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    • Ecyclist
      Ecyclist replied to the thread CYC PHOTON.
      Spectacular. Thank you for posting. Can you let us know the location of this fantastic trail?
    • Ecyclist
      Ecyclist replied to the thread CYC PHOTON.
      In harmonic drive the flex spline has to be very thin to work properly and because of that can't take heavy loads. It's obvious form...
    • Ecyclist
      Ecyclist replied to the thread CYC PHOTON.
      Cycloidal and harmonic drives are two different things. Harmonic is low power drive. Cycloidal can be low power, but it can be very high...
    • Ecyclist
      Ecyclist replied to the thread CYC PHOTON.
      Obviously your mind is set. Good for you.;)
    • Ecyclist
      Ecyclist replied to the thread CYC PHOTON.
      It looks like you already pulled the trigger, so I might be a little late. It was a dude on this forum who build a very cool friction...
    • Ecyclist
      Ecyclist replied to the thread CYC PHOTON.
      Yes, but it looks good.;)
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