGH...if anyone knows the allowed length please post or i'll google it in the morning
if i have to re-edit the footage i wont be impressed...Alternatively can anyone suggest a better option than YouTube?

Back in ahh shit SIX hours... off to bed i'll be wide awake 5am no matter what time i get to bed, damn body wakes me up on the dot :-(


EDIT: nevermind i see 15minutes is max allowed by YouTube now except for some exceptions too old Director account holders, my video is 58 seconds to freakin long :-S
:lol: sound like your bike needs to be a little bit faster than it is KiM then your video would be shorter :wink:
I new i shouldn't have pushed the "display this post button" :roll: won't make that mistake again......there is video footage from two cameras in the ride video ..why do i bother :-S


EDIT: well seems i read Youtube rules wrong its 10 minutes allowed...not 15...dunno if i will bother redoing it wasted enough of my day on it already, if someone has another site that i can upload 16 minutes of footage lemme know i'll do that.
Hey Kim,
Thanks for the ride yesterday, great weather and top scenery.
I am very impressed with the throttle resolution on your cruiser now, it feels like a different bike, very smooth all the way from a slow crawl to WOT.
I would suggest halls are not necessary on RC setups after riding your cruiser with Matts (Recumpence) interface.
Good luck with the video upload.
1000w said:
Hey Kim,
Thanks for the ride yesterday, great weather and top scenery.
I am very impressed with the throttle resolution on your cruiser now, it feels like a different bike, very smooth all the way from a slow crawl to WOT.
I would suggest halls are not necessary on RC setups after riding your cruiser with Matts (Recumpence) interface.
Good luck with the video upload.

Thanks to you too Matt :wink: i had a blast too will have to organize a ride down your way around the Swan River and the City! would be AWESOME and FLAT no hills!! we could go for miiiiiles around the river at a cracking pace! The scenery will be just as good albeit 'different' with summer coming on (if you get what i mean hehe) Yes, the throttle is huge improvement isn't it, Matt has been on of the few that have been comfortable letting ride the bike the way it used to be, it could of easily gotten an inexperienced and/or anyone that hasn't ridden a bike for a few years a bit of problem, as Deecanio found out the hard way (soz Deec, but the stack makes me LOL the way you try to save it until the realism of 'oh shit...i'n lost it')

Sorry i haven't gotten the video uploaded yet Matt, have now attempted FOUR times I am still having issues, i signed up with Metcafe late last night let the pc on overnight only to find it saying upload complete on one line and still processing on the next, tried uploading once again this morning, same thing, twice last night to youtube :-S am about to try the one Knoxie suggested didn't see his post on previous page last night :-S Hopefully have it up before 11am...

Thanks again Matt very much look forward to next ride day, hopefully Paul (Timma) is in town and can join us as well, i will revive the Aussie thread and get all that expressed interest in a ride day a heads up, perhaps we could start and finish in at one of the many parks/reserves along the river bike path and combine a bar-b-q and ride day all in one! I think a twilight ride would prolly be the best bet with the weather now starting to get up in the 30C mark... Shall keep you updated anywayz Matt ;)

Video HOPEFULLY up soon fellas :: sigh ::


edit: vimeo it sucks balls! miserable 500mb limit how the hell they except you to upload HD content of any length with such a suck ass size limit ...Luke will be pissed as he cgets a herpes outbreak when he views non HD content :shock: :mrgreen: doesn't anyone EVER think of poor LUUUUKE!!!!!?!#!?21 :mrgreen: I am re-encoding the video now to 640x480 best wear 'protection' if you view the footage Luke :p
I typed the below post out 2 days ago when i first tried uploading
the ride video to 'failtube' long story short after 4 attempts
2 on 'fail'tube (video to long) and 2 on Metcafe (just hung after uploaded) I went to Vimeo to try my luck there uploading, only to find it has a pissy 500mb limit :roll: SO i re-encoded it to 480p (sorry Luke)
and FINALLY have it on the net! Link n post below.

Ride Day Video!!!

Matt.P and I headed at ~midday yesterday and completed a 23km ride through some of the biggest mofo hills your likely to see
both bikes performed very well, couple of minor issues, Matt's front hydraulic brake decided it wasn't going to play nice
and was rubbing for a bit around half way through the ride. Small issue for me was the large sprocket on my reduction
drive moved ~3mm causing the sprocket on the opposing end to eeeever so slightly rub on the chain tensioner mount, yes
i Know Luke and ThudSTaR 8) dimples not flats on the shaft just haven't been able to get it done with my
poxy drill set, shall get serious and rectify this ASAP! other than that OH hehe and Matt 'stepping off the bike' when he got
loose in some gravel it was incident free UNTIL we got home, was sitting looking at footage & bike on charge when i
hear this LOUD PssssssssssssssssssssssssssT look out the door into the workshop, the front tire blew out the valve!
(i checked it not 20 minutes prior to the ride, i'm lil paranoid aboiut front wheel blow outs seeing one put me in a wheelchair for life)
The tire pressure was 55psi (Tire rated for 60psi) Both tire and tube are as new so lucky this didnt happen on the ride
when i was tucked up doing near 70 clicks :-|

Some may be unfamiliar with one or the other of both...here's a few stills of the rides-->

Matt.P's 500watt geared MAC Frock equipped A123 prismatic celled Giant full susser MTB-->






And my Custom Cruiser powered by a 80-100 130kv Turnigy and lithium polymer


We covered ~ 23km distance clocking a max of 70km/hr on downhill stretches.
Only bad news really was once again BOTH mine and Matts cameras failed and only captured ~1/2 the ride, We both used our
808s (type 3) Spy cameras for the video. Matt got more than mine did but once again we missed capturing some
of the best scenery the hills has to offer as we passed through the lush green Valleys of Pickering Brook and Carmel,
unsure why this happened, neither cards where even close to full and batteries full charged guess you can't expect
brilliance for a buck forty six :lol: ...next ride i think we will each capture one half of the ride .. OH... battery specifics, Matt,
if i recall correctly you used up in the vicinity of 9ah (400ish wh?) of his 15ah pack...Myself pulled 12ah or (~577wh IIRC) from my
20ah pack. I think if we captured the second half of the ride you guys would be pretty amazed thats all we used damn we
hit some mofo loooong drawn out hills.

Was an AWESOME ride my motor on only one occasion got to a point i couldn't hold my hand on it indefinitely,
this was after ~2km up hilll stretch of Mundaring Weir rd, just before this couple of Lukes fav bikes road on buy us :(
yes Luke we were pwned by a couple of Harley Gayvidsons presumeably on their way out to the Weir Hotel...
Missed capturing it though cameras had turned off loooong before this :-(

As you can see, the power is down to just above half of what i was running before, the bike is slightly down on
power it is noticeable on the steeper hills still i managed to hold steady 48km/hr the whole ride on the steepest hills
It does give me a sense of confidence the bike just isn't as 'crazy' as before :: fingers crossed:: reliability will
be improved also and i can keep this bike going while the new bike becomes the money pit "experimental" machine
the cruiser has been till now haha

Hope you all enjoy the footage we captured anywayz, have edited both mine and Matts together has taken
me 4 hours (only to have to ruin it by reducing the quality to 640x480 :roll: apologies if it hurts anyones eyes) :-S -->

Matt & KiMs Hills Ride Video

Matt and I took it very easy the first half of the ride as the second half is the hardest on the bikes much of it run at WOT up
some lengthy hills as you make your way from the bottom of the valley to the top ...
If we went this route again knowing now we have the battery capacity we could raise the cruise speed 5-10 clicks was such a lovely day
out though we weren't in no hurry to get anywhere, as can be seen by the passing cars we kept up a decent pace all
things considered.

Massive thanks to Matt for a thoroughly enjoyable ride :D Only time i get to go on decent ride without
wheelchair in tow is when i am out with Matt so i look forward to ride days immensely! shall be doing it again in a few weeks time
hopefully if Matt is available :wink: I will also *bump the Aussie Roll Call Thread so any West Aussies keen for a group ride (we are thinking on the cycle
path around the Swan River/City and perhaps a bar-b-q meet-n-greet type affair afterwards or a few ales at one of the pubs
along the way, head to the thread and express your interest so we can get numbers and workout
a time that best suits all participants.

