Wireless Wii Nunchuck *TESTERS WANTED

I can totally wait a month or so. I will use paypal then too. when u get them in could you hold one for me? If so I will try to reask in about 30-40 days.
Hey guys
I see the lineup has already got started
Please sign me up for 2 more units as soon as the next batch is in.
Rode a few miles tonight on the WiiPintail and noticed now that when I use C, unless I set my speed by holding the toggle right for a few seconds, C will gradually keep increasing my speed even if I toggle down it would still speed back up. As far as issues go though, it wasnt that big of a deal.
psychotiller said:
Rode a few miles tonight on the WiiPintail and noticed now that when I use C, unless I set my speed by holding the toggle right for a few seconds, C will gradually keep increasing my speed even if I toggle down it would still speed back up. As far as issues go though, it wasnt that big of a deal.

What you've described is how it currently works. You would set your start up cruise control speed to a lower speed to avoid that issue. Let us know if it's much of an issue.

Are you using the latest updates? You should set your cruise control start speed first with your board flipped over (usually anything fast is actually slow) bring it up to the cruise control start up speed you want with the (cruise control and toggle up/down to control speed) move to right or left for about 5+ seconds and it should slow down and start back up once it accepts the new cruise control speed. This setting shouldn't change and should be set until you try and reset it again.

The way you describe it is actually how cruise control works. If you plan on toggling down completely below your set cruise control speed -- I would probably set my initial cruise control start up speed to a much lower speed then the current.
torqueboards said:
psychotiller said:
Rode a few miles tonight on the WiiPintail and noticed now that when I use C, unless I set my speed by holding the toggle right for a few seconds, C will gradually keep increasing my speed even if I toggle down it would still speed back up. As far as issues go though, it wasnt that big of a deal.

What you've described is how it currently works. You would set your start up cruise control speed to a lower speed to avoid that issue. Let us know if it's much of an issue.

Are you using the latest updates? You should set your cruise control start speed first with your board flipped over (usually anything fast is actually slow) bring it up to the cruise control start up speed you want with the (cruise control and toggle up/down to control speed) move to right or left for about 5+ seconds and it should slow down and start back up once it accepts the new cruise control speed. This setting shouldn't change and should be set until you try and reset it again.

The way you describe it is actually how cruise control works. If you plan on toggling down completely below your set cruise control speed -- I would probably set my initial cruise control start up speed to a much lower speed then the current.

Setting my cruise speed only works until I toggle up. If I hit c again after toggling up it is increasing speed all the way up to 37mph. even if I toggle down to slow down, if I keep my finger on C it will cruise right back up to max speed again.
psychotiller said:
Setting my cruise speed only works until I toggle up. If I hit c again after toggling up it is increasing speed all the way up to 37mph. even if I toggle down to slow down, if I keep my finger on C it will cruise right back up to max speed again.

We'll have to double check with Austin... Last time I got it working I basically had to trick it to run cruise control at a lower speed and then set the lower speed as cruise control. You can also try re-flashing it and the resetting the default cruise control.
Yeah, I need to practice the whole arduino thing anyway. I'm not that worried about it honestly. I love this thing so much better than the RC controllers.
psychotiller said:
Yeah, I need to practice the whole arduino thing anyway. I'm not that worried about it honestly. I love this thing so much better than the RC controllers.

Yeah, it is pretty awesome. Sucks for me I switched work locations hopefully temporarily so I don't commute to work anymore. Finding any reason to put more miles in LOL.
Hi Guys and gals.

Is it possible to get this type of thing controlling two ESC's ...just simple joystick control , esc's drive two winches on some disabled sailing Access dinghies at my local Sailability club.

I have built slightly larger ones using two Adruino Nanos and RF24 modules but this smaller Wii version would enable chin control for some of our quadriplegic sailors.

I have uploaded the files located here and have it working for the throttle ch on D9 but would like to get it working on the X axis and take off all the cruise control stuff (winches dont need to keep going...lol)

I have seen loads of posts but am failing to find the zip file to upload the sketches.

If anyone has a link to where i could achieve X,Y axis servo/esc control it would be greatly appreciated.

