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  1. serisman

    serisman's Giant ATX 860 commuter (v2.0)

    I built version 1.0 ( back in April 2013 and put over 700 EV miles on it, but recently had to retire it due to some (somewhat expected) issues: The stock hub motor wheel was built with poor quality and exhibited hairline cracks and large dents in the sidewall The...
  2. serisman

    Forgot my helmet today

    At about 2 miles into my 7 mile commute this morning, I realized that I had forgotten my helmet that was sitting less than a foot from my bike. I was wondering what suggestions or tips others might have to make sure that never happens again?
  3. serisman

    Pre-charge affecting watt meter minimum voltage reading

    I noticed something interesting today, and wonder if others have run across it or not. I have a battery pack from cell_man that incorporates a 100 ohm pre-charge resistor. The recommendation is to first connect the controller to the battery using the negative and pre-charge wires. Then after...
  4. serisman

    Battery charging recommendation for long life

    I am in the process of making the switching from Lead Acid to Lithium Ion, and want to maximize the life of my new battery pack as much as possible. I would like some help in determining the best charging schedule to accomplish this. My ebike currently has a conhismotor 48v 1000w rear kit on...