Back to working on the new bike today, between long stints on the lounge watching Bathurst 1000

EDIT: First lap of Buthurst saw a spectacular 300km/h stack when one of the leading cars left rear failed when loaded up at the 'Cutting' (corner at the end of 'Conrod Straight' (Leave it to y'all to workout how it got its name haha :p) Luke, you would of LOVED it mate totall destruction in less than 10 seconds...the $AU600k race car was a write off! The car went sideways into the sand trap for few meters before digging in, then it went airborne and rolled countless times in the air before landing where it continued rollng...when it stops the driver climbs out and waves to the crowd as if he meant to do it haha testament to the safety of the modern day race car with their 1025 point chromo roll cages ...As i was typing this ^'edit' ^ HAHAAHA you love this guys, a Kangaroo is jumping along the track hehehe...silly Skippy :mrgreen:

until next ride day that's it for now for me with this thread fellas... 8)

I noticed the other day the boomerang shaped pivots were severely bent, like
they couldn't be anymore bent, thing is, i have absolutely no idea how it happened
it wasn't done by the actuator it simply hasn't got the power to bend them, only thing
i can think of is, i have lent the bike over few times, all the weight of the bike and my
beefcake -gorgeousness must have done it.... :mrgreen: Needed to wait for $$$
to buy some material to fix it, today i did :)

Picked up some 5 and 10mm aluminum plate to make mounts for the ThudSTaR 8)
2 speed on the other bike, so i decided i would whip up some new pivots out of some
nice 5mm aluminum plate

Cost me 60 bucks for the aluminum, will be enough for a few jobs, the first being -->


I know I known it REALLY could do with some lightening holes, i haven't added them
simply to keep the pieces strong OH ..Mr Goodrum please
note i have purchased a new fine line pen and retired my trusty old fat blue pen :mrgreen:
as a result hehe i didn't even need to bolt the two piece up and 'match' them they were both near identical :p
As you can see also, the old arms took a nice chunk out of the powdercoat, so i masked it up
gave it a few coats of primer filler and then a light sand before some Lamborghini candy blue
paint and a few spurts of clear lacquer to finish the fix, its not perfect but it can't be seen anywayz
and ... will stop any rust :)

Will be back onto the 2 Speed Cruiser motor mounts first thing in the a.m now
this is sorted, as said previously had to wait for pay day :: sigh:: Hyena is working hard and i must thank
him i got a $15 dollar raise in my pension for all his hard paid taxes ...cheers bud :p

ciao for now...

AussieJester said:
............ i got a $15 dollar raise in my pension for all his hard paid taxes ......


Very nice work, indeed Kim.

I know what you mean about pension increases. My pension is index-linked, to the retail price index here, which means I get an annual pension increase that's whatever the RPI for September is each year (so maybe 3% or so this year). The daft thing is that my pay rise last year was only 1.5% and I only got 1% the year before, plus, if I'd stayed at work I'd have got no pay rises at all for the next two years, under the public sector pay restraint that's now in force. Crazy as it seems, it means that my pension will carry on going up each year in line with inflation, funded by all those hard-working UK taxpayers, such that when I reach 'normal' retirement age in a couple of years I'll actually be drawing a pension that's maybe 6% or more greater than it would if I stayed at work......................

Jeremy Harris said:
AussieJester said:
............ i got a $15 dollar raise in my pension for all his hard paid taxes ......


Very nice work, indeed Kim.

I know what you mean about pension increases. My pension is index-linked, to the retail price index here, which means I get an annual pension increase that's whatever the RPI for September is each year (so maybe 3% or so this year). The daft thing is that my pay rise last year was only 1.5% and I only got 1% the year before, plus, if I'd stayed at work I'd have got no pay rises at all for the next two years, under the public sector pay restraint that's now in force. Crazy as it seems, it means that my pension will carry on going up each year in line with inflation, funded by all those hard-working UK taxpayers, such that when I reach 'normal' retirement age in a couple of years I'll actually be drawing a pension that's maybe 6% or more greater than it would if I stayed at work......................


