Blown votol em100

Oct 23, 2020
My electric motorcycle is QS205 hub motor 2000w 72v, votol em100 and 20S9P battery.

When I’ve tested the motorcycle on a static stand, I’ve put it on full throttle when accidentally activate the cut off switch for the main contactor. The system shutdown immediately. But when i’ve tried to switch the system on again there is a dead short between the positive and negative input on the votol em100.

What do you think went wrong? Can the controller be repaired?
We can't really tell anything if we can't see inside the controller, you're gonna have to open it and show us a picture of the insides.
I don't have much experience but what you're describing sounds relatively... catastrophic :confused:
BDamari said:
We can't really tell anything if we can't see inside the controller, you're gonna have to open it and show us a picture of the insides.
I don't have much experience but what you're describing sounds relatively... catastrophic :confused:

Thank you for your reply. Most of the mosfet was toast. The service center replace all the burnout mosfet. Now the controller is working again.
my votol 30s is stop working and i check in display software status is overcurrent, can you help me, il appreciate it! :thumb: