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    • TommyCat
      TommyCat reacted to 2 self-build ecars later's post in the thread No foot pedal start with Like Like.
      Will edit as you suggest. And add a summary. Also, you will see a picture or two of the completed project I expect this weekend. Plan...
    • TommyCat
      Just wanted to clarify that this is in regard to checking good components electrical check-out, to the possible bad components...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      Wow, what a quick and exciting change of status! :) Great to hear you decisively tracked down the missing throttle signal and quickly...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat reacted to 2 self-build ecars later's post in the thread No foot pedal start with Cheers Cheers.
      TC, I replaced the signal wire between controller and throttle, and bingo, motor start and throttle-controlled wheel spin. I'm in a...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat reacted to 2 self-build ecars later's post in the thread No foot pedal start with Like Like.
      TC, while no voltage at signal wire PCB connection, I was still getting .82 volts at rest, and 3.07 volts at WOT, where the controller...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      (y) (y) Full battery voltage and throttle signal voltage…
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      If the Blue controller came with your other parts, and I have seen some information on it. I would concentrate on making it work first...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      Sorry, I do not. How about a link to the product page? Do you have a max rpm for ether controller? Thank you for the updates.
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      Good to know that you have indeed used the reversing feature of the “learning wire”. Evidence that it is working properly… This to me...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      (y) I'm all in, this puzzle has my full attention. Absolutely no change in operation or sound? No grunts, clicks, or any detected...
    • TommyCat
      Would be more helpful to more people if you post helpful info directly into threads. Hiding it in DMs / PMs means it only helps the...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      Thank you for your detailed verification and updates. Much appreciated. I would feel confident that any wire marked as a ground and...
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      On further review and for verification… You connected the electric door lock wire to the battery positive terminal for operation?
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      Sounds hopeful. Completed other checks?
    • TommyCat
      TommyCat replied to the thread No foot pedal start.
      Agreed. From what I understand is that they need to be disconnected during normal use. I'm suspicious that this may be an issue. As...
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