1 mW
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- Jan 7, 2020
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I'm working on my first electric go kart project and would like to purchase all the needed parts. Before I do that, however, I'd like to ask you for advice: please let me know whether you think the combination of parts below makes sense (isn't a waste of money and will work well together) and whether I have forgotten anything essential or particularly useful. Thanks!
I'm basing my design on a wiring diagram by Kelly
Motor: 0909 Mars Brush-type PMDC motor (http://www.motenergy.com/me0909.html)
I'm planning to build the motor bracket myself. Shouldn't be too difficult, I hope...
Controller: Kelly KDZ48300 (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/kdz/) + J1 and J2 cables for connecting throttle, lights, etc. to the controller (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/j2-cable/) + RS-232 to USB for programming + 14-pin connector (is it necessary???) (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/14-pin-connector/)
0-5V throttle (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/simplified-0-5v-throttle-pedal/)
10A car fuse https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/21t5hCHvhfL.jpg
300A fuse (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/ane-fuse/)
48V 400A contactor (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/kzj-400a/)
200V 3A diode (https://www.conrad.at/de/p/diotec-si-gleichrichterdiode-1n5402-do-201-200-v-3-a-162388.html)
1kOhm 25W precharge resistor (https://www.conrad.at/de/p/widap-160042-draht-widerstand-1-0-k-im-gehaeuse-25-w-1-1-st-1525156.html)
11 teeth, 428 type chain sprocket for the motor (not sure if this one will fit and whether it's the right choice in general. Any advice?) (https://www.amazon.de/Motorritzel-f...eywords=ritzel+go+kart&qid=1579186278&sr=8-66)
Key for the motor sprocket (https://www.amazon.de/Schlüssel-qua...words=keilnut+schlüssel&qid=1579189969&sr=8-4)
428 chain, 116 links (https://www.amazon.de/Kette-Glieder...ÅŽÕÑ&keywords=428+kette&qid=1579191093&sr=8-5)
A used, standard go kart chassis - standard wheels, steering, brake, etc. (something like https://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/d/go-kart-355671244/)
A 428 drive axle sprocket, in case the chassis has a non-428 sprocket installed (https://www.amazon.de/Vobor-Kettenr...ÅŽÕÑ&keywords=428+kette&qid=1579187645&sr=8-7)
As for batteries, I have a Stiga 48V 5Ah Li-Ion pack lying around and I was thinking of using it for testing the system and maybe riding for a short time. I'm planning to simply use the + and - terminals that are available (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81tLgs1b1dL._AC_SL1500_.jpg). (not sure what the Ohm and C ports are for...) Is this a good idea to get started?
Anyways, later I would buy proper batteries. My budget for them is around 300 Euros ($334). One idea I have is to put four of these in series: https://www.amazon.de/8000mAh-Lipo-...MKHSJPRAT58&psc=1&refRID=62KJA44QQMKHSJPRAT58
I realize that it's not a lot of juice, but I'd like to actually use the power the motor can provide even if it means riding only for 5-10 minutes, instead of having more ride time, but going slower - if I'd buy lead acid batteries, for example. Are there any other good options for that price?
And, finally, I would get a charger for the batteries.
So, what do you think? Have I forgotten anything? I'd appreciate your help a lot!
I'm working on my first electric go kart project and would like to purchase all the needed parts. Before I do that, however, I'd like to ask you for advice: please let me know whether you think the combination of parts below makes sense (isn't a waste of money and will work well together) and whether I have forgotten anything essential or particularly useful. Thanks!
I'm basing my design on a wiring diagram by Kelly
Motor: 0909 Mars Brush-type PMDC motor (http://www.motenergy.com/me0909.html)
I'm planning to build the motor bracket myself. Shouldn't be too difficult, I hope...
Controller: Kelly KDZ48300 (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/kdz/) + J1 and J2 cables for connecting throttle, lights, etc. to the controller (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/j2-cable/) + RS-232 to USB for programming + 14-pin connector (is it necessary???) (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/14-pin-connector/)
0-5V throttle (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/simplified-0-5v-throttle-pedal/)
10A car fuse https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/21t5hCHvhfL.jpg
300A fuse (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/ane-fuse/)
48V 400A contactor (https://kellycontroller.com/shop/kzj-400a/)
200V 3A diode (https://www.conrad.at/de/p/diotec-si-gleichrichterdiode-1n5402-do-201-200-v-3-a-162388.html)
1kOhm 25W precharge resistor (https://www.conrad.at/de/p/widap-160042-draht-widerstand-1-0-k-im-gehaeuse-25-w-1-1-st-1525156.html)
11 teeth, 428 type chain sprocket for the motor (not sure if this one will fit and whether it's the right choice in general. Any advice?) (https://www.amazon.de/Motorritzel-f...eywords=ritzel+go+kart&qid=1579186278&sr=8-66)
Key for the motor sprocket (https://www.amazon.de/Schlüssel-qua...words=keilnut+schlüssel&qid=1579189969&sr=8-4)
428 chain, 116 links (https://www.amazon.de/Kette-Glieder...ÅŽÕÑ&keywords=428+kette&qid=1579191093&sr=8-5)
A used, standard go kart chassis - standard wheels, steering, brake, etc. (something like https://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/d/go-kart-355671244/)
A 428 drive axle sprocket, in case the chassis has a non-428 sprocket installed (https://www.amazon.de/Vobor-Kettenr...ÅŽÕÑ&keywords=428+kette&qid=1579187645&sr=8-7)
As for batteries, I have a Stiga 48V 5Ah Li-Ion pack lying around and I was thinking of using it for testing the system and maybe riding for a short time. I'm planning to simply use the + and - terminals that are available (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81tLgs1b1dL._AC_SL1500_.jpg). (not sure what the Ohm and C ports are for...) Is this a good idea to get started?
Anyways, later I would buy proper batteries. My budget for them is around 300 Euros ($334). One idea I have is to put four of these in series: https://www.amazon.de/8000mAh-Lipo-...MKHSJPRAT58&psc=1&refRID=62KJA44QQMKHSJPRAT58
I realize that it's not a lot of juice, but I'd like to actually use the power the motor can provide even if it means riding only for 5-10 minutes, instead of having more ride time, but going slower - if I'd buy lead acid batteries, for example. Are there any other good options for that price?
And, finally, I would get a charger for the batteries.
So, what do you think? Have I forgotten anything? I'd appreciate your help a lot!