What did you cook today??

More chili. This time I used almost all red kidney beans (about a pound), and just a handful of pinto (all I had). Half a 3lb chub of 70/30 hamburger, bought on a not-so-good sale but there havent' been any good enough ones lately on beef. :(

Someone was going to toss out a bottle of "tapatillo" brand picante hot sauce at work a few weeks back, becuase they cracked the plastic lid. So I just rubberbanded a little bit of plastic bag over it to get it home, and saved it in the fridge for my next chili batch--today, as it happens (I forgot I had it for the last one). I marinated the beef in ~1/16 cup of it; it's pretty spicy stuff, though you don't feel it till a minute after you've tasted it, and then it just keeps getting hotter and hotter.

I also put a dollop in the beans as they cooked, as well as my usual cumin, paprika, garlic (powder this time as I am out of fresh cloves), black pepper, a few pizzahut pepper packets, and cayenne powder. Let this cook covered on med-low a few hours, till almost all the water is absorbed by beans.

Add a cup more water, and a half-bag of "fiesta" frozen veggie mix with a few kinds of peppers and white onion, and set down to just above Low, keeping covered. Set a frozen green bell pepper in there to thaw a few minutes, then chop that up too.

(I got a copule of big boxes of thsoe peppers a while back, and still have at elast half of them frozen, using them up slowly. A couple weeks ago I planted a handful of the cores from them with seeds under teh evap cooler where the water drips when on, and turned on the water just enouth to drip enough to keep the ground damp there; a handful of tiny sprouts have come up so far. I sitll have at least a handful more cores to plant again if these fail, as the previous ones did).

Fried a chopped whole onion in some of that 50lbs of shamrock margarine I got quite a while back (I think it might actually last me two years) till it is just browning the edges, then added that and the marinated beef to the beans.

After a little while I added around two cups of canned picante-style-chopped tomatoes. they don't have anything but tomato in there, just chopped like you see in picante sauce. That filled the pot to the brim.

It's still cooking on low now, maybe another hour or two before dinnertime.
Well, the first bowl was nummy, but the beans didnt' cook all the way and were still lightly "crunchy", sort of. :? I don't get why, as they should've been done by then, like usual, but whatever.

Anyway, i put more water in and turned it back on to low, and went back to bed figuring I would wake up a zilliion times as usual and remember to turn it off. I did wake up but didnt' remember, tehn did remember when I woke up midmorning when dogs wanted out again, and thought "great, now it will be all burned and dried out".

But it wasnt', because I had not clicked it over far enough and it never turned on at all, so it just sat cooling and then at the just over 90F the house stayed at most of the night, and something in there fermented, making the chili smell funny and bubbly. :cry:

I cant' waste that much food like that, so I brougth it up to a boil and held it there long enough to require at least two more cups of water, probalby an hour or more. Each time the top foamed up I scooped that off, and after the third or fourth time it didnt' foam up again; I started stirring it to keep the bottom from burning after those first few minutes.

Added more paprika, some sage, more pizzahut peppers, more black pepper, and some garlic salt, and a little more of that rescued picante sauce, and let it simmer on medium another hour.

After that it was readty to eat again, and although it is not as nummy as it was before I screwed it up, it is at least edible and won't kill me. But the beans still aren't any softer. :roll:
If you like black pepper get a pepper mill. Fresh cracked pepper is much better than the ground stuff and the peppercorns in the bulk food section cost about 10% of the packaged pepper on a weight basis.
Yeah, I already do that most of the time. :)
I like to add chunky peanut butter to my chili, it gives it additional chewiness and stick to the rib viscosity. Lobster pizza looks great, would be good with avocado shrimp tacos and garlic scallops shishcabobs. I just ate and my mouth is watering! 8)
Hot chip sandwiches, today is junk food day.
I do not want to cook an eBike motor, They are not very tasty.
But they do have lots of good vitamins, like iron. ;)
Spinner! Ingenious! A cowl, a fan and a stone...plus heat fire and smoke...plus cheese vegies and flour. Yes three is my favorite number. You got all three, three times in one place, with something you had, and some thing you made, that's three again! You get that many triples on the same issue, you've run the bases. Great job. :D
HAROX said:
Spinner! Ingenious! A cowl, a fan and a stone...plus heat fire and smoke...plus cheese vegies and flour. Yes three is my favorite number. You got all three, three times in one place, with something you had, and some thing you made, that's three again! You get that many triples on the same issue, you've run the bases. Great job. :D

How does beer fit in? Out of range of the camera was an ale, a lager and a stout.
Since becoming almost totally vegetarian I've discovered that my usual diet of sticks, twigs, bark and leaves can be made almost edible and sometimes even palatable by the generous addition of hot peppers. Of course, if carried to extremes, one runs the risk of acquiring BFB (Blue Flame Buttocks) syndrome.
salty9 said:
Since becoming almost totally vegetarian I've discovered that my usual diet of sticks, twigs, bark and leaves can be made almost edible and sometimes even palatable by the generous addition of hot peppers. Of course, if carried to extremes, one runs the risk of acquiring BFB (Blue Flame Buttocks) syndrome.
I am a vegetarian too and you soon discover how much better meat replacement products tate smothered in hot chilli sauce.
made more chili. is cold in house but each room is curtained off to kee p heat in rooms im in, so cooked in crockpot in room with bikes to try t o work on them (but didn't actually get anyhtin g done; kept dozing). kept wakign up to dogs shakng heads from burned tongeus and noses cuz they woldn't quit sniffing the crockpot when it was on floor, so moved to trikes'; rack and then they left it a lone. pic is from maybe twohour s in to cooking (takes 5-8). finished cooking earlier and was nommy. have enough for a t least 3 days i hope.


two days aog made egg rolls first beef then chicken but no pics. big pile of them so could eat on them for both days, saves energy and time.
Kartoffelbrei, Bratwurst and Sauerkraut ;)
dh-paule said:
Kartoffelbrei, Bratwurst and Sauerkraut ;)
lol does that have an english interpretation.
Pureed left over baked carrots and celery in vegetable stock. Added some potato chunks and bacon of course. Some leftover pizza dough made a great edible bowl.

I've been using TVP (textured vegetable protein) as a meat substitute for quite a while. It is like eggplant and assumes the taste of anything you mix with it. One advantage is that it can be stored like dry rice or beans.