What is max volts for clyte 4820r controller??????

Jan 5, 2008
Will this controller be ok if my max voltage off the charger is less than 67 volts??????

I blew my 72v controller by accident, connecting it to 150volts.
Prior to that my bike was running great not exceeding 104 volts.

I just bought the 48volt controller and connected it to 58 volts (on full charge).

I ran the old clyte 36v controller at 48 (sla) volts, no problem.
I ran the old clyte 72v controller at 96 (nimh) volts, no problem.
Exstrapolating from the above info, I'm uessing 66v will be ok.
I'm ready to connect another 8volt cell to my 58volts, but I figured I'd ask here if others have an experience with running this 48v 20a clyte controller on 60v.

Thanks for your response.
Very likely that the controller has caps in it rated 63v.
So if a cap is rated at x volts, then I would think that there is a built in margin to be safe????like 10% ??
Also, on my 72v controller connected to 150v, it popped immediately. Did I just fry the caps? Could this controller be repaired with new caps?
I did see the Lyen controller...nice....but my set-up is only made for 20amps. I don't see anything around anymore made for 20amps...
On 64 volts, I could get 25mph on my 409 rwd clyte. I could live with that. I'll wait to hear more response.

My sole transportation last week was on a chinese folding girl's bike---pedal only. I came to the revelation that my constant pedaling on my electric bike was actually keeping my legs in shape....a little bit...
Often caps will pop when overvolted too much, but other stuff can go too. 63v rated caps may take more, or not. Only one way to find out.

My lyens 9 fet controller is set to 20 amps, and can take 72v. You could have him set you one up for a slightly lower lvc to use for 69v.