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What's more compact then folding bike? - SoloWheel






I just ordered one. Let's get this discussion going.

Anyone tried to hack the controller/sensors yet to increase the speed?
Other than dismantling one, has there been any testing/experimentation with the hardware?
Personally I think there are pluses and minuses to this design but I don't get how the "rockwheel" is able to brake since a geared motor can't use regen based on the mechanical/electrical limitations for geared motors from what I understand...

Although it is small and easy to carry, it isn't the most convenient to ride especially for those that aren't coordinated enough to ride more than a bicycle. 2nd, it is limited in terms of distance for the size in terms of batteries it can carry. Third, it can't go very fast or it can get squirrely and it has no handlebars (like a segueway) for stability and no mechanical brake (and geared ones although they can potentially climb better hills because of increased torque/gearing they can't have ebrakes/regen either).

Lastly they aren't street legal according to most state as well as federal law (except on private land, as are e skateboards as well.)

They seem kind of gimmicky and not practical for most people unless you are fond of unicycle riding and are very coordinated in general.
I tried one at CES, it was harder to ride than I thought. Turning radius was wide, but it could be lack of familiarity. Cool, but not something I was turned onto and I'm use to balance sports. I would go with a longboard before I go with this as my portable transport. Heavy as well. It took several attempts but I was able to contol it in a much more open section, but it is a much more unstable platform. I would definitely try one before buying, unless you're the type that also like unicycles.
those are all over alibaba.com. I see them for $160 there!!! shipping probably makes it double.

I rode one!!!
I chanced upon one just up the street from my work on lunch break. It's not easy to ride, in fact the girl who was promoting it said she couldn't ride it. Kinda like a unicycle..no surprise there. You have to jump on quickly and get going. I did a lot of involuntary hand waving and leaning. Not safe but really fun. probably the most efficient smallest thing I can imagine

hacking it and upping the speed??! try it first. I was only on it for maybe half a minute but I cant imagine going faster than 8mph
WEll, let's be fair. Anyone who just hops on one for a few minutes hardly has enough experience to make anything other than initial impressions. For anyone who has never rode a skateboard, I suspect they might fare worse than what has been posted here. I'd not be surprised at all if a first time boarder took a spill onto the concrete.

From the learning videos I saw, they show you how to learn over time using a leash or extended handle to steady yourself and gain confidence.

Of course, weight is what it is as well as ergo comments like size and portability and such. We need to have some with a few days on one to offer their viewpoint before discounting this mode of transport.

I bet you could ride this right by places that state NO SKATEBOARDS! LOL
I would agree that they may be a novelty for some, fun in that they are unique and not something most people have tried before, but the fact that unlike a new bicycle where anyone who can and has ridden a bicycle could get on any new bicycle and ride it without any trouble, the same can't be said of the single wheel e vehicles that's the only point being made not that there aren't other popular rideable things that also have a learning curve.

Is the single wheel vehicle truly a convenient and practical form of transportation for fun or otherwise? That was said about the segueway but it didn't catch on except in some malls by security guards or a few sporadic tourist tour outfits around major cities as rentals. I don't know of any skateboard rental facilities (electric or otherwise) for tourist like bikes, etc and yes these single wheel craft are smaller and more portable and cheaper than segueways but I still don't see the unicycle being the next big thing since they have been out for a few years now already. Sure, it may be a niche market and a fad/novelty item but it's just not practical/safe/as fun as other alternatives in the eskateboard/ebike/escooter markets imho that's all but they would probably be fun to try as a gimmicky item since they are new to most people due to their scarcity so more power to them, I support any evehicle promotion...
sk8norcal said:
kfong said:
Think about it, if you were to lean back a significant amout. The Segway would need to accelerate to keep you from falling. Just not something you would normally attempt,

my point is that they would somehow limit the reverse speed for safety,
that link i posted mentions that for segway...

i rode that off road one once,
(some guy who organize bay area segway polo had me test ride it)
he had me go as fast as I can across a bumpy grass field,
it felt pretty scary... :lol:

segway patent
The designs that are patented as you posted them up here encompass pretty much any one wheel vehicle. Can Segway legally tell the many one-wheel vehicle companies, such as One Wheel, that they can't sell them or that they're entitled to royalties? . I think I hate patents.
I got mine and was proficient in riding it after a week or two trying every other day. I can now ride it many miles without getting tired - even with lots of heavy weight in a backpack. The single athletic kid I have let try it picked it up in about 15 minutes and was zipping all around the neighborhood (until he got a little too confident and dumped pretty hard.) Of the 15 adults I have let try it (most very athletic) no one has been able to really get it in the first day. It is much more maneuverable than a bike... I can do a u-turn with about a 4 foot radius. GPS'd it at about 9mph on average. It is definitely much faster getting around the city than walking and great little device to keep in the trunk of your car when you have to park several blocks out and are in a hurry. Will crack it open soon to compare pics with the others who have purchased.
I bought Ninebot One E as optimal in most requirements for me.
oh yeah. I just recently bought one of these unicycle's. Took a while to ride properly but seems pretty cool. Still prefer riding the electric skateboard and I think the eboard is a much more easier and reliable form of transportation.
I had the Ninebot One E and the IPS I200
unnamed (11).jpg

The ninebot was amazing but really big and heavy compare to the IPS , but faster , more beautiful and had a lot of online firmware updates with improvements
I sold them and returned to the real thing :D
unnamed (4).jpg
Getting closer to electric skateboards being legalized in California. There is no real opposition so just a matter of time until enacted.