Thanks Jeremy, pension here is enough to live off but if you're renting or paying a mortgage off it would be impossible
on single income, i'm on a disability support pension which is ~$AU730 a fortnight, after food and bills money taken out
and lil put away for a rainy day there is not a heap left, but it's enough toget by, really can't complain theres others out there
far worse off than I, i am comforted in the fact i know i will always have a roof over my head and food to eat aaaand ....
hopefully a nice ebike to ride and one being built :mrgreen: haha...

.... First lap of Buthurst saw a spectacular 300km/h stack when one of the leading cars left rear failed when loaded up at the 'Cutting' (corner at the end of 'Conrod Straight'

That was another great race (and wreck) and a lucky escape for "skippy" :lol: ..
....but A.J. ...you need to get a second opinion on those new med's of yours...(or were you half way through your daily "Bathurst slab" ration ?)
..the wreck was at the "Chase" . the cutting is half way up the mountain ! :wink:
Hillhater said:
.... First lap of Buthurst saw a spectacular 300km/h stack when one of the leading cars left rear failed when loaded up at the 'Cutting' (corner at the end of 'Conrod Straight'

That was another great race (and wreck) and a lucky escape for "skippy" :lol: ..
....but A.J. ...you need to get a second opinion on those new med's of yours...(or were you half way through your daily "Bathurst slab" ration ?)
..the wreck was at the "Chase" . the cutting is half way up the mountain ! :wink:

Yes my mistake... for those that haven't seen the crash we are talking about
first lap end of the fastest straight on the track-->


Best crash i seen for a while ...Off to the drags tomorrow night actually, Fast Friday at motorplex
we get Drags AND Speedway :) Those that havent seen the Motorplex there's
a drag strip and world class speedway track right next to it, me be breeeeething sweet sweet methanol aaaal night
long as i watch the drags then turn 180 degrees and watch the Sprintcars do their thang WOOtz in heaven
well nearly...i am abstaining from alk-e-be-hole so i won't be able to get loaded... well.:wink ::
:mrgreen: :p :lol:

Ah you beat me to the comment about lightening holes! :p

AussieJester said:
Hyena is working hard and i must thank
him i got a $15 dollar raise in my pension for all his hard paid taxes ...cheers bud :p
I've told you, my tax money pays for jet fuel for our fighter planes and bullets for our troops in Afganistan :p
That's not a bad pension though, that's comforting to know when I properly come off my bike and mangle myself I can scrape by when the missus leaves me and takes half my shit :lol:
wow what a huge thread :D gotta admit I jumped 70 or so pages.

Sorry if I'm butting in :?

I think I'm gonna have to give this whole e-bike thing a go with a cruiser like Aussiejesters (looks great)

Could you give us a coupla pointers?

Looks like matts rc drive system is the way to go?
Could anyone (roughly) break down the costs for me (I can do the currency conversion thing)?
AussieJ if you improved your bike what direction would you go?
Could you point me to any other information sources?

cheers +++ sorry for the mild hijack :D

Check out his new build thread if you want to see what he would do to improve things. :)

2-speed tranny? Check
High performance re-wound motor? Check
Better handling frame geometry? Check
Loads better performing fork? Check

And in keeping with the previous racer/ricer comments in that thread, the answer to how much it costs is "more than you can afford pal" :lol:
The cost of raw materials to make the bike is relatively cheap but the dozens and dozens of hours Kim spend hand fabricating all the the parts would cost a fortune if you had to have them custom made.
Hyena said:
And in keeping with the previous racer/ricer comments in that thread, the answer to how much it costs is "more than you can afford pal" :lol:
The cost of raw materials to make the bike is relatively cheap but the dozens and dozens of hours Kim spend hand fabricating all the the parts would cost a fortune if you had to have them custom made.

The price is brutal.

First, you need to break your spine, sacrifice the ability to walk, be in pain and/or high 24-7. Then you can have a modest disability pension income source to support yourself while getting ~80hrs or so a week of time that you can work on building kick-ass ebike projects without a pesky job schedule getting in the way.

Am I jealous? Maybe a little. ;)
barryfzr said:
Could you point me to any other information sources?

Here, I'll fix your sentence for you...

Could you point me to THE information source?

...You are already here.