1 MW
One more question, if i kind of cheap out and buy some INR 21700-40p cells for their 10c discharge and their small size so i can make a huge battery, would i notice the performance impact from not buying name brand/tested cells? since these claim 500 charge cycles and are cheaper, but i do not know if i should buy them?
Well, EVE is a name brand. They just don't have the same reputation of Panasonic, LG, Samsung, etc. But it isn't like they have a bad reputation. From what I've seen, they are a well thought of Chinese brand. And given that they sell batteries to EV car makers, they are not a fly-by-night company and almost certainly they value their reputation. That said, I understand that they will sell batteries on consumer channels as "B Grade". These are batteries that don't pass certain rigorous standards as specified for car use. But this has more to do with how well they maintain nearly perfect balance. Even so, such batteries are probably fine for many consumer applications.
Whether you should buy them or not is, IMO, only something you can decide. I would expect genuine EVE cells to perform pretty much as rated. So it all depends on your priorities, size of pocketbook, etc. I'd also check the reputation of the seller as an aid to ensure that you don't end up buying used cells sold as new or counterfeit cells.