Will not be legal for the highway but okay for bike paths and side of the road like bicycles. Here in Palm Springs area of California there is already high tolerance of electric golf carts on sidewalks and non busy roads. I asked a local police officer if he minded me driving E board around in bike lanes and said "No problem" as long as it doesn't impede or affect traffic.

The solowheel type unicycles are interesting for wet and offroad use but what a pain to open and service. Kind of dork factor also when compared to carving a longboard.
CSN said:
Getting closer to electric skateboards being legalized in California. There is no real opposition so just a matter of time until enacted.


Will not be legal for the highway but okay for bike paths and side of the road like bicycles. Here in Palm Springs area of California there is already high tolerance of electric golf carts on sidewalks and non busy roads. I asked a local police officer if he minded me driving E board around in bike lanes and said "No problem" as long as it doesn't impede or affect traffic.

The solowheel type unicycles are interesting for wet and offroad use but what a pain to open and service. Kind of dork factor also when compared to carving a longboard.

Cool that's good news.. one thing with the solowheel. I imagine it's harder to go 20mph while on an eboard going 20mph is the norm.
That above link to the legislation times out.

search for "AB-604 Electrically motorized skateboards."

Can send email to various representatives to help the effort. This is what I got back.


"Thank you for your support. You can help by mailing or scanning a letter of support to our office. I have attached a sample support letter to help you.

Thank you,

Matt Theis
Capitol Director
Assembly Republican Leader Kristin Olsen
State Capitol, Room 3104
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.319.2012
Fax: 916.319.2112
Email: matt.theis@asm.ca.gov
Website: https://ad12.assemblygop.com/"
There is a fun factor to riding something that few people have ever seen before let alone tried. Had a few people slow down in their cars and ask me if I am from the future in a sincere and fascinated way. I would definitely switch to an eboard if they could do better over sidewalk to street transitions, gutters, and go through grass.
ecycler said:
There is a fun factor to riding something that few people have ever seen before let alone tried. Had a few people slow down in their cars and ask me if I am from the future in a sincere and fascinated way. I would definitely switch to an eboard if they could do better over sidewalk to street transitions, gutters, and go through grass.

I have both an eboard and an air wheel. I like the eBoard way better and is more useful for commuting. I can't seem to ride it without the training wheels either - air wheel.
The 'aha' point for me was when I finally made the connection with my body and how to keep balance. It will just click for you. The trick is to think about it like a bicycle. When you start falling over to the left at slow speeds, you do not actually lean to the right, you steer to the left to keep the bike underneath yourself. You need to do the same with the airwheel and twist your hips to immediately steer the airwheel to the direction you start leaning/falling. Once you get that down the corrections will become smaller and smaller until you don't even realize you are doing it anymore. Everyone who beings learning instinctively and incorrectly tries to lean to the opposite side when they start to fall over - that just proves to hurt your ankles and pride. Hope this helps. It made a huge difference for me in my learning curve.
CSN said:
Getting closer to electric skateboards being legalized in California. There is no real opposition so just a matter of time until enacted.


Will not be legal for the highway but okay for bike paths and side of the road like bicycles. Here in Palm Springs area of California there is already high tolerance of electric golf carts on sidewalks and non busy roads. I asked a local police officer if he minded me driving E board around in bike lanes and said "No problem" as long as it doesn't impede or affect traffic.

The solowheel type unicycles are interesting for wet and offroad use but what a pain to open and service. Kind of dork factor also when compared to carving a longboard.

Here is link to ways to contact the folks on the Senate transportation and housing committee. It is to be brought to this group June 16, 2015. Please call, fax, or send mail to let them know you support this bill.
Had a friend with a solowheel clone who got dumped when it braked inexplicably. She's totally lost confidence in the thing.
Yeah the mono wheels are dependent on a stabilizer always working.

If an eboard has a glitch and loses signal etc then can safely coast... Much better than doing a faceplant.

On the plus side if a Mono wheel runs out of juice you can just swing it around like a kettlebell and get a great core strength workout.
windtrader said:
CSN said:
Getting closer to electric skateboards being legalized in California. There is no real opposition so just a matter of time until enacted.


Will not be legal for the highway but okay for bike paths and side of the road like bicycles. Here in Palm Springs area of California there is already high tolerance of electric golf carts on sidewalks and non busy roads. I asked a local police officer if he minded me driving E board around in bike lanes and said "No problem" as long as it doesn't impede or affect traffic.

The solowheel type unicycles are interesting for wet and offroad use but what a pain to open and service. Kind of dork factor also when compared to carving a longboard.

Here is link to ways to contact the folks on the Senate transportation and housing committee. It is to be brought to this group June 16, 2015. Please call, fax, or send mail to let them know you support this bill.

Does that work? Maybe we can get protest signs and a license to wander the streets with police escort. Does that work? I'd like it to work.

if it breaks you faceplant? I guess that's the same for a Segway though. I like the solowheel and all it's clones way better than the Segway. I've ridden the solowheel but never a Segway.
Szogs said:
Had a friend with a solowheel clone who got dumped when it braked inexplicably. She's totally lost confidence in the thing.

Yes, I have had that happen a few times where it launched me off and forward, but only one time where I actually hit the ground. When several of the following conditions are met this can/will happen:

1. Batteries are at a low state of charge
2. Going up a hill
3. Going over a large bump
4. It is cold outside
5. You try to accelerate quickly
6. Older or small battery pack
7. You are still learning how to use it and applying very extreme or squirrely control inputs

As you can probably surmise it is caused by an extreme and immediate sag in voltage and the controller just can not generate enough power for the situation resulting in a faceplant. The solution is to understand what can cause it and keep your batteries charged up. Does she have an ultra cheap clone with a very small/shoddy battery pack? That will definitely cause it to happen more as they are not up to the task.