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    • 4
      Burning up the cheap spot welders (and even some 'good' spot welders) is often a result of not providing high enough input current. You...
    • 4
      4πr^2 reacted to fill's post in the thread eBike Thermal Fuses with Like Like.
      btw afaik a thermal fuse is a one shot protection device, once blown it will not reset, for that behavior thermal switches are employed.
    • 4
      4πr^2 replied to the thread Tube failure Calculation ?.
      Couple of thoughts come to mind: On a bike, as mentioned above, dynamic loading will be the main factor. A few bumps or a small jump...
    • 4
      4πr^2 replied to the thread Bafang M500/M600 thread.
      Not sure about your specific bike/firmware/controller, ect, but on my M600 the 'speed limit' was 'removed' by moving the speed sensor...
    • 4
      4πr^2 replied to the thread Reverse thinking....
      Maybe 'inherently' - but it seems like 'real world', turning is most often associated with a braking/deceleration event. Certainly so...
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