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  1. B

    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello Everyone!!! I just got back from a two-week trip to my parcel, well last Saturday, and decided to make a final post and answer any questions regarding this project and let this thread die. I have a montra for this bike: "When you turn the throttle, it's going with-or-without you!" The...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    I do have access to metal and tools but don't trust my wielding abilities. I'm good with wood and wanted to get this project on the road quickly. I don't think painting will effect the structural integrity of the wood. Wood is very viable and strong. Some airplanes are made entirely out of wood...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello everyone! This project is finally coming to an end! I got the dashboard built, wired-up the SureFun data logger and got it working and got a Cell Logger 8S wired up. My Pyramid power supply died, but Amazon replaced it within days!!! I still have lots of minor things to do but most is...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello All, Another busy day. Everything came together and is finally making sense. Friday (May 7, 2010) I put the controller and associated parts on a 'real' platform instead of what I had. With the final design, I no longer need to remove the batteries to charge them. Sometimes it's the...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    I think I'm going to answer my own question posted above. "Never overlook the obvious" The 'mOhm' in the CA manual stands for Milli Ohm, not Mega Ohm. Since Volts = Amps x Ohms, and my shunt is 50 mv at 100 amps, I can calculate the ohms, which should be 0.500 milli ohms in High Range mode of...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I just finished my trials, the sun is setting and I'm totally confused. How accurate is the Cycle Analysis (CA)? According to it, I'll get about 47.5 miles on a charge using eight 40 amp batteries. That does not seem possible since most posts I've seen are...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Huston, the spacecraft has cleared the tower... What a busy day today! I finalized the mounting brackets and ended up completing the mini bike... well about 80% done. I took it for a ride about 2 am my time!!! WHAT A BLAST!!!!! I was worried about the wood braces but they didn't even flinch...
  8. B

    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello All. This is an update of the project so far... Pictures will come later. The only wielders I found work Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and are far from me. So I decided to build the battery and motor housing myself out of wood since I don't know how to wield or have the equipment...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello Everyone! All the parts for my project finally came in last Friday (04/16/2010). Oddly enough the first part I ordered was the last to arrive which was a sprocket for the motor. I have two 3.2v 40 ah batteries on back-order but I have enough to build a 24 volt system for testing. The...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Good stuff FeralDog. Locking the front forks is a great idea! I don't want to give the wrong impression here with regards to the use of this bike. My parcel is very flat and not rocky at all. I doubt there are any slopes greater than 10 degrees and no rocks that can't be avoided. Very mild...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello Wasp! My first criteria for the frame were the fattest tires I could find. I've been riding motorcycles forever and found when riding in snow, mud or sand that is the way to go. The next criteria is a low seat. It's nice to be able to stabilize yourself with your legs without straddling...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    GMTA. I've been keeping my eye out for a Rokon but If I were to use it, I'd keep the front/rear drive-train enact and replace the 15hp motor with an ME-709 or something similar with 15 hp nominal. They have all the bugs worked out on synchronizing the wheels already and why 'reinvent the wheel'...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello FeralDog! Good advice all around and much appreciated! I guess it's prudent to disclose the purpose of this project. I have a 640 acre parcel in a remote location at an altitude of 6500 feet off the grid. Since I live at 1500 feet, walking around the parcel wears me out. There are no...
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    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Thanks for the reply mdd0127! As luck would have it, I'm only going to receive 11 cells (one back-ordered) so I'm going to initially build a 24 volt system. That comes to about 28 pounds for the batteries. With the motor, controller and batteries, I'll actually be under the weight of the stuff...
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    FLYING with electricity

    Yea Lock, that's the ticket! Nice to see the propeller assembly can be retracted because a stalled blade acts like an air brake.
  16. B

    FLYING with electricity

    I'll chime in since I have a glider and single engine land rating. Probably the best application for EV in the air would be in a powered glider. Gliders really don't care about weight so much. In fact, some of the hi performance gliders use weights (water) to increase their distance to find the...
  17. B

    My Baja Minibike Project Begins

    Hello everyone, I'm a long-time lurker and have finally decided to build something small that I can use to roam a parcel I have in a remote location. It has some steep hills to traverse so I opted for a system with higher current. My electronics knowledge is extensive, but not with high-amp DC...