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    • 4
      4πr^2 replied to the thread BBSHD scratched axle.
      I don't see anything in the photo which would cause me concern. I really don't see anything on the left and below the reflection...
    • 4
      4πr^2 replied to the thread MOSFET rating/derating data.
      For understanding part, the datasheet should have a bunch of graphs tracking performance vs various parameters. The more of those...
    • 4
      4πr^2 replied to the thread MOSFET rating/derating data.
      Oooff! I don't know that I would push it that hard. FETs in parallel can certainly handle more power but you have to figure there is...
    • 4
      Guess it depends if you think your controller is in greater danger by exposure to water/moisture/dirt/vibration, or you think there is a...
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