50mph Razor E300

ElectricGod said:
Ianhill said:
I'd try grab a gas guzzler that's spares or repairs and pull the old block and box the area up making it a battery tray and swap the rear wheel to a big boy hub 14kw form QSmotors with a 92v sabvoton contoller and enough 96v battery to discharge at 200amps and then you will be able to hit the magic 120mph, at that discharge level it will be eating 18kw per hour or a 1kw battery would be flat in 4mins and it will have travelled only 8 miles and it would be well into the thousands, I like your ambition though but in reality it's tough.

This is a great idea, but please don't go with a hub motor. You will spend sooo much less on a larger outrunner that weighs 1/5 as much and destroys the hubbie.

BTW...Sabvoton is all clones anymore and they are garbage. IF you can find an old one from like 2014, that will be a legit Sabvoton. Anything new is Chinesium garbage.

Not cheap, but worth it, go with a Mobipus.

I'm gonna pick up a 2001 cbr600f4 and put some lightweight rims take off motor and exhaust and get the motor I need. What should I get that's a out runner air cooled. The bikes like $300 but I'm getting the motor too.