sabvoton SVMC72150 strange phase voltage


10 mW
Jan 13, 2013
I'm new owner of SVMC72150 controller and I have a question.
If I switch on the controller and measure phase voltage when the motor is stopped, there is continuous 12V on all three phases, measured to battery-.
Otherwise motor is running OK without any problems and current consumption of controller, when motor isn't running, is about 50mA.

I was thinking...if there is H-bridge in the controller, there should be no voltage at all, if the motor is stopped or im I wrong?
Mosfets aren't physcal switches, so there is always a little bit of current leaking from them even when they are shut off.
That could be why you're still seing a little bit of voltage.

Why is this bothering you? Is there any problem you want to solve or is this just for curiosity's sake?
Just curiosity, as I tried to calibrate shunt for CA, I checked the manual and there is written that you have to connect Icharger + to bat- and Icharger - to one of the phases. I did that, but Icharger keept beeping wrong polarity, so i checked it with multimeter.