This is the larger one back when i was using Pololu Simple motor controllers (i have now gone over to some 3s HK ESC's)

Album of build pics so far, I used a JST balance lead from a three cell lipo (four wires) to make a cable for joining to the Arduino Prototype board, it is plugged into the SCL, SDA, 5V, GND socket of the board

// update, its possible that the greater part of my trouble of finding sketches that work are due to changes in the Arduino IDE, I found this http://bjorn.us/tech/wireless-nunchuck-controlling-pan-tilt-servos/

looks like its what i am after, going to find the old IDE and see if i can get it to work on my Nano V3.0 and ebay Wireless wii Nunchuck.
Link to the Build photos.
Tried, versions 0017 , 0020 , 0022 and 1.0.5 ...still getting

C:\Users\Tony\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Nunchuck\Nunchuck.cpp:125: error: no 'boolean Nunchuck::cButtonPressed()' member function declared in class 'Nunchuck'

C:\Users\Tony\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Nunchuck\Nunchuck.cpp:137: error: no 'boolean Nunchuck::zButtonPressed()' member function declared in class 'Nunchuck'

when i try to compile code from - http://bjorn.us/tech/wireless-nunchuck-controlling-pan-tilt-servos/#comment-110

This skateboards codes works except Y is not in neutral...motor turns very slowly when nunchuck stick is neutral and the missing x axis.

Someone out there is just bound to have dont this ...just finding them with google is bringing up the very similar search results.

...i need some new search terms. :pancake:
torqueboards said:
psychotiller said:
Setting my cruise speed only works until I toggle up. If I hit c again after toggling up it is increasing speed all the way up to 37mph. even if I toggle down to slow down, if I keep my finger on C it will cruise right back up to max speed again.

We'll have to double check with Austin... Last time I got it working I basically had to trick it to run cruise control at a lower speed and then set the lower speed as cruise control. You can also try re-flashing it and the resetting the default cruise control.

Reflashing won't work, but I can push software you can flash to reset it. This sounds exactly like you set the "auto cruise" to full blast, which should be hard to do on accident.

To fix it: flip the board, press and hold C, then down until its super slow or stopped, then (still holding C) all the way right. Hold that for 5 secs. If you get it right the speed will hold for the whole time. Let go of the stick (still holding c) and it will stay. This is the new auto cruise setting.

Let go of c, then hold c again and it'll go back to that speed. If its zero or not fast enough, bump the stick up till its where you want, then hold right for 5 secs again. I have mine set to about a good push off speed, so I can push the board and hold C and it keeps going, for an easy start.

It should be kinda tough to change that accidentally unless you have a habit of holding the stick to the side...
gcebiker said:
Tried, versions 0017 , 0020 , 0022 and 1.0.5 ...still getting

C:\Users\Tony\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Nunchuck\Nunchuck.cpp:125: error: no 'boolean Nunchuck::cButtonPressed()' member function declared in class 'Nunchuck'

C:\Users\Tony\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Nunchuck\Nunchuck.cpp:137: error: no 'boolean Nunchuck::zButtonPressed()' member function declared in class 'Nunchuck'

when i try to compile code from - http://bjorn.us/tech/wireless-nunchuck-controlling-pan-tilt-servos/#comment-110

You can read up in the thread and try my wiiceiver code. I rewrote the nunchuck libraries so I don't have any comment on other stuff. Good luck!
Will other brands wireless nunchuks work also? I lose connection with the nyko alot and its getting frustrating. Its not easy for me to get a memorex. They are sold out everywhere.
DodgyBob said:
Will other brands wireless nunchuks work also? I lose connection with the nyko alot and its getting frustrating. Its not easy for me to get a memorex. They are sold out everywhere.

Have you tried and updated to the latest version? You should be able to use others but we specifically tested with Nyko Kama and Memorex. I purchased a few different models to test soon, just waiting on them.
DodgyBob said:
Will other brands wireless nunchuks work also? I lose connection with the nyko alot and its getting frustrating. Its not easy for me to get a memorex. They are sold out everywhere.

Check the batteries and placement of the little receiver / base thing. I opened mine up (press on the back, it'll separate easily), covered the whole thing with heat-shrink, and have the antenna-board parallel to my deck. When it's packed up it's not really aimed well. I also had originally mounted it under my back foot; it got better when I moved it forward.

newer software will recover from the loss of sync, but you still gotta get away from interference. The Nyko docs say 3m, which is about right in perfect conditions. Even blocking with a body is enough to throw it off.
austindavid said:
We'll have to double check with Austin... Last time I got it working I basically had to trick it to run cruise control at a lower speed and then set the lower speed as cruise control. You can also try re-flashing it and the resetting the default cruise control.

Reflashing won't work, but I can push software you can flash to reset it. This sounds exactly like you set the "auto cruise" to full blast, which should be hard to do on accident.

To fix it: flip the board, press and hold C, then down until its super slow or stopped, then (still holding C) all the way right. Hold that for 5 secs. If you get it right the speed will hold for the whole time. Let go of the stick (still holding c) and it will stay. This is the new auto cruise setting.

Let go of c, then hold c again and it'll go back to that speed. If its zero or not fast enough, bump the stick up till its where you want, then hold right for 5 secs again. I have mine set to about a good push off speed, so I can push the board and hold C and it keeps going, for an easy start.

It should be kinda tough to change that accidentally unless you have a habit of holding the stick to the side...[/quote]

I know how to set and reset the cruise control speed now. The reason I brought this up is because even after I set it to super slow, use my cruise for push off speed, let go of C, toggle up to speed, hit c and cruise at speed for awhile, let off C to slow down, Hit C for my "set" kick off speed but get a slow gradual acceleration all the way to top speed. (even though I never set my cruise to top speed) I'm definitely not accidentally resetting it.

I can ride it this way and I am fine with it, but I'm not sure everyone will like it. just giving a heads up.

PS. It started doing this after the latest update.
psychotiller said:
I know how to set and reset the cruise control speed now. The reason I brought this up is because even after I set it to super slow, use my cruise for push off speed, let go of C, toggle up to speed, hit c and cruise at speed for awhile, let off C to slow down, Hit C for my "set" kick off speed but get a slow gradual acceleration all the way to top speed. (even though I never set my cruise to top speed) I'm definitely not accidentally resetting it.

If it's within 5 seconds of your last cruise control and you hit C again -- it will go to your last set cruise control speed. If you wait till after the 5 seconds, it should revert back to your original set cruise control speed.

We have a 5 second auto pick up on the last set cruise control speed - in case you want to slow down for a few seconds and pick up again at your last cruise control speed.

Not sure if that helps but let me know if I'm not understanding you properly. Would this be a feature -- that you would like or no?
torqueboards said:
psychotiller said:
I know how to set and reset the cruise control speed now. The reason I brought this up is because even after I set it to super slow, use my cruise for push off speed, let go of C, toggle up to speed, hit c and cruise at speed for awhile, let off C to slow down, Hit C for my "set" kick off speed but get a slow gradual acceleration all the way to top speed. (even though I never set my cruise to top speed) I'm definitely not accidentally resetting it.

If it's within 5 seconds of your last cruise control and you hit C again -- it will go to your last set cruise control speed. If you wait till after the 5 seconds, it should revert back to your original set cruise control speed.

We have a 5 second auto pick up on the last set cruise control speed - in case you want to slow down for a few seconds and pick up again at your last cruise control speed.

Not sure if that helps but let me know if I'm not understanding you properly. Would this be a feature -- that you would like or no?

You're misunderstanding me...If im not pulling the stick to the right for 5 seconds at full speed "ever" Why would my C button "ever" take me to full speed?
could data from the x axis be passed to D10, for control of another ESC ?

One output for motor speed, another for steering ?

Would there be a possibility for a wireless 'dumbed down' version of your board ?
..Tiny85 processor, two ESC/servo outputs, two Digital (Button C,Z) - with the wireless dongle from the Wii still pluging in as you have it ?

//i am using your wiiciever code atm but cant find where to zero the throttle, on the serial output i have to have a reading of 0.25 before the motor stops.
I would like it that if i release the joystick the motors